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This is a libray that adds cross-browser support for real-time feeds and streaming notifications to web applications in an easy way (using Server-Sent Events (SSE) only)


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This is a library that adds cross-browser support for real-time feeds and notifications to PHP web applications in an easy way (using Server-Sent Events (SSE) only). It currently supports Laravel version 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7 only.

How to Use

Load Up the package from Composer

		$ composer require synergixe/php-beamzer:^0.1
	"require": {
        	"synergixe/php-beamzer": "^0.1"

Publish the config for the package to the Laravel config folder

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Synergixe\Beamzer\Providers\Laravel\BeamzerServiceProvider"

This will create the package's config file called beamzer.php in the config directory of your Laravel Project. These are the contents of the published config file:

return [
	    | The timeout value for when Beamzer should stop trying tofetch data (milliseconds)
	'ping' => env('BEAMZER_PING_TIMEOUT', '3000'),
	    | To support IE 8/9 or not when sending data back to the client.
	'support_old_ie' => TRUE,
	    | Number of times before the client should retry an SSE connection.
	'retry_limit_count' => 10,
	    | To use or not to use Redis.
	'use_redis' => FALSE,
	    | redis publish channel name.
	'redis_pub_channel' => 'notifications',
	    | The size of data sent back to the client per connection.
	'data_chunks_size' => 5


Create the event listener to be used with the nofication custom event using the custom command provided by the package

php artisan create:notificationfile

Then create your Laravel Controllers

php artisan make:controller EventSourceController
php artisan make:controller MessageController

Create the Laravel Notifications Database Table

php artisan notifications:table

php artisan migrate

Register the route for returning your stream notifications and for create notifications

	/* In routes/web.php */

	Route::get('/users/notifications', 'EventSourceController@getNotifications');
	Route::post('/notify/subjects/{kind}', 'MessageController@fireNotificationEvent');
	Route::patch('/user/notifications/update/{nid}', 'EventSourceController@updateNotificationsAsRead');

Update the app config for service provider and alias classes

If you use Laravel 5.5 and above don't bother doing this as it is included automatically

	/* In app/config/app.php */

	'providers' => [
	'alias' => [
	    'Streamer' => Synergixe\PHPBeamzer\Facades\Laravel\Streamer::class

Setup the Controller for read notifications from the DB and return it to PHPBeamzer

	/* In app/Http/Controllers/EventSourceController.php */
	use Synergixe\PHPBeamzer\Beamzer as Beamzer;

	class EventSourceController extends Controller {

			public function __construct(){

				// code goes here...

			public function pullNotificationData(Request $request, $user){

				 	return array();

				 $last_id = $request->input('lastEventId');
				 	return $user->unreadNotifications->take(10)->get();

				 	return $user->unreadNotifications->where('created_at', '>', $last_id)

			public function deleteAllUnreadNotifications(Request $request){
				$user = \Auth::user();
				return response()->json(array('status' => 'ok'));
			public function countAllUnreadNotifications(Request $request){
				$user = \Auth::user();
				$count = $user->unreadNotifications()->groupBy('notifiable_type')->count();
				return response()->json(array('count' => $count));
				The $nid variable is the notification id sent via 
				AJAX (as a PATCH request) to update the status of
				the notification to "read"
			public function updateNotificationsAsRead(Request $request, $nid){
					$user = \Auth::user();
						->where('id', $nid)
							->update(['read_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
						return response()->json(array('status' => 'ok'));
						return response('okay', 200);

				The {Beamzer} object in injected into the 
				controller method as a dependency.

			public function getNotifications(Request $request, Beamzer $streamer){
			    $user = \Auth::user();
			    $response = $streamer->setup(array(
			    	'as_event' => 'activity', // event name to listen for on the client-side
				'exec_limit' => 3000, // number of milliseconds allowed for streamer to collect data and send to the browser
				'as_cors' => TRUE // For Cross Origin requests
			           'data_source_callback' => array(&$this, 'pullNotificationData'), // function/method to return notification data as array
			           'data_source_callback_args' => array(
			                    'args' => array($request, $user) // arguments to the `data_source_callback` method/function
			    return $response;

Setup the EventServiceProvider to Configure Laravel events for Creating Notifications

			/* In app/Providers/EventServiceProvider */

			class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {

				 * The event listener mappings for the application.
				 * @var array
				protected $listen = [
				    'Synergixe\PHPBeamzer\Events\NotificableEvent' => [

Setup Controller to fire Event when something happens within your Application

			/* In app/Http/Controllers/MessageController.php */
			use Illuminate\Http\Request;
			use Synergixe\PHPBeamzer\Events\NotificableEvent as NotificableEvent;

			class MessageController extends Controller {

				public function __construct(){

					// code goes here...
				public function fireNotificationEvent(Request $request, $kind) {
					$event = null;
						case "follows":
							$user = \Auth::user();
							$followee = User::where('id', '=', $request->input('followee_id'));

							$follow = $user->follows()->attach([

							$event = new NotificableEvent(
					if(! is_null($event)){

Add the Modifier Traits (Actionable, Describable) to the Subject of your Notifications

			/* In app/User.php */

			use Synergixe\PHPBeamzer\Modifiers\Actionable as Actionable;
			use Synergixe\PHPBeamzer\Modifiers\Describable as Describable;

			class User extends Eloquent {

				use Notifiable, Actionable, Describable;
				/* create the `actionsPerfomed` property for trait { Actionable } */
				protected $actionsPerfomed = array(
					"follows" => 'asked to follow you'
				public function routeNotificationForMail(){
       					return $this->email_address;
				public function follows(){ // relation for all `follows`
					return $this->belongsToMany(User::class,
						    'followee_id', 'follower_id', 'id', 'id', 'follows'
				public function followers(){ // relation for all `followers`
					return $this->belongsToMany(User::class,
						    'follower_id', 'followee_id', 'id', 'id', 'followers'
				/* create the `makeDescription` method for trait { Describable } */
				public function makeDecription(){
						This can be used to describe the subject/object each
						time on the client-side in your notifications
						 list when rendered in HTML
					return array(
						'name' => ($this->last_name . " " . $this->first_name),
						'id' => $this->id

Modify the generated NotificableEventListener to include your own code in the handle method

			/*In app/Listeners/NotificableEventListener.php */
			use Synergixe\PHPBeamzer\Notifications\ActivityStreamNotification as ActivityStreamNotification;
			use Synergixe\PHPBeamzer\Events\NotificableEvent as NotificableEvent;

			class NotificableEventListener implements ShouldQueue {

				use InteractsWithQueue;

				public function __construct(){

					// code goes here...

				public function handle(NotificableEvent $event){
					$event_kind = $event->getKind();

						The below code assumes that the {User} model has a 
						relationship called {followers} -> e.g. could be
						followers of a user on a social platform.

						So, all followers are notified using beamzers'
						custom notification {ActivityStreamNotification} with an
						action of 'asked to follow'.
						case "follows":
								new ActivityStreamNotification(

				public function failed(NotificableEvent $event, $exception){

			        	// code goes here...


On the client-side, setup beamzer-client JS libary like so

<script src="path/to/beamzer-client.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
	var beam = new BeamzerClient({
               options:{loggingEnabled:true, interval:2500}
          beam.start(function onOpen(e){ 
	  	console.log("SSE connection established!");
	  }, onfunction onError(e){
	  	console.log("error: ", e);
	  }, function onMessage(e){
	  	console.log("message id: ", e.lastEventId);
	  	console.log("message data: ",;
          beam.on("activity", function(e){
	  	console.log("event id: ", e.lastEventId);
	  	console.log("even data: ",;




  • PHP 5.6.4 +
  • Redis Server (Optional)


It isn't absolutely necessary but you can use this library with its front end component library called beamzer-client. This front end library support the follwoing browsers:

  • IE 9.0+
  • FF 4.0+
  • Opera 10.5+
  • Chrome 4.0+
  • Safari 7.0+


You can contribute to this project by setting up a DOCS section or sending in a PR. report bugs and feature requests to the issue tracker


This is a libray that adds cross-browser support for real-time feeds and streaming notifications to web applications in an easy way (using Server-Sent Events (SSE) only)







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