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SQL driver for PostgreSQL
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5HT committed Sep 8, 2015
1 parent 88d5b88 commit 11f614c
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Showing 2 changed files with 165 additions and 16 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions rebar.config
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{lib_dirs, [".."]}.
{deps_dir, ["deps"]}.
180 changes: 164 additions & 16 deletions src/store/store_sql.erl
@@ -1,25 +1,59 @@
-author('Daniil Churikov').
-author('Max Davidenko').

-define(SETTINGS, #sql_settings{placeholder = fun (_, Pos, _) -> PosBin = integer_to_binary(Pos), <<"$", PosBin/binary>> end}).

start() -> ok.
stop() -> ok.

version() -> {version,"KVS SQL 1.0.0"}.
join() -> ok.
join(_) -> ok.
initialize() -> ok.

insert(E, Table, S) ->
SkipFun = fun(#column{ro = RO}, V) -> RO orelse V == '$skip' end,
Q = prepare_insert(skip(SkipFun, Table#table.columns, e2l(E)), Table, S),
if Q#query.values /= [] -> {ok, build(Q)};
true -> {error, empty_insert} end.
Q#query.values /= [] ->
Query = build(Q),
BinFold = fun(Elem, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, Elem/binary>>
NewBody = lists:foldl(BinFold, <<>>, lists:flatten(Query#query.body)),
NewVals = lists:map(fun convertBindingVal/1, Query#query.values),
{ok, Query#query{body = NewBody, values = NewVals}};
true ->
{error, empty_insert}

select_pk(E, Table, S) ->
SkipFun = fun(#column{key = Key}, _) -> not Key end,
Q = prepare_select(skip(SkipFun, Table#table.columns, e2l(E)), Table, S),
if Q#query.values /= [] -> {ok, build(Q)};
Q#query.values /= [] ->
Query = build(Q),
BinFold = fun(Elem, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, Elem/binary>>
NewBody = lists:foldl(BinFold, <<>>, lists:flatten(Query#query.body)),
NewVals = lists:map(fun convertBindingVal/1, Query#query.values),
{ok, Query#query{body = NewBody, values = NewVals}};
true -> {error, pk_miss} end.

select(E, Table, S) ->
SkipFun = fun(_, V) -> V == '$skip' end,
{ok, build(prepare_select(skip(SkipFun, Table#table.columns, e2l(E)), Table, S))}.
Query = build(prepare_select(skip(SkipFun, Table#table.columns, e2l(E)), Table, S)),
BinFold = fun(Elem, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, Elem/binary>>
NewBody = lists:foldl(BinFold, <<>>, lists:flatten(Query#query.body)),
NewVals = lists:map(fun convertBindingVal/1, Query#query.values),
{ok, Query#query{body = NewBody, values = NewVals}}.

update_pk(E, Table = #table{columns = MekaoCols}, S) ->
SetSkipFun = fun(#column{ro = RO}, V) -> RO orelse V == '$skip' end,
Expand All @@ -29,7 +63,15 @@ update_pk(E, Table = #table{columns = MekaoCols}, S) ->
skip(WhereSkipFun, MekaoCols, Vals),Table, S),
if (Q#query.body)#sql_update.set == [] -> {error, empty_update};
(Q#query.body)#sql_update.where == [] -> {error, pk_miss};
true -> {ok, build(Q)} end.
true ->
Query = build(Q),
BinFold = fun(Elem, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, Elem/binary>>
NewBody = lists:foldl(BinFold, <<>>, lists:flatten(Query#query.body)),
NewVals = lists:map(fun convertBindingVal/1, Query#query.values),
{ok, Query#query{body = NewBody, values = NewVals}}

update_pk_diff(E1, E2, Table = #table{columns = MekaoCols}, S) ->
Vals1 = e2l(E1),
Expand All @@ -43,38 +85,67 @@ update_pk_diff(E1, E2, Table = #table{columns = MekaoCols}, S) ->
skip(WhereSkipFun, MekaoCols, Vals1),Table, S),
if (Q#query.body)#sql_update.set == [] -> {error, empty_update};
(Q#query.body)#sql_update.where == [] -> {error, pk_miss};
true -> {ok, build(Q)} end.
true ->
Query = build(Q),
BinFold = fun(Elem, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, Elem/binary>>
NewBody = lists:foldl(BinFold, <<>>, lists:flatten(Query#query.body)),
NewVals = lists:map(fun convertBindingVal/1, Query#query.values),
{ok, Query#query{body = NewBody, values = NewVals}}

update(E, Selector, Table = #table{columns = MekaoCols}, S) ->
SetSkipFun = fun(#column{ro = RO}, V) -> RO orelse V == '$skip' end,
WhereSkipFun = fun(_, V) -> V == '$skip' end,
Q = prepare_update(skip(SetSkipFun, MekaoCols, e2l(E)),
skip(WhereSkipFun, MekaoCols, e2l(Selector)),Table, S),
if (Q#query.body)#sql_update.set == [] -> {error, empty_update};
true -> {ok, build(Q)} end.
true ->
Query = build(Q),
BinFold = fun(Elem, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, Elem/binary>>
NewBody = lists:foldl(BinFold, <<>>, lists:flatten(Query#query.body)),
NewVals = lists:map(fun convertBindingVal/1, Query#query.values),
{ok, Query#query{body = NewBody, values = NewVals}}

delete_pk(E, Table, S) ->
SkipFun = fun(#column{key = Key}, _) -> not Key end,
Q = prepare_delete(skip(SkipFun, Table#table.columns, e2l(E)), Table, S),
if Q#query.values /= [] -> {ok, build(Q)};
if Q#query.values /= [] ->
Query = build(Q),
BinFold = fun(Elem, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, Elem/binary>>
NewBody = lists:foldl(BinFold, <<>>, lists:flatten(Query#query.body)),
NewVals = lists:map(fun convertBindingVal/1, Query#query.values),
{ok, Query#query{body = NewBody, values = NewVals}};
true -> {error, pk_miss} end.

delete(Selector, Table, S) ->
SkipFun = fun(_, V) -> V == '$skip' end,
Q = prepare_delete(skip(SkipFun, Table#table.columns, e2l(Selector)), Table, S),
{ok, build(Q)}.
Query = build(Q),
BinFold = fun(Elem, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, Elem/binary>>
NewBody = lists:foldl(BinFold, <<>>, lists:flatten(Query#query.body)),
NewVals = lists:map(fun convertBindingVal/1, Query#query.values),
{ok, Query#query{body = NewBody, values = NewVals}}.

prepare_insert(E, Table, S) ->
{Cols, PHs, Types, Vals} = qdata(1, e2l(E), Table#table.columns, S),
Q = #sql_insert{,columns=intersperse(Cols, <<", ">>),
Q = #sql_insert{table=atom_to_binary(, utf8),columns=intersperse(Cols, <<", ">>),
values=intersperse(PHs, <<", ">>),returning=returning(insert, Table, S)},
#query{body=Q,types=Types,values=Vals,next_ph_num=length(PHs) + 1}.

prepare_select(E, Table, S) ->
#table{columns = MekaoCols,order_by = OrderBy} = Table,
{Where, {_, PHs, Types, Vals}} = where(qdata(1, e2l(E), MekaoCols, S), S),
AllCols = intersperse(MekaoCols, <<", ">>, fun(#column{name = Name}) -> Name end),
Q = #sql_select{,columns=AllCols,where=Where,order_by=order_by(OrderBy)},
Q = #sql_select{table=atom_to_binary(, utf8),columns=AllCols,where=Where,order_by=order_by(OrderBy)},
#query{body=Q,types=Types,values=Vals,next_ph_num = length(PHs) + 1}.

prepare_update(SetE, WhereE, Table = #table{columns = MekaoCols}, S) ->
Expand All @@ -83,12 +154,12 @@ prepare_update(SetE, WhereE, Table = #table{columns = MekaoCols}, S) ->
{Where, {_, WherePHs, WhereTypes, WhereVals}} = where(qdata(SetPHsLen + 1, e2l(WhereE), MekaoCols, S), S),
WherePHsLen = length(WherePHs),
Set = intersperse2(fun (C, PH) -> [C, <<" = ">>, PH] end,<<", ">>, SetCols, SetPHs),
Q = #sql_update{,set=Set,where=Where,returning=returning(update, Table, S)},
Q = #sql_update{table=atom_to_binary(, utf8),set=Set,where=Where,returning=returning(update, Table, S)},
#query{body=Q,types=SetTypes++WhereTypes,values=SetVals++WhereVals,next_ph_num = SetPHsLen + WherePHsLen + 1}.

prepare_delete(E, Table, S) ->
{Where, {_, PHs, Types, Vals}} = where(qdata(1, e2l(E), Table#table.columns, S), S),
Q = #sql_delete{,where=Where,returning=returning(delete, Table, S)},
Q = #sql_delete{table=atom_to_binary(, utf8),where=Where,returning=returning(delete, Table, S)},
#query{body=Q,types=Types,values=Vals,next_ph_num = length(PHs) + 1}.

build(Q = #query{body = Select}) when is_record(Select, sql_select) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,6 +219,7 @@ op_to_bin('>=') -> <<" >= ">>;
op_to_bin('<') -> <<" < ">>;
op_to_bin('<=') -> <<" <= ">>.

order_by(undefined) -> [];
order_by([]) -> [];
order_by([O]) -> [order_by_1(O)];
order_by([O | OrderBy]) -> [order_by_1(O), <<", ">> | order_by(OrderBy)].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,3 +260,79 @@ intersperse([Item | Items], Sep, Fun) -> [Fun(Item), Sep | intersperse(Items, Se
intersperse2(_Fun, _Sep, [], []) -> [];
intersperse2(Fun, _Sep, [I1], [I2]) -> [Fun(I1, I2)];
intersperse2(Fun, Sep, [I1 | I1s], [I2 | I2s]) -> [Fun(I1, I2), Sep | intersperse2(Fun, Sep, I1s, I2s)].

put(Records) when is_list(Records) -> lists:foreach(fun sql_put/1, Records);
put(Record) -> sql_put(Record).

sql_put(Record) ->
Table = kvs:table(element(1, Record)),
io:format("Trying to put ~p ~n", [Record]),
{ok, Query} = insert(Record, Table, ?SETTINGS),
io:format("Query [~p], vals [~p] ~n", [Query#query.body, Query#query.values]),
PutRes = extendedQuery(Query#query.body, Query#query.values),
case PutRes of
{ok, _} -> ok;
_ -> PutRes end.

get(Table, Key) ->
io:format("Trying to get from ~p by ~p ~n", [Table, Key]),
TableSpec = kvs:table(Table),
SkipVals = lists:duplicate(length(TableSpec#table.fields) - 1, '$skip'),
RecList = [Table | [Key | SkipVals]],
Record = list_to_tuple(RecList),
sql_get(TableSpec, Record).

sql_get(TableSpec, Record) ->
io:format("Record is: ~p ~n", [Record]),
{ok, Query} = select(Record, TableSpec, ?SETTINGS),
io:format("Query is: ~p ~n", [Query#query.body]),
QueryRes = extendedQuery(Query#query.body, Query#query.values),
case QueryRes of
{ok, []} -> {error, not_found};
{ok, Rows} -> [Row | _] = Rows, {ok, proplistToRecord(element(1, Record), Row)};
{ok, _Count, Rows} -> [Row | _] = Rows,{ok, proplistToRecord(element(1, Record), Row)};
_ -> QueryRes end.

proplistToRecord(Tag, Proplist) ->
ValsExt = fun(Elem) ->
{_, Val} = Elem,
Vals = lists:map(ValsExt, Proplist),
RecList = [Tag | Vals],

convertBindingVal(Val) when is_integer(Val) -> Val;
convertBindingVal(Val) when is_float(Val) -> Val;
convertBindingVal(Val) -> term_to_binary(Val).

mapResult([], _Rows) -> [];
mapResult(_Columns, []) -> [];
mapResult(Columns, Rows) ->
ColumnsExtractor = fun(Elem) -> end,
ColsNames = lists:map(ColumnsExtractor, Columns),
ResultsMapper = fun(Row) -> lists:zip(ColsNames, tuple_to_list(Row)) end,
lists:map(ResultsMapper, Rows).

extendedQuery(SQL, Params) ->
QueryRes = case Params of
[] -> pgsql:equery(connection(), SQL);
_ -> pgsql:equery(connection(), SQL, Params) end,
_Reply = case QueryRes of
{ok, Columns, Rows} -> {ok, mapResult(Columns, Rows)};
{ok, Count, Columns, Rows} -> {ok, Count, mapResult(Columns, Rows)};
_ -> QueryRes end.

connection() ->
case wf:cache(pgsql_conn) of
unefined -> Host = kvs:config(pgsql,host,"localhost"),
Port = kvs:config(pgsql,port, 5432),
User = kvs:config(pgsql,user, "user"),
Pass = kvs:config(pgsql,pass, "pass"),
Db = kvs:config(pgsql,db, "test"),
Timeout = kvs:config(pgsql,timeout,5000),
{ok, Conn} = pgsql:connect(Host, User, Pass,
[{database, Db}, {port, Port}, {timeout, Timeout}]),
Connection -> Connection end.

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