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A History of BeagleBones

Jeremy Tan edited this page Oct 31, 2013 · 5 revisions

For this project, there were a total of three BeagleBones. Originally, only two were ordered, but a third had to be ordered after one of them was destroyed during testing. It is with great sadness that only one lives to see tomorrow!


Snoopy - the BeagleBone of the software group, and arguably the best of them all. Almost all software development on the BeagleBone was conducted on Snoopy. It was assigned the IP address of

Quite frustratingly, Snoopy died only 2 days from the end of the project, on the Wednesday the 30th of October, 2013. Excess current was fed back into the GPIO pins from a dodgy multiplexer and signal conditioning circuit. Possibly also from a dodgy power supply.


Spike - Snoopy's sibling, and taken care of by the electronics group. It was assigned the IP address of

*Spike( died after one of the members of the electronics team fed 12 Volts into one of the GPIO pins. Magic smoke was released. It was a sad affair.


Marbles - ordered in after the death of Spike, it is the only surviving BeagleBone. It turned up on the same day that Snoopy died. It was assigned the IP address of

Shall it live long into the future...