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Background information:

Vimwiki-nirvana extends Vimwiki functionality by providing a custom handler for links. This handler implements:

  1. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) support for vimwiki.
  2. Link translation capabilities
  3. Custom application configuration

This plugin requires in order to establish OS detection. It is tested on Linux, Mac and WSL.


Install it with your favorite plugin manager, e.g. Pathogen.

General idea:

Vimwiki handles OS native paths very well. However the default behaviour fails on Windows Subsystem for Linux.

This plugin extends Vimwiki so that WSL works.

Additionally it allows to translate paths and to specifiy custom applications in case the default behaviour is not what you need.

Instead of using the default file:/path schema custom schemes are supported: custom_schema::/path

Custom schemes call the vimwiki-nirvana handler which translates the path and calls the specified application. If no application is specified, the default launchers (open, xdg-open, start) are used.


WSL support:

No configuration required for HTTP links.

When vimwiki-nirvana detects WLS, it automatically sets explorer.exe as your default program launcher for schema http, https and file:/mnt/c. To this end vimwiki-nirvana changes the path file:/mnt/<drive_letter>/a/b/ to <DRIVE_LETTER>:\a\b. This allows explorer.exe to open the path with the registered Windows application. For convenience Windows links like C:\path are allowed, e.g. file:C:\tmp.

Link Translation

A path 'prefix' will be replaced by a 'replacement'. The resulting path will be fed to the specified executable to open the file. If no executable is given, the defaults are used (open, xdg-open, start).

Configuration in .vimrc:

let g:twvim_handlers = {
      \ 'custom_schema': {'prefix': 'smb://a', 'replacement': '/Volume', 'executable': 'program for opening the file'},
\ }

Resulting Translation: custom_schema::smb://a/b/file.txt -> /Volume/b/file.txt


let g:twvim_handlers = {
      \ 'home': {'prefix': 'smb://\$', 'replacement': '/Volumes/xxx'},
      \ 'win_d': {'prefix': '/mnt/d', 'replacement': 'D:', 'executable': 'explorer.exe'},
\ }


  • Special characters in your path prefix (e.g. $) have to be escaped.
  • the executable has to be in your search PATH or you need to specify the full path

Vim Integration

Vimwiki opens its text files by just clicking the link. It would be nice, if this feature also applies to arbitrary text files so that they are being opened in a new tab.

A dedicated schema makes this possible: vim::~/development/

Use the following config in .vimrc:

let g:twvim_handlers = {
      \ 'vim': {'prefix': '', 'replacement': '', 'executable': 'vim'},
\ }

You can use path translation, i.e. specify prefix, replacement if needed.


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