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Concept Dictionary

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This repository contains the Concept Dictionary OpenMRS Open Web App.

Concept dictionary functionality implemented as an OWA

For further documentation about OpenMRS Open Web Apps see the wiki page.

Please follow the style guide for AngularJS development.


Setup OpenMRS server

You will need JDK 1.7, maven and OpenMRS SDK. Please refer to [the wiki page] ( for installation instructions.

You need to setup a server (first time only) as follows:

mvn openmrs-sdk:setup-platform -DserverId=conceptdictionary
mvn openmrs-sdk:install -DartifactId=owa -Dversion=1.4-SNAPSHOT -DserverId=conceptdictionary
mvn openmrs-sdk:install -DartifactId=uiframework -Dversion=3.6 -DserverId=conceptdictionary
mvn openmrs-sdk:install -DartifactId=uicommons -Dversion=1.7 -DserverId=conceptdictionary

You need to install latest version of REST webservices module

mvn openmrs-sdk:install -Dversion=2.14-SNAPSHOT -DserverId=conceptdictionary
# You can also add "-U" atribute to maven command to ensure that module is downloaded from Maven repository

Now you can run the server:

mvn openmrs-sdk:run -DserverId=conceptdictionary

Once it says "Started Jetty Server", visit http://localhost:8080/openmrs in your browser.

Production Build

You will need NodeJS 4+ installed to do this. See the install instructions here.

Once you have NodeJS installed, you need to install Gulp and Bower (first time only) as follows:

npm install -g gulp bower

Install the dependencies (first time only):

npm install && bower install

Build the distributable using Gulp as follows:


This will create a file called file in the dist directory, which can be uploaded to the OpenMRS Open Web Apps module.

Local Deploy

To deploy directly to your local Open Web Apps directory, run:

gulp deploy-local

This will build and deploy the app to the C:\Users\Rafal\openmrs\conceptdictionary directory. To change the deploy directory, edit the LOCAL_OWA_FOLDER value in config.json. You can find your deploy directory running:

 mvn openmrs-sdk:run -DserverId=conceptdictionary

Look at the tmp directory location. The tmp directory is created in your deploy directory so just skip \tmp.

[INFO] --- openmrs-sdk-maven-plugin:2.1.2:run (default-cli) @ standalone-pom ---
[INFO] Configuring Jetty for project: Maven Stub Project (No POM)
[INFO] Context path = /openmrs
[INFO] Tmp directory = C:\Users\Rafal\openmrs\conceptdictionary\tmp

It is also possible to configure the project so that whenever a file is changed it is deployed to a server and a browser is refreshed. First please make sure the APP_ENTRY_POINT is set in config.json as follows:

  "LOCAL_OWA_FOLDER": "C:\\\\Users\\\\rafal\\\\openmrs\\\\conceptdictionary\\\\owa\\\\",

Next run:

gulp watch

While it runs, it watches all files for changes and automatically updates your browser.


Install Bower packages dependencies as follows:

bower install --save <package>

Be sure to include the following in your html files at the position you want the Bower dependencies injected:

<!-- bower:js -->
<!-- endbower -->

Do the same for your Bower stylesheet dependencies, but replace js with css.

Any files that you add manually must be added in the app directory.


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Concept Dictionary Open Web App







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  • JavaScript 43.1%
  • CSS 32.5%
  • HTML 24.4%