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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
1299 lines (727 loc) · 48.8 KB


PyGPT can be enhanced with plugins to add new features.

Tip: Plugins works best with GPT-4 models.

The following plugins are currently available, and model can use them instantly:

  • Audio Input - provides speech recognition.
  • Audio Output - provides voice synthesis.
  • Autonomous Agent (inline) - enables autonomous conversation (AI to AI), manages loop, and connects output back to input. This is the inline Agent mode.
  • Chat with files (Llama-index, inline) - plugin integrates Llama-index storage in any chat and provides additional knowledge into context (from indexed files).
  • Command: API calls - plugin lets you connect the model to the external services using custom defined API calls.
  • Command: Code Interpreter - responsible for generating and executing Python code, functioning much like the Code Interpreter on ChatGPT, but locally. This means GPT can interface with any script, application, or code. The plugin can also execute system commands, allowing GPT to integrate with your operating system. Plugins can work in conjunction to perform sequential tasks; for example, the Files plugin can write generated Python code to a file, which the Code Interpreter can execute it and return its result to GPT.
  • Command: Custom Commands - allows you to create and execute custom commands on your system.
  • Command: Files I/O - grants access to the local filesystem, enabling GPT to read and write files, as well as list and create directories.
  • Command: Web Search - provides the ability to connect to the Web, search web pages for current data, and index external content using Llama-index data loaders.
  • Command: Serial port / USB - plugin provides commands for reading and sending data to USB ports.
  • Context history (calendar, inline) - provides access to context history database.
  • Crontab / Task scheduler - plugin provides cron-based job scheduling - you can schedule tasks/prompts to be sent at any time using cron-based syntax for task setup.
  • DALL-E 3: Image Generation (inline) - integrates DALL-E 3 image generation with any chat and mode. Just enable and ask for image in Chat mode, using standard model like GPT-4. The plugin does not require the Execute commands option to be enabled.
  • Experts (inline) - allows calling experts in any chat mode. This is the inline Experts (co-op) mode.
  • GPT-4 Vision (inline) - integrates vision capabilities with any chat mode, not just Vision mode. When the plugin is enabled, the model temporarily switches to vision in the background when an image attachment or vision capture is provided.
  • Real Time - automatically appends the current date and time to the system prompt, informing the model about current time.
  • System Prompt Extra (append) - appends additional system prompts (extra data) from a list to every current system prompt. You can enhance every system prompt with extra instructions that will be automatically appended to the system prompt.
  • Voice Control (inline) - provides voice control command execution within a conversation.

Creating Your Own Plugins

You can create your own plugin for PyGPT at any time. The plugin can be written in Python and then registered with the application just before launching it. All plugins included with the app are stored in the plugin directory - you can use them as coding examples for your own plugins.

PyGPT can be extended with:

  • Custom plugins
  • Custom LLMs wrappers
  • Custom vector store providers
  • Custom data loaders
  • Custom audio input providers
  • Custom audio output providers
  • Custom web search engine providers

Examples (tutorial files)

See the examples directory in this repository with examples of custom launcher, plugin, vector store, LLM (Langchain and Llama-index) provider and data loader:

  • examples/
  • examples/
  • examples/
  • examples/
  • examples/
  • examples/
  • examples/
  • examples/

These example files can be used as a starting point for creating your own extensions for PyGPT.

Extending PyGPT with custom plugins, LLMs wrappers and vector stores:

  • You can pass custom plugin instances, LLMs wrappers and vector store providers to the launcher.
  • This is useful if you want to extend PyGPT with your own plugins, vectors storage and LLMs.

To register custom plugins:

  • Pass a list with the plugin instances as plugins keyword argument.

To register custom LLMs wrappers:

  • Pass a list with the LLMs wrappers instances as llms keyword argument.

To register custom vector store providers:

  • Pass a list with the vector store provider instances as vector_stores keyword argument.

To register custom data loaders:

  • Pass a list with the data loader instances as loaders keyword argument.

To register custom audio input providers:

  • Pass a list with the audio input provider instances as audio_input keyword argument.

To register custom audio output providers:

  • Pass a list with the audio output provider instances as audio_output keyword argument.

To register custom web providers:

  • Pass a list with the web provider instances as web keyword argument.



from import run
from plugins import CustomPlugin, OtherCustomPlugin
from llms import CustomLLM
from vector_stores import CustomVectorStore

plugins = [
llms = [
vector_stores = [


Handling events

In the plugin, you can receive and modify dispatched events. To do this, create a method named handle(self, event, *args, **kwargs) and handle the received events like here:


from pygpt_net.core.dispatcher import Event

def handle(self, event: Event, *args, **kwargs):
    Handle dispatched events

    :param event: event object
    name =
    data =
    ctx = event.ctx

    if name == Event.INPUT_BEFORE:
    elif name == Event.CTX_BEGIN:
        # ...

List of Events

Event names are defined in Event class in pygpt_net.core.dispatcher.Event.

Syntax: event name - triggered on, event data (data type):

  • AI_NAME - when preparing an AI name, data['value'] (string, name of the AI assistant)
  • AUDIO_INPUT_STOP - force stop audio input
  • AUDIO_INPUT_TOGGLE - when speech input is enabled or disabled, data['value'] (bool, True/False)
  • AUDIO_OUTPUT_STOP - force stop audio output
  • AUDIO_OUTPUT_TOGGLE - when speech output is enabled or disabled, data['value'] (bool, True/False)
  • AUDIO_READ_TEXT - on text read with speech synthesis, data['value'] (str)
  • CMD_EXECUTE - when a command is executed, data['commands'] (list, commands and arguments)
  • CMD_INLINE - when an inline command is executed, data['commands'] (list, commands and arguments)
  • CMD_SYNTAX - when appending syntax for commands, data['prompt'], data['syntax'] (string, list, prompt and list with commands usage syntax)
  • CMD_SYNTAX_INLINE - when appending syntax for commands (inline mode), data['prompt'], data['syntax'] (string, list, prompt and list with commands usage syntax)
  • CTX_AFTER - after the context item is sent, ctx
  • CTX_BEFORE - before the context item is sent, ctx
  • CTX_BEGIN - when context item create, ctx
  • CTX_END - when context item handling is finished, ctx
  • CTX_SELECT - when context is selected on list, data['value'] (int, ctx meta ID)
  • DISABLE - when the plugin is disabled, data['value'] (string, plugin ID)
  • ENABLE - when the plugin is enabled, data['value'] (string, plugin ID)
  • FORCE_STOP - on force stop plugins
  • INPUT_BEFORE - upon receiving input from the textarea, data['value'] (string, text to be sent)
  • MODE_BEFORE - before the mode is selected data['value'], data['prompt'] (string, string, mode ID)
  • MODE_SELECT - on mode select data['value'] (string, mode ID)
  • MODEL_BEFORE - before the model is selected data['value'] (string, model ID)
  • MODEL_SELECT - on model select data['value'] (string, model ID)
  • PLUGIN_SETTINGS_CHANGED - on plugin settings update
  • PLUGIN_OPTION_GET - on request for plugin option value data['name'], data['value'] (string, any, name of requested option, value)
  • POST_PROMPT - after preparing a system prompt, data['value'] (string, system prompt)
  • PRE_PROMPT - before preparing a system prompt, data['value'] (string, system prompt)
  • SYSTEM_PROMPT - when preparing a system prompt, data['value'] (string, system prompt)
  • UI_ATTACHMENTS - when the attachment upload elements are rendered, data['value'] (bool, show True/False)
  • UI_VISION - when the vision elements are rendered, data['value'] (bool, show True/False)
  • USER_NAME - when preparing a user's name, data['value'] (string, name of the user)
  • USER_SEND - just before the input text is sent, data['value'] (string, input text)

You can stop the propagation of a received event at any time by setting stop to True:

event.stop = True

Plugins reference

Audio Input

The plugin facilitates speech recognition (by default using the Whisper model from OpenAI, Google and Bing are also available). It allows for voice commands to be relayed to the AI using your own voice. Whisper doesn't require any extra API keys or additional configurations; it uses the main OpenAI key. In the plugin's configuration options, you should adjust the volume level (min energy) at which the plugin will respond to your microphone. Once the plugin is activated, a new Speak option will appear at the bottom near the Send button - when this is enabled, the application will respond to the voice received from the microphone.

The plugin can be extended with other speech recognition providers.


  • Provider provider

Choose the provider. Default: Whisper

Available providers:

  • Whisper (via OpenAI API)
  • Whisper (local model) - not available in compiled and Snap versions, only Python/PyPi version
  • Google (via SpeechRecognition library)
  • Google Cloud (via SpeechRecognition library)
  • Microsoft Bing (via SpeechRecognition library)

Whisper (API)

  • Model whisper_model

Choose the model. Default: whisper-1

Whisper (local)

  • Model whisper_local_model

Choose the local model. Default: base

Available models:


  • Additional keywords arguments google_args

Additional keywords arguments for r.recognize_google(audio, **kwargs)

Google Cloud

  • Additional keywords arguments google_args

Additional keywords arguments for r.recognize_google_cloud(audio, **kwargs)


  • Additional keywords arguments bing_args

Additional keywords arguments for r.recognize_bing(audio, **kwargs)

General options

  • Auto send auto_send

Automatically send recognized speech as input text after recognition. Default: True

  • Advanced mode advanced

Enable only if you want to use advanced mode and the settings below. Do not enable this option if you just want to use the simplified mode (default). Default: False

Advanced mode options

  • Timeout timeout

The duration in seconds that the application waits for voice input from the microphone. Default: 5

  • Phrase max length phrase_length

Maximum duration for a voice sample (in seconds). Default: 10

  • Min energy min_energy

Minimum threshold multiplier above the noise level to begin recording. Default: 1.3

  • Adjust for ambient noise adjust_noise

Enables adjustment to ambient noise levels. Default: True

  • Continuous listen continuous_listen

Experimental: continuous listening - do not stop listening after a single input. Warning: This feature may lead to unexpected results and requires fine-tuning with the rest of the options! If disabled, listening must be started manually by enabling the Speak option. Default: False

  • Wait for response wait_response

Wait for a response before initiating listening for the next input. Default: True

  • Magic word magic_word

Activate listening only after the magic word is provided. Default: False

  • Reset Magic word magic_word_reset

Reset the magic word status after it is received (the magic word will need to be provided again). Default: True

  • Magic words magic_words

List of magic words to initiate listening (Magic word mode must be enabled). Default: OK, Okay, Hey GPT, OK GPT

  • Magic word timeout magic_word_timeout

he number of seconds the application waits for magic word. Default: 1

  • Magic word phrase max length magic_word_phrase_length

The minimum phrase duration for magic word. Default: 2

  • Prefix words prefix_words

List of words that must initiate each phrase to be processed. For example, you can define words like "OK" or "GPT"—if set, any phrases not starting with those words will be ignored. Insert multiple words or phrases separated by commas. Leave empty to deactivate. Default: empty

  • Stop words stop_words

List of words that will stop the listening process. Default: stop, exit, quit, end, finish, close, terminate, kill, halt, abort

Options related to Speech Recognition internals:

  • energy_threshold recognition_energy_threshold

Represents the energy level threshold for sounds. Default: 300

  • dynamic_energy_threshold recognition_dynamic_energy_threshold

Represents whether the energy level threshold (see recognizer_instance.energy_threshold) for sounds should be automatically adjusted based on the currently ambient noise level while listening. Default: True

  • dynamic_energy_adjustment_damping recognition_dynamic_energy_adjustment_damping

Represents approximately the fraction of the current energy threshold that is retained after one second of dynamic threshold adjustment. Default: 0.15

  • pause_threshold recognition_pause_threshold

Represents the minimum length of silence (in seconds) that will register as the end of a phrase. Default: 0.8

  • adjust_for_ambient_noise: duration recognition_adjust_for_ambient_noise_duration

The duration parameter is the maximum number of seconds that it will dynamically adjust the threshold for before returning. Default: 1

Options reference:

Audio Output

The plugin lets you turn text into speech using the TTS model from OpenAI or other services like Microsoft Azure, Google, and Eleven Labs. You can add more text-to-speech providers to it too. OpenAI TTS does not require any additional API keys or extra configuration; it utilizes the main OpenAI key. Microsoft Azure requires to have an Azure API Key. Before using speech synthesis via Microsoft Azure, Google or Eleven Labs, you must configure the audio plugin with your API keys, regions and voices if required.


Through the available options, you can select the voice that you want the model to use. More voice synthesis providers coming soon.

To enable voice synthesis, activate the Audio Output plugin in the Plugins menu or turn on the Audio Output option in the Audio / Voice menu (both options in the menu achieve the same outcome).


  • Provider provider

Choose the provider. Default: OpenAI TTS

Available providers:

  • OpenAI TTS
  • Microsoft Azure TTS
  • Google TTS
  • Eleven Labs TTS

OpenAI Text-To-Speech

  • Model openai_model

Choose the model. Available options:

  • tts-1
  • tts-1-hd

Default: tts-1

  • Voice openai_voice

Choose the voice. Available voices to choose from:

  • alloy
  • echo
  • fable
  • onyx
  • nova
  • shimmer

Default: alloy

Microsoft Azure Text-To-Speech

  • Azure API Key azure_api_key

Here, you should enter the API key, which can be obtained by registering for free on the following website:

  • Azure Region azure_region

You must also provide the appropriate region for Azure here. Default: eastus

  • Voice (EN) azure_voice_en

Here you can specify the name of the voice used for speech synthesis for English. Default: en-US-AriaNeural

  • Voice (non-English) azure_voice_pl

Here you can specify the name of the voice used for speech synthesis for other non-english languages. Default: pl-PL-AgnieszkaNeural

Google Text-To-Speech

  • Google Cloud Text-to-speech API Key google_api_key

You can obtain your own API key at:

  • Voice google_voice

Specify voice. Voices:

  • Language code google_api_key

Language code. Language codes:

Eleven Labs Text-To-Speech

  • Eleven Labs API Key eleven_labs_api_key

You can obtain your own API key at:

  • Voice ID eleven_labs_voice

Voice ID. Voices:

  • Model eleven_labs_model

Specify model. Models:

If speech synthesis is enabled, a voice will be additionally generated in the background while generating a response via GPT.

Both OpenAI TTS and OpenAI Whisper use the same single API key provided for the OpenAI API, with no additional keys required.

Autonomous Agent (inline)

WARNING: Please use autonomous mode with caution! - this mode, when connected with other plugins, may produce unexpected results!

The plugin activates autonomous mode in standard chat modes, where AI begins a conversation with itself. You can set this loop to run for any number of iterations. Throughout this sequence, the model will engage in self-dialogue, answering his own questions and comments, in order to find the best possible solution, subjecting previously generated steps to criticism.

This mode is similar to Auto-GPT - it can be used to create more advanced inferences and to solve problems by breaking them down into subtasks that the model will autonomously perform one after another until the goal is achieved. The plugin is capable of working in cooperation with other plugins, thus it can utilize tools such as web search, access to the file system, or image generation using DALL-E.


You can adjust the number of iterations for the self-conversation in the Plugins / Settings... menu under the following option:

  • Iterations iterations

Default: 3

WARNING: Setting this option to 0 activates an infinity loop which can generate a large number of requests and cause very high token consumption, so use this option with caution!

  • Prompts prompts

Editable list of prompts used to instruct how to handle autonomous mode, you can create as many prompts as you want. First active prompt on list will be used to handle autonomous mode.

  • Auto-stop after goal is reached auto_stop

If enabled, plugin will stop after goal is reached. Default: True

  • Reverse roles between iterations reverse_roles

Only for Completion/Langchain modes. If enabled, this option reverses the roles (AI <> user) with each iteration. For example, if in the previous iteration the response was generated for "Batman," the next iteration will use that response to generate an input for "Joker." Default: True

Chat with files (Llama-index, inline)

Plugin integrates Llama-index storage in any chat and provides additional knowledge into context.


  • Ask Llama-index first ask_llama_first

When enabled, then Llama-index will be asked first, and response will be used as additional knowledge in prompt. When disabled, then Llama-index will be asked only when needed. INFO: Disabled in autonomous mode (via plugin)! Default: False

  • Auto-prepare question before asking Llama-index first prepare_question

When enabled, then question will be prepared before asking Llama-index first to create best query.

  • Model for question preparation model_prepare_question

Model used to prepare question before asking Llama-index. Default: gpt-3.5-turbo

  • Max output tokens for question preparation prepare_question_max_tokens

Max tokens in output when preparing question before asking Llama-index. Default: 500

  • Prompt for question preparation syntax_prepare_question

System prompt for question preparation.

  • Max characters in question max_question_chars

Max characters in question when querying Llama-index, 0 = no limit, default: 1000

  • Append metadata to context append_meta

If enabled, then metadata from Llama-index will be appended to additional context. Default: False

  • Model model_query

Model used for querying Llama-index. Default: gpt-3.5-turbo

  • Index name idx

Indexes to use. If you want to use multiple indexes at once then separate them by comma. Default: base

Command: API calls

PyGPT lets you connect the model to the external services using custom defined API calls.

To activate this feature, turn on the Command: API calls plugin found in the Plugins menu.

In this plugin you can provide list of allowed API calls, their parameters and request types. The model will replace provided placeholders with required params and make API call to external service.

  • Your custom API calls cmds

You can provide custom API calls on the list here.

Params to specify for API call:

  • Enabled (True / False)
  • Name: unique API call name (ID)
  • Instruction: description for model when and how to use this API call
  • GET params: list, separated by comma, GET params to append to endpoint URL
  • POST params: list, separated by comma, POST params to send in POST request
  • POST JSON: provide the JSON object, template to send in POST JSON request, use %param% as POST param placeholders
  • Headers: provide the JSON object with dictionary of extra request headers, like Authorization, API keys, etc.
  • Request type: use GET for basic GET request, POST to send encoded POST params or POST_JSON to send JSON-encoded object as body
  • Endpoint: API endpoint URL, use {param} as GET param placeholders

An example API call is provided with plugin by default, it calls the Wikipedia API:

  • Name: search_wiki
  • Instructiom: send API call to Wikipedia to search pages by query
  • GET params: query, limit
  • Type: GET
  • API endpoint:{limit}&format=json&search={query}

In the above example, every time you ask the model for query Wiki for provided query (e.g. Call the Wikipedia API for query: Nikola Tesla) it will replace placeholders in provided API endpoint URL with a generated query and it will call prepared API endpoint URL, like below:

You can specify type of request: GET, POST and POST JSON.

In the POST request you can provide POST params, they will be encoded and send as POST data.

In the POST JSON request you must provide JSON object template to be send, using %param% placeholders in the JSON object to be replaced with the model.

You can also provide any required credentials, like Authorization headers, API keys, tokens, etc. using the headers field - you can provide a JSON object here with a dictionary key => value - provided JSON object will be converted to headers dictonary and send with the request.

  • Disable SSL verify disable_ssl

Disables SSL verification when making requests. Default: False

  • Timeout timeout

Connection timeout (seconds). Default: 5

  • User agent user_agent

User agent to use when making requests, default: Mozilla/5.0. Default: Mozilla/5.0

Command: Code Interpreter

Executing Code

The plugin operates similarly to the Code Interpreter in ChatGPT, with the key difference that it works locally on the user's system. It allows for the execution of any Python code on the computer that the model may generate. When combined with the Command: Files I/O plugin, it facilitates running code from files saved in the data directory. You can also prepare your own code files and enable the model to use them or add your own plugin for this purpose. You can execute commands and code on the host machine or in Docker container.

Code interpreter: a real-time Python code interpreter is built-in. Click the <> icon to open the interpreter window. Both the input and output of the interpreter are connected to the plugin. Any output generated by the executed code will be displayed in the interpreter. Additionally, you can request the model to retrieve contents from the interpreter window output.


Executing system commands

Another feature is the ability to execute system commands and return their results. With this functionality, the plugin can run any system command, retrieve the output, and then feed the result back to the model. When used with other features, this provides extensive integration capabilities with the system.

Tip: always remember to enable the Execute commands option to allow execute commands from the plugins.


  • Python command template python_cmd_tpl

Python command template (use {filename} as path to file placeholder). Default: python3 {filename}

  • Enable: code_execute cmd.code_execute

Allows code_execute command execution. If enabled, provides Python code execution (generate and execute from file). Default: True

  • Enable: code_execute_all cmd.code_execute_all

Allows code_execute_all command execution. If enabled, provides execution of all the Python code in interpreter window. Default: True

  • Enable: code_execute_file cmd.code_execute_file

Allows code_execute_file command execution. If enabled, provides Python code execution from existing .py file. Default: True

  • Enable: sys_exec cmd.sys_exec

Allows sys_exec command execution. If enabled, provides system commands execution. Default: True

  • Enable: get_python_input cmd.get_python_input

Allows get_python_input command execution. If enabled, it allows retrieval all input code (from edit section) from the Python code interpreter window. Default: True

  • Enable: get_python_output cmd.get_python_output

Allows get_python_output command execution. If enabled, it allows retrieval of the output from the Python code interpreter window. Default: True

  • Enable: clear_python_output cmd.clear_python_output

Allows clear_python_output command execution. If enabled, it allows clear the output of the Python code interpreter window. Default: True

  • Sandbox (docker container) sandbox_docker

Execute commands in sandbox (docker container). Docker must be installed and running. Default: False

  • Docker image sandbox_docker_image

Docker image to use for sandbox Default: python:3.8-alpine

  • Auto-append CWD to sys_exec auto_cwd

Automatically append current working directory to sys_exec command. Default: True

  • Connect to the Python code interpreter window attach_output

Automatically attach code input/output to the Python code interpreter window. Default: True

Command: Custom Commands

With the Custom Commands plugin, you can integrate PyGPT with your operating system and scripts or applications. You can define an unlimited number of custom commands and instruct GPT on when and how to execute them. Configuration is straightforward, and PyGPT includes a simple tutorial command for testing and learning how it works:


To add a new custom command, click the ADD button and then:

  1. Provide a name for your command: this is a unique identifier for GPT.
  2. Provide an instruction explaining what this command does; GPT will know when to use the command based on this instruction.
  3. Define params, separated by commas - GPT will send data to your commands using these params. These params will be placed into placeholders you have defined in the cmd field. For example:

If you want instruct GPT to execute your Python script named with an argument, such as 1 to turn the light ON, and 0 to turn it OFF, define it as follows:

  • name: lights_cmd
  • instruction: turn lights on/off; use 1 as 'arg' to turn ON, or 0 as 'arg' to turn OFF
  • params: arg
  • cmd: python /path/to/ {arg}

The setup defined above will work as follows:

When you ask GPT to turn your lights ON, GPT will locate this command and prepare the command python /path/to/ {arg} with {arg} replaced with 1. On your system, it will execute the command:

python /path/to/ 1

And that's all. GPT will take care of the rest when you ask to turn ON the lights.

You can define as many placeholders and parameters as you desire.

Here are some predefined system placeholders for use:

  • {_time} - current time in H:M:S format
  • {_date} - current date in Y-m-d format
  • {_datetime} - current date and time in Y-m-d H:M:S format
  • {_file} - path to the file from which the command is invoked
  • {_home} - path to PyGPT's home/working directory

You can connect predefined placeholders with your own params.


  • name: song_cmd
  • instruction: store the generated song on hard disk
  • params: song_text, title
  • cmd: echo "{song_text}" > {_home}/{title}.txt

With the setup above, every time you ask GPT to generate a song for you and save it to the disk, it will:

  1. Generate a song.
  2. Locate your command.
  3. Execute the command by sending the song's title and text.
  4. The command will save the song text into a file named with the song's title in the PyGPT working directory.

Example tutorial command

PyGPT provides simple tutorial command to show how it work, to run it just ask GPT for execute tutorial test command and it will show you how it works:

> please execute tutorial test command


Command: Files I/O

The plugin allows for file management within the local filesystem. It enables the model to create, read, write and query files located in the data directory, which can be found in the user's work directory. With this plugin, the AI can also generate Python code files and thereafter execute that code within the user's system.

Plugin capabilities include:

  • Sending files as attachments
  • Reading files
  • Appending to files
  • Writing files
  • Deleting files and directories
  • Listing files and directories
  • Creating directories
  • Downloading files
  • Copying files and directories
  • Moving (renaming) files and directories
  • Reading file info
  • Indexing files and directories using Llama-index
  • Querying files using Llama-index
  • Searching for files and directories

If a file being created (with the same name) already exists, a prefix including the date and time is added to the file name.



  • Enable: send (upload) file as attachment cmd.send_file

Allows send_file command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: read file cmd.read_file

Allows read_file command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: append to file cmd.append_file

Allows append_file command execution. Text-based files only (plain text, JSON, CSV, etc.) Default: True

  • Enable: save file cmd.save_file

Allows save_file command execution. Text-based files only (plain text, JSON, CSV, etc.) Default: True

  • Enable: delete file cmd.delete_file

Allows delete_file command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: list files (ls) cmd.list_files

Allows list_dir command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: list files in dirs in directory (ls) cmd.list_dir

Allows mkdir command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: downloading files cmd.download_file

Allows download_file command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: removing directories cmd.rmdir

Allows rmdir command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: copying files cmd.copy_file

Allows copy_file command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: copying directories (recursive) cmd.copy_dir

Allows copy_dir command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: move files and directories (rename) cmd.move

Allows move command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: check if path is directory cmd.is_dir

Allows is_dir command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: check if path is file cmd.is_file

Allows is_file command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: check if file or directory exists cmd.file_exists

Allows file_exists command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: get file size cmd.file_size

Allows file_size command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: get file info cmd.file_info

Allows file_info command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: find file or directory cmd.find

Allows find command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: get current working directory cmd.cwd

Allows cwd command execution. Default: True

  • Use data loaders use_loaders

Use data loaders from Llama-index for file reading (read_file command). Default: True


  • Enable: quick query the file with Llama-index cmd.query_file

Allows query_file command execution (in-memory index). If enabled, model will be able to quick index file into memory and query it for data (in-memory index) Default: True

  • Model for query in-memory index model_tmp_query

Model used for query temporary index for query_file command (in-memory index). Default: gpt-3.5-turbo

  • Enable: indexing files to persistent index cmd.file_index

Allows file_index command execution. If enabled, model will be able to index file or directory using Llama-index (persistent index). Default: True

  • Index to use when indexing files idx

ID of index to use for indexing files (persistent index). Default: base

  • Auto index reading files auto_index

If enabled, every time file is read, it will be automatically indexed (persistent index). Default: False

  • Only index reading files only_index

If enabled, file will be indexed without return its content on file read (persistent index). Default: False

Command: Web Search

PyGPT lets you connect GPT to the internet and carry out web searches in real time as you make queries.

To activate this feature, turn on the Command: Web Search plugin found in the Plugins menu.

Web searches are provided by Google Custom Search Engine and Microsoft Bing APIs and can be extended with other search engine providers.


  • Provider provider

Choose the provider. Default: Google

Available providers:

  • Google
  • Microsoft Bing


To use this provider, you need an API key, which you can obtain by registering an account at:

After registering an account, create a new project and select it from the list of available projects:

After selecting your project, you need to enable the Whole Internet Search option in its settings. Then, copy the following two items into PyGPT:

  • Api Key
  • CX ID

These data must be configured in the appropriate fields in the Plugins / Settings... menu:



  • Google Custom Search API KEY google_api_key

You can obtain your own API key at

  • Google Custom Search CX ID google_api_cx

You will find your CX ID at - remember to enable "Search on ALL internet pages" option in project settings.

Microsoft Bing

  • Bing Search API KEY bing_api_key

You can obtain your own API key at

  • Bing Search API endpoint bing_endpoint

API endpoint for Bing Search API, default:

General options

  • Number of pages to search num_pages

Number of max pages to search per query. Default: 10

  • Max content characters max_page_content_length

Max characters of page content to get (0 = unlimited). Default: 0

  • Per-page content chunk size chunk_size

Per-page content chunk size (max characters per chunk). Default: 20000

  • Disable SSL verify disable_ssl

Disables SSL verification when crawling web pages. Default: False

  • Timeout timeout

Connection timeout (seconds). Default: 5

  • User agent user_agent

User agent to use when making requests. Default: Mozilla/5.0.

  • Max result length max_result_length

Max length of summarized result (characters). Default: 1500

  • Max summary tokens summary_max_tokens

Max tokens in output when generating summary. Default: 1500

  • Enable: search the Web cmd.web_search

Allows web_search command execution. If enabled, model will be able to search the Web. Default: True

  • Enable: opening URLs cmd.web_url_open

Allows web_url_open command execution. If enabled, model will be able to open specified URL and summarize content. Default: True

  • Enable: reading the raw content from URLs cmd.web_url_raw

Allows web_url_raw command execution. If enabled, model will be able to open specified URL and get the raw content. Default: True

  • Enable: getting a list of URLs from search results cmd.web_urls

Allows web_urls command execution. If enabled, model will be able to search the Web and get founded URLs list. Default: True

  • Enable: indexing web and external content cmd.web_index

Allows web_index command execution. If enabled, model will be able to index pages and external content using Llama-index (persistent index). Default: True

  • Enable: quick query the web and external content cmd.web_index_query

Allows web_index_query command execution. If enabled, model will be able to quick index and query web content using Llama-index (in-memory index). Default: True

  • Auto-index all used URLs using Llama-index auto_index

If enabled, every URL used by the model will be automatically indexed using Llama-index (persistent index). Default: False

  • Index to use idx

ID of index to use for web page indexing (persistent index). Default: base

  • Model used for web page summarize summary_model

Model used for web page summarize. Default: gpt-3.5-turbo-1106

  • Summarize prompt prompt_summarize

Prompt used for web search results summarize, use {query} as a placeholder for search query

  • Summarize prompt (URL open) prompt_summarize_url

Prompt used for specified URL page summarize

Command: Serial port / USB

Provides commands for reading and sending data to USB ports.

Tip: in Snap version you must connect the interface first:

You can send commands to, for example, an Arduino or any other controllers using the serial port for communication.


Above is an example of co-operation with the following code uploaded to Arduino Uno and connected via USB:

// example.ino

void setup() {

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    String input = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
    if (input.length() > 0) {
      Serial.println("OK, response for: " + input);


USB port serial_port

USB port name, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyACM0, COM3, Default: /dev/ttyUSB0

  • Connection speed (baudrate, bps) serial_bps

Port connection speed, in bps. Default: 9600

  • Timeout timeout

Timeout in seconds. Default: 1

  • Sleep sleep

Sleep in seconds after connection. Default: 2

  • Enable: Send text commands to USB port cmd.serial_send

Allows serial_send command execution". Default: True

  • Enable: Send raw bytes to USB port cmd.serial_send_bytes

Allows serial_send_bytes command execution. Default: True

  • Enable: Read data from USB port cmd.serial_read

Allows serial_read command execution. Default: True

Context history (calendar, inline)

Provides access to context history database. Plugin also provides access to reading and creating day notes.

Examples of use, you can ask e.g. for the following:

  • Give me today day note
  • Save a new note for today
  • Update my today note with...
  • Get the list of yesterday conversations
  • Get contents of conversation ID 123


You can also use @ ID tags to automatically use summary of previous contexts in current discussion. To use context from previous discussion with specified ID use following syntax in your query:


Where 123 is the ID of previous context (conversation) in database, example of use:

Let's talk about discussion @123


  • Enable: using context @ ID tags use_tags

When enabled, it allows to automatically retrieve context history using @ tags, e.g. use @123 in question to use summary of context with ID 123 as additional context. Default: False

  • Enable: get date range context list cmd.get_ctx_list_in_date_range

Allows get_ctx_list_in_date_range command execution. If enabled, it allows getting the list of context history (previous conversations). Default: True

  • Enable: get context content by ID cmd.get_ctx_content_by_id

Allows get_ctx_content_by_id command execution. If enabled, it allows getting summarized content of context with defined ID. Default: True

  • Enable: count contexts in date range cmd.count_ctx_in_date

Allows count_ctx_in_date command execution. If enabled, it allows counting contexts in date range. Default: True

  • Enable: get day note cmd.get_day_note

Allows get_day_note command execution. If enabled, it allows retrieving day note for specific date. Default: True

  • Enable: add day note cmd.add_day_note

Allows add_day_note command execution. If enabled, it allows adding day note for specific date. Default: True

  • Enable: update day note cmd.update_day_note

Allows update_day_note command execution. If enabled, it allows updating day note for specific date. Default: True

  • Enable: remove day note cmd.remove_day_note

Allows remove_day_note command execution. If enabled, it allows removing day note for specific date. Default: True

  • Model model_summarize

Model used for summarize. Default: gpt-3.5-turbo

  • Max summary tokens summary_max_tokens

Max tokens in output when generating summary. Default: 1500

  • Max contexts to retrieve ctx_items_limit

Max items in context history list to retrieve in one query. 0 = no limit. Default: 30

  • Per-context items content chunk size chunk_size

Per-context content chunk size (max characters per chunk). Default: 100000 chars

Options (advanced)

  • Prompt: @ tags (system) prompt_tag_system

Prompt for use @ tag (system).

  • Prompt: @ tags (summary) prompt_tag_summary

Prompt for use @ tag (summary).

Crontab / Task scheduler

Plugin provides cron-based job scheduling - you can schedule tasks/prompts to be sent at any time using cron-based syntax for task setup.



  • Your tasks crontab

Add your cron-style tasks here. They will be executed automatically at the times you specify in the cron-based job format. If you are unfamiliar with Cron, consider visiting the Cron Guru page for assistance:

Number of active tasks is always displayed in a tray dropdown menu:


  • Create a new context on job run new_ctx

If enabled, then a new context will be created on every run of the job." Default: True

  • Show notification on job run show_notify

If enabled, then a tray notification will be shown on every run of the job. Default: True

DALL-E 3: Image Generation (inline)

The plugin integrates DALL-E 3 image generation with any chat mode. Simply enable it and request an image in Chat mode, using a standard model such as GPT-4. The plugin does not require the Execute commands option to be enabled.


  • Prompt prompt

The prompt is used to generate a query for the DALL-E image generation model, which runs in the background.

Experts (inline)

The plugin allows calling experts in any chat mode. This is the inline Experts (co-op) mode.

See the Mode -> Experts section for more details.

GPT-4 Vision (inline)

The plugin integrates vision capabilities across all chat modes, not just Vision mode. Once enabled, it allows the model to seamlessly switch to vision processing in the background whenever an image attachment or vision capture is detected.

Tip: When using Vision (inline) by utilizing a plugin in standard mode, such as Chat (not Vision mode), the + Vision special checkbox will appear at the bottom of the Chat window. It will be automatically enabled any time you provide content for analysis (like an uploaded photo). When the checkbox is enabled, the vision model is used. If you wish to exit the vision model after image analysis, simply uncheck the checkbox. It will activate again automatically when the next image content for analysis is provided.


  • Model model

The model used to temporarily provide vision capabilities. Default: gpt-4-vision-preview.

  • Prompt prompt

The prompt used for vision mode. It will append or replace current system prompt when using vision model.

  • Replace prompt replace_prompt

Replace whole system prompt with vision prompt against appending it to the current prompt. Default: False

  • Enable: capturing images from camera cmd.camera_capture

Allows capture command execution. If enabled, model will be able to capture images from camera itself. The Execute commands option must be enabled. Default: False

  • Enable: making screenshots cmd.make_screenshot

Allows screenshot command execution. If enabled, model will be able to making screenshots itself. The Execute commands option must be enabled. Default: False

Real Time

This plugin automatically adds the current date and time to each system prompt you send. You have the option to include just the date, just the time, or both.

When enabled, it quietly enhances each system prompt with current time information before sending it to GPT.


  • Append time hour

If enabled, it appends the current time to the system prompt. Default: True

  • Append date date

If enabled, it appends the current date to the system prompt. Default: True

  • Template tpl

Template to append to the system prompt. The placeholder {time} will be replaced with the current date and time in real-time. Default: Current time is {time}.

System Prompt Extra (append)

The plugin appends additional system prompts (extra data) from a list to every current system prompt. You can enhance every system prompt with extra instructions that will be automatically appended to the system prompt.


  • Prompts prompts

List of extra prompts - prompts that will be appended to system prompt. All active extra prompts defined on list will be appended to the system prompt in the order they are listed here.

Voice Control (inline)

The plugin provides voice control command execution within a conversation.

See the Accessibility section for more details.