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Releases: synzen/MonitoRSS


24 May 23:39
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Fixed memory leak during cycle
Fixed "Removed all feeds" log when not all feeds were removed
Fixed date command not working when no profile existed
Fixed feed check errors when a guild left


24 May 21:58
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Fixed broken menu commands in a server with no feeds
Allow owner access to commands regardless of of guild permissions
Fixed cycle runs hanging up when two schedules are run at the same time, at scale


24 May 18:06
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Added more details when cycles hang up
Fixed date command never working


24 May 18:05
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Added more verbose errors when log in fails


24 May 03:25
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Fix refresh command occasionally throwing an error
Fixed errors during channel update feed checks when channel was deleted


24 May 01:29
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Fixed case where only negated filters would block filters even if they weren't found
Fixed duplicate removed all message in filters command


23 May 16:25
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  • Filter behaviors not working exactly as v5 (articles passing when they shouldn't be)
  • mention list subscribers option throwing an error if too long
  • Wrong string showing for no subscribers in list option
  • Commands not working when locale is set to pt-BR


  • Converted some command debug logs to trace due to verbosity
  • Adjusted feed fetching strategy due to heavy performance degradation when two schedules run at the same time


22 May 22:48
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Renamed owner command refresh to refreshall to fix conflict with regular refresh command


22 May 18:01
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This repository ( should no longer be used for deployment - only programmatic use via npm. See instead.

All documentation, including migration instructions from v5 to v6, can be found at


Node.js v12.16 is now required


  • Locales support
  • Input from bots
  • Feed n/p-comparisons feature for additional checks to determine article old/newness
  • Regex support for filters
  • Timezone specification of date placeholder ({date:tz})
  • Owner command removeguild
  • Owner command setpresence
  • Command locale
  • Command embed.fields (Replaces embed fields)
  • Command mention.filters (Replaces filtered subscriptions in rssmention)
  • Config config.log.destination (JSON logs piped to a file)
  • Config config.feeds.directSubscribers (allows users to directly add themselves to be mentioned within {subscribers} placeholder)
  • Automatically detect character sets for decoding (without the need to manually specify URLs and encodings in config.feeds.decode)


  • Any feed can be edited in any channel with Discord commands now
  • Command clone no longer accepts arguments. Properties are specified through the menu instead.
  • URL failure tracking has been changed to be time-based (X hours of consecutive failures instead of 50 connection failures for example)
  • Replaced config.feeds.failLimit with config.feeds.hoursUntilFail
  • Changed from ~ to rss.
  • Renamed config config.feeds.sendOldOnFirstCycle to config.feeds.sendFirstCycle
  • Renamed config config.web.clientId to config.web.clientID
  • Renamed config config.web.redirectUri to config.web.redirectURI
  • Removed "rss" from all command names
  • Renamed command rssmessage to text
  • Renamed command subme to sub
  • Renamed command unsubme to unsub
  • Renamed settings/configOverride.json to settings/config.json
  • Renamed to
  • Renamed config.feeds.refreshTimeMinutes to config.feeds.refreshRateMinutes
  • Process env variables follow uniform naming convention. Object depth is marked by _, and all names are capitalized. Some existing environmental variables may have been changed. For example:
    • config.feeds.refreshRateMinutes = DRSS_FEEDS_REFRESHRATEMINUTES
  • Custom schedules are now objects instead of arrays
  • Schedule refreshTimeMinutes renamed to refreshRateMinutes
  • Client constructor should no longer be used - only ClientManager.
  • ClientManager now always creates its own instances, and can no longer reuse existing clients
  • ClientManager now only accepts one argument that is an object
  • Articles are now stored in one collection instead of many collections
  • Improved article ID resolution that determines article old/newness
  • Number of shards can now be determined automatically if config.advanced.shards is set to 0
  • Prefixes with spaces are no longer supported
  • The default prefix will always work, even with a guild prefix defined (since users sometimes forget their guild prefix)
  • Message splitting is no longer disabled on the second attempt if the send fails with an error related to the message being too long
  • Selecting multiple feeds with hyphens is no longer supported. Only commas are allowed now.


  • Owner command setgame
  • Command argument fields to the embed command (replaced with embed.fields command)
  • Config
  • Config config.log.dates. Dates are always logged.
  • Config config.feeds.checkTitles. Behavior is defined through feed ncomparisons.
  • Config config.advanced.forkBatches. Behavior is always true now.
  • Config Data is purged on startup.
  • Config config.database.clean. Data is purged on startup.
  • Config config.advanced.parallelShards. No longer applicable.
  • Config config.feeds.toggleRoleMentions. Removed in favor of Discord's built in mention permissions.
  • Config config.web. See
  • Config config.feeds.showRegexErrs
  • Many locale strings have been renamed or changed. Unless they are re-translated, they will fall back to using en-US strings. To find missing strings, use npm run locale-verify


  • Multi-line HTML block quotes not converting correctly (#140 )
  • Duplicate raw placeholders not being replaced


  • Sharding is forced


26 Mar 14:12
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  • Controller commands not using prefix
  • mongoose warnings on unified topology