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See the documentation of CPAN::Forum for details on the
"INSTALLATION of a development environment"

************  TODO *********************

* Allow the users to add 6 tags to the postings

* Create discussion group that does not belong to any specific CPAN package
  but where posts can be tagged.

* Allow setting language field of the post - (maybe only for the posts without a package name ??) 
    We can already use utf-8 in the database - allow the use of any language in the GUI as well.
    once there is someone who will be ready to monitor the posts in those languages.
    Allow people to subscribe to posts in specific languages only


The longest threads
select count(*), thread from posts group by thread order by count desc limit 3;

* add names to forms and test them
* add tests where not logged in user tries to post something, gets login page and can go on posting
* replace the hidden rm values by URL of the same name  /runmode/param/param/param

* Display date in a better way (ellapsed time, or short date format)
  Put time ellapsed since post instead of date of post, (3 min. 6 hours 3 days ago)
  make this configurable: User can say after N days passed the date should show,
  before that the ellapsed time
* Add to the daemon that will remove junk keys older than 24 hours or some other
  configurable value.

* Record when a user last visited


* Write a test checking if the flood_control_time_limit works

* Check the log file and see why certain distributions are still missing?

* Check the log of the cpanrating to see missing distributions


* Enable users to connect their CPAN::Forum id with their PAUSE id

Let logged in user type in their PAUSEid (or better yet, on the authors page 
have a button "This is me" - if this PAUSEid is not yet associated)

Generate random string and save it in the junk table with the value being
{ rm => verify_pause_id, pauseid => $pauseid }

Send an e-mail with code to
Tell the user to check their e-mail and click on the approval link.

* Allow module authors to setup splash-screen for 
      * for all their modules or 
      * for specific modules
      The module specific splash-screen will win over any maintainer 
      specific splash screen.
    On the splash screen people will be able tell the users for example
    that they discourage the use of CPAN::Forum and can point to other
    existing ways of getting help for the module.

* Create rss feeds based on tags, allow people to subscribe posts that have
   specific tags

* Move the session id into the database:

* Allow a post to be associated with more than one group
   Sometime we'll want to post a message in more than one group, e.g.  now I'd
   like to know how to use CGI::Session with DBD::SQLite. I might want to post the
   message on more than one list at the same time as this is related to more than
   one module.  Porbably if I need to chose one I'll select CGI::Session as I am
   trying to use that but it might be a nice feature.  Maybe I need to tell one
   module as the main group and then have a way to associate a few more modules
   with the posting.

   Add an extra table for the additional distributions so there will be a leading 
   distro of the thread.

* Test the populate script 
 - create several very partial CPAN mirrors in the testfiles/ directory 
   and process those with the new populate script one after the other

* Write tests for existing system to cover the important aspects of the system
    1) registration, email verification
    2) login/logout
    3) posting a new message
    4) answering message
    5) viewing messages
    6) paging when there are many messages
    7) not being able to post a message when not logged in
    8) rss/atom feeds
    9) mypan


* Collect the packages from downstream distriutions ORDB::DebianModules
   See for an old project

* Generate HTML files, 
    * generate html (description tag should be the text taken from =NAME secion of each module and that of the main module of the package itself
    * the documentation of each module will be a static page (maybe later enhanced with javascript)
    * the main page of the package will be static for now but later it might be a dynamic page (or static with Javascript enhancement?)
    * put some data in the database (populate 
      * author PAUSEID
      * package name
      * module name

* Process META.yml
  Start displaying more meta information

* One-time notification of module author when the first post arrives to one of
    her modules. ( I am not sure we really need this any more )

* Allow people to mark modules like/not like


* Setup bug and request tracking (or shall we use RT for this?)

* Index and display perldoc

* Index and display perldoc in French and Italian

* Create a user group that can delete posts, lock (or delete?) users.

* Session information: remember logged in user, 
    have check-box on the main form to say user wants to be remembered

* Improve the, look at CPANTS for ideas:
    Finish the file and maybe replace the by using
    use this file to retreive list of CPAN authors and their e-mail address

* check all submitted fields (restrict posting size to 10.000 Kbyte ?


* Setup stand-alone server 

* Write Selenium tests that run against the web server -
    by default it should run agains the stand-alone server 
    but should be configurable to run agains the Apache CGI and 
    against the mod_perl version.

* Unite and clean up the code that fetches list of people who need to be
    notified. Test both the interface to manage this and the the actually
    retreival of addresses to be notified.

* We might want to add another way of subscripton: to subscribe to a specific
    thread even if the user has not posted.

* Provide the alerts in rss feed as well, not only in e-mail.
    Let people subscribe to alerts but ask to have the RSS feed only, no e-mails.
    This should be an integration of all the feeds with the alert mechanism

* BUG: If the directory of the logging directory is not writable
     the application fails.

* Logging: enable logging based on a single client IP address
* Include number of AnnoCPAN posts

* Check if it would be possible to get all the data from AnnoCPAN

* Check if it would be possible to get all the data from CPANRATINGS to
  include in our display
* BUG:
  When I try to reply and the original subject is already 50 chars long
  in offers a new subject with Re: prefix but then when I try to submit
  it won't let me.
  (So far is ok, though it should 70 or 100 long)
  But the main problem is that if I delete the last word from the
  subject and press preview again
  it returns the same error message as it put back the word where it was earlier.

* At the bottom of the pages add subscribers to specific threads
  and thread started in separate listsings.
* Add announcement service (check for new versions of modules and send e-mail
  to those whom are interested in announcements.
  For example I just tried to install a module but it failed its test. Checking I noticed the module has been updated lately and looking at
  the results of the CPAN Testers I can see I am not the only one with these problems.
  So for now I skip the installation of this module but I'd like to get an e-mail
  when a new version of this module is uploaded to CPAN so I can try it while
  it is hot. I can subscribe to the announcement service of this module and get
  the message.

* Announcment service for new modules (modules that appear on CPAN for the first time)

* Register the PAUSEID where the module was last seen:
  Send out e-mail about PAUSEID changes

* Allow people to monitor if someone else uploaded a module in their name space
  even if that module is not indexed.

* Check if the technique we use to remember the last request before login
    cannot cause some security problem such as remembering the last request of
    someone else who used the same machine recently ? 

* replace the e-mail address checking by  if ($q->param('email') !~ $Email::Address::addr_spec) {

* Enable people to edit their posts 
   - Track changes (versions of the posts)
   - Shall we display the orinal date and the last update date ?
   - Shall we display the post on its new date (order the display result by date ?)

* Improve the markup language

* Enable module authors (or some other volunteer) to configure some aspects of the 
  section of their own module

* Get a nice logo and favicon.ico

* Removed the use of CPAN::Forum::Build - need to see what was it doing and
   replace its functionality with something better

* Admin: hide a posting

* Admin: delete or disable a user

* Admin: disable posting to a distibution, 

* Admin: hide a distribution and all its postings

* Admin: change username ?

* Admin: hide a message (or a whole thread)

* Admin: freeze a distro: (cannot add new message but still can see the earlier messages)

* Admin: (or even the author ?) should be able to move a message from one module to 
          another module or group.

* Statistics on posts, views etc.

* Enable sending direct mail to a poster (?) (without disclosing e-mail address)

* Provide statistics on number of comments per distro 

* Replace the /post/number link by /post/TITLE_OF_POST ???

* make the page size (for paging) user configurable

* show the release dates and version numbers of the modules


- xml version of the search results

- Allow users to subscribe for announcement service:
  A script that will send an announcement on the new version of every module to
  those who asked for this information.

- JavaScript that lets users to set all the modules in /mypan to the same value
  (either All message or thread starter or Followup or nothing)

  Currently when a new browser visits the site we immediately give a cookie and
  instert an entry in the sessions table.
  After running for about 10 days we have about 32.000 entries in the sessions table.
  It is not likely that so many people have visited the site.
  I think the crawlers of Google and co. never return the cookie that I give them and
  thus every hit they generate will create a new cookie and a new entry in the sessions
  table. Besides, I never clean up the sessions table.

  So let's see what can we do
  1) Add an index to that table to speed up the access time (this I should do in any case)
  2) If I recognize a crawler (e.g. googlebot) don't give a session ID to it.
  3) Run cleanup routine that will delete old sessions:
     As right now the session time is only kept within the a_session field this will be a slow
	 process but should be done anyway
  4) Add a field to the session table where I indicate the last access time

- Decide on Basic Markup language and how to extend for shortcuts opening tag
for code:  <code[^>]*>  but right now only <code> should be accepted closing
tag for code:  </code>

- Improve text and explanations.

Authentication and user management process:
- new user comes to our site we give him a cookie, when he wants to login we offer him
--  login using the credentials
--  login using XYZ credentials
--  create local credential

-- For
--- redirect the user to wait till he logs in there (maybe even creates the new account)
--- sets the preferences
--- comes back
--- we can fetch some of the information from that user
--- we need to keep the user_id received from for later identification of the user
--- while we tell the user we would like to get the username/fullname/e-mail
address from auth he might not want to give, for this case we should have our
way to update the locally updated username, full name and validated e-mail
-- For local credentials we need the user to give us 
username/password/fullname and validated e-mail address.

We have to make sure that usernames which are displayed don't collide. Maybe we
should use separate fields for usernames from various sources and when
displayed we might prefix it auth:gabor, local:gabor etc.  Not nice, any better
way ?

- Reply within a thread

When replying to a post within a thread we might want to open the editor window
in the middle of the thread, just below the post I am responding to.

In order to prepare a downloadable version of the database we need to hide the
personal infromation:
    update users set email = 'test_' || id || '' where id in(select id from users);
    update users set password = 'testpw';
    update users set username = 'test_' || id where id in(select id from users);
    update users set fname='', lname='';

    delete from sessions;

    delete from configure;  -- ???
    delete user_in_group;   -- ???

    update posts set uid=myuid where (select users.uid myuid from users where posts.uid=users.username;
    select pid, uid, users.username from posts, users where posts.uid=users.username;

Thinking aloud:
what if instead of Parse::RecDescend I munge the submitted text to be XML and then
run XML parser on it ?

text<b>HTML markup</b>more text<br />and even in a new line
Here I can type any while (<XX>) {} code till
more text


replace every <code.*?> with </text><code...><![CDATA[
replace every </code> with   ]]></code>


Now in addition to the </code> endtag you cant use trhe CDATA and the ]]> thingy either
within CODE.

  In order to avoid accepting postings today that will break when we add more 
  tags, we will reject any submission that is not correctly marked up.


  We will start to use a partial set of the BBCode but with a few restrictions.
  In BBCode you can use a small set of markup such as
    [b]text[/b] to make your text bold
    [code]Some program[/code] to mark an are to be code.

  Because we don't use the <> marks for our mark up we can safely know that any <>
  or any other funny character should be taken literally and turned into the 
  appropriate HTML entity, except the [] markup.

  In order to let us further expand our markup language we do not allow the user to
  add the [ or ] characters to his text. This would of course create problems in Perl code
  so within [code][/code] pair you can freely use any character (well, except [/code] itself),
  and we'll show all this characters verbatim.

  Allowed tags:
    CODE here can contain any character including <>[], the only thing it cannot include is
    the [/code] substring. No markup is possible inside. CODE will be show in as it is typed.
    Just like CODE , it can contain any character except [/text] 
    It will be shown differently from code section. (Most likely different background color and 
    different font. Otherwise it is still show as you type.

  Free text which is not enclosed in any of the above section can contain some markup using
    [ characters. If we encounter [ characters in any other situation we don't accept the
    [b]BOLD[/b]                     to show text bold
    [url=http://blabla]Title[/url]  to create a link
    [url]http://blabla[/url]        to create a link with the link being the title
    [email][/email]           magic linking                      magic linking

    [[]                             to show a [ character
    []]                             to show a ] character

  At this point we won't allow nesting of markups.
  Again: any other use of the [ and ] characters will be rejected.

  Additional markup I am thinking of:
    [c][/c] the same as [code][/code] but usually used inline in Free text.

    [search:Distro-Name] for a link to search.CPAN 
	      (< href="">Distro-Name</a> )
    [forum:Distro-Name] to link to the relevant forum
	      (<a href="/dist/Module-Name">Module::Name</a>)
    [post:id][/post] to link to another post 
	      (<a href="/posts/id">title of that post</a> 
		  (one such could also fetch the subject of the appropriate message and insert here)

        Code with line numbering accross all the snippets with :a in the same post.
		(a-z) can be used to have several code snippets with their own numbering.

  Now you're probably asking How do I escape all of those pesky special characters? 
  It's easy, you don't. We do it.
  Within the [code][/code] section people should paste in regular code without any 
  changes and our display code should show it correctly.
  Maybe we can even add a button for each message to "show source" that will try to display
  the enry from the database as it is really in a <textarea>box</textarea>

  E-mail rewrite: How should text show up in an e-mail message ?
    Subjects show up as they were written.
    Text fields remain as they are
    markup: [b]text[/b] is turned into *text*
    [url]http://bla[/url] - the URL is left, markup removed.
    [url=http://bla]Title[/url] - the URL is left, (Title) added in parentheses
    Same for e-mails
    [[] - replaced by [
    []] - replaced by ]
    [code][/code] ?
    [text][/text] ?

    We could use something like this for markup <cpan:code></cpan:code> and it
	would be more standart (XML with name space) but would be harder to type.

- Create a separate authentication for module authors based on PAUSE id of the users and 
	authentication agains - for this I'll have to setup ssl on the server
	Once authenticated the module author can setup special information about the module
	such as 
	- a link to the main web site of the module, (sourceforge or whatever)
	- a link to the registration form of the main mailing list, 
	- ask to cross-post messages to the mailing list
	add a "From:" field and e-mail address that will be used to to cross-post
	add a "To:" address where to send each post.
	Check-box to send 1) all posts or 2) only thread leading posts.

	Module autoher, if you already have a mailing list and you would like to get
	the postings that come here to be forwarded to the mailing list too, do the 
	following.  (Hmm, I am not really sure this is a good idea because the mailing
	list people will just answer on the mailing list which (curently) won't go back
	to the web server. Later, I can include a mail gateway. Hmm.)

Q:- A good, clean layout that clearly shows the different topics available
	for discussion, with easy access to each topic.

A:- We cannot list the 7000 distros on the front page (that is 270KB data) and would be unusable.
	We can put a search box to search for module names, I am not sure that's interesting.
	We can put up a link that will lead to a form where we list somehow all the module names
	( a pull down menu ?, real list ?)

	I expect, at least at the beginning most of the people will arrive on links from
	directly to the /dist/Module::Name page where the discussin regardin their module takes place.
	Maybe I should add some explanation there too ?

* https access for authentication ? Sounds like too tight security for such a simple site

* Add some connections to other modules which depend on the current module or on which this current
  module depends. See Module::Depends

* dependencies
  For each package guess if it needs C compiler and if it needs dependencies not on CPAN?
  For each package show its dependency tree and if any of those require C compiler or non-CPAN dependency?

Design Plans for CPAN::Forum

will be a combination of several other services

1) A web forum for Perl developers (enhancing its current situation)
    See also as the other forum the Perl community has
    and that is a real good one

2) CPAN Search engine replacing


4) With user contributed examples as on
    (e.g. )

5) Including information from various other sources such as

RELEASE process
Make sure the local git repository is up to date
Update the version number in every .pm file!

perl Build.PL
perl Build
perl Build test
perl Build manifest   ????
perl Build dist
git tag -a v0.19  -m' version 0.19'
git push --tags