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This repository builds a GatsbyJS site to deploy a digital garden website based on gatsby-theme-garden.

Content is sourced from the pages directory which is currently configured to pull in a Foam repository of Markdown files.

To use this repository with a different source repository, clone this repository and delete the current submodule and replace with your own. NB because my source repository is private, unless you modify this repository will not build.


The repository is designed to build on Netlify.

The build script updates the content repository by doing a git pull origin master - in other words you don't need to update this repository each time you update content.

Netlify needs full git read access to the content submodule to do this, so take the following steps:

  1. using ssh-keygen create a new SSH public-private key pair without a passphrase.
  2. Add the public key as a deploy key on the Github repo for the content submodule
  3. In a text editor edit the private key to replace all newlines with underscore
  4. In Netlify configure an environment variable called SSH_KEY. Paste the edited private key into this variable.
  5. The build script checks if it is running on Netlify and if so re-transforms the private key and saves it to ~/.ssh/id_rsa.

Triggering Netlify to build on each content update

  1. In Netlify create a webhook for your site
  2. Copy the webhook URL
  3. In Github go to the repo for your content
  4. Add a secret called NETLIFY_HOOK_URL
  5. Paste the webhook URL into the secret
  6. In your content repo create a Github action:


name: Trigger Netlify build
      - master
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Invoke Netlify deployment hook
        uses: distributhor/workflow-webhook@v1
          webhook_url: ${{secrets.NETLIFY_HOOK_URL}}?trigger_title=content_update
          webhook_secret: "whatever"

Local development

If your workstation is Mac or Linux you can directly run yarn install && gatsby develop in the root of this repository.

GatsbyJS develop mode seems to be flakey on Windows hosts.

To get around that this repo contains a Vagrantfile to define a simple linux VM for use in development.

Following assumes that VirtualBox and Vagrant are installed and working.

The Vagrantfile forwards port 8000 on the guest VM to port 8000 on the host, so you can still monitor changes by pointing a browser at

On host:

$> vagrant up
$> vagrant ssh

On guest VM

vagrant@gatsby:~$ cd site
vagrant@gatsby:~/site$ yarn install
vagrant@gatsby:~/site$ gatsby develop -H


Search via Jonathan Ingall and Mathieu DuTour


This repository (c) Julian Elve 2020 onwards and released under the MIT licence - see [LICENSE]


Digital Garden publisher







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