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The ReactiveDriver class takes a Neo4j Driver and enhances it with reactive (or incremental) change notifications by applying the Decorator pattern.

The EmbeddedTestkitDriver class starts an embedded Neo4j instance and provides the Driver interface to access its data. This greatly simplifies testing Neo4j-based applications. The driver can use two kinds of GraphDatabase instances:

  1. ImpermanentGraphDatabase (default)

  2. EmbeddedGraphDatabase (if the client specifies the storeDir parameter)

Using the libraries

To install to your local Maven repository, issue the following command:

./gradlew publishT

This will invoke the publishToMavenLocal goal.

To use this from a Gradle project, add the following dependency:

compile group: 'neo4j-drivers', name: '...', version: '0.0.3-SNAPSHOT'

Deploying binary artifacts

Use the following command:

./gradlew upload

Copy the files from the repository to wherever you'd like to deploy your artifacts.


The neo4j-embedded-testkit-driver project is available under the GPLv3 license. The neo4j-reactive-driver and the neo4j-driver-util projects are available under the Eclipse Public License v1.0.