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file_type_detector_sfedu is a Ruby gem that allows you to determine the type of files based on their extension or content.


Add this gem to your Gemfile and run bundle install:

gem "file_type_detector_sfedu"

Alternatively, install it directly using the gem command:

gem install file_type_detector_sfedu


To use the gem, you need to call the check method with a parameter in the form of a file path:

require "file_type_detector_sfedu"

puts FileTypeDetector.check("path/to/your/file.pdf") # if it's truly pdf, value will be true, unless - false

check method will automatically detect the file type by its extension and tell if its contents match the extension.

You can also use a specific detector:

puts FileTypeDetector.pdf_check("path/to/your/real_pdf.pdf")    # true
puts FileTypeDetector.pdf_check("path/to/your/fake_pdf.pdf")    # false

puts FileTypeDetector.docx_check("path/to/your/real_docx.docx") # true
puts FileTypeDetector.docx_check("path/to/your/fake_docx.docx") # false

You can also run all the detectors on the file to determine its type using the identify method:

puts FileTypeDetector.identify("path/to/your/real_pdf.pdf")   # "pdf"
puts FileTypeDetector.identify("path/to/your/real_xml.pdf")   # "xml"
puts FileTypeDetector.identify("path/to/your/real_docx.docx") # docx
puts FileTypeDetector.identify("path/to/your/real_jpeg.png")  # jpeg
puts FileTypeDetector.identify("path/to/your/unknown.png")    # nil

Supported File Types

The gem provides support for detecting the following file types:

  • PDF
  • DOCX
  • PNG
  • GIF
  • JSON
  • XML

Contributing and links

You can contribute to the development of the gem by creating new detectors for other file types and improving existing code. Report bugs and submit feature requests through the GitHub repository.

You can visit our gem's page here -


This gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.