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Quetzal OSM-api

Scripts to fetch and simplify OSM network.

  1. remove cul-de-sac
  2. split links to oneways
  3. simplify links (removing deg 2 nodes)
  4. process list in columns
  5. add elevation and slopes



Unit Tests

python tests/

for coverage report:

pip install coverage
coverage run -m unittest discover
coverage report

for a nicer report:

coverage html

TEST Lambda function

  1. create a test.env file at the root of this folder (with the DockerFile)
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=[your access key]
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=[your secret key]
  1. Build the Docker
docker build -t osm-api:latest .
  1. Run the docker with the environment variable
docker run -p 9000:8080 --env-file 'test.env' osm-api 
  1. from another terminal window:
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d "{\"bbox\":[45.436521914253944,-73.79789929568945,45.59889118488431,-73.46685884481215],\"highway\":[\"motorway\",\"motorway_link\",\"trunk\",\"trunk_link\",\"primary\",\"primary_link\",\"secondary\",\"secondary_link\",\"cycleway\"],\"callID\":\"test\",\"elevation\":true}"

CallId correspond to a folder on the s3 Bucket.