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We assume that you have a recent python installation (python 3.8+). It this is not the case you can make one following the dedicated section on :ref:`how to get a miniconda installation<miniconda>`.

The Xsuite packages can be installed using pip:

pip install xsuite

This installation allows using Xsuite on CPU. To use Xsuite on GPU, with the cupy and/or pyopencl you need to install the corresponding packages, as described in the :ref:`dedicated section<gpuinst>`.

After the installation, you can choose to precompile some often-used kernels, in order to reduce the waiting time spent on running the simulations later on. This can be accomplished simply by running the following command:


If you need to develop Xsuite, you can clone the packages from GitHub and install them with pip in editable mode:

git clone
pip install -e xobjects

git clone
pip install -e xdeps

git clone
pip install -e xpart

git clone
pip install -e xtrack

git clone
pip install -e xfields

This installation allows using Xsuite on CPU. To use Xsuite on GPU, with the cupy and/or pyopencl you need to install the corresponding packages, as described in the :ref:`dedicated section<gpuinst>`.

To import MAD-X lattices you will need the cpymad package, which can be installed as follow:

$ pip install cpymad

To import lattices from a set of sixtrack input files (fort.2, fort.3, etc.) you will need the sixtracktools package, which can be installed as follow:

$ git clone
$ pip install -e sixtracktools

Some of the tests rely on pyheadtail to test the corresponding interface:

$ git clone
$ pip install cython
$ pip install -e pyheadtail

In the following section we describe the steps to install the two supported GPU platforms, i.e. cupy and pyopencl.

In order to use the :doc:`cupy context<contexts>`, the cupy package needs to be installed. In Anaconda or Miniconda (if you don't have Anaconda or Miniconda, see dedicated section on :ref:`how to get a miniconda installation<miniconda>`) this can be done as follows for example for CUDA version 10.1.243:

$ conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge
$ pip install cupy-cuda101
$ mamba install cudatoolkit=10.1.243

Remember to check your CUDA version e.g. via $ nvcc --version and use the appropriate tag.

In order to use the :doc:`pyopencl context<contexts>`, the PyOpenCL package needs to be installed. In Anacoda or Miniconda this can be done as follows:

$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ conda install pyopencl

Check that there is an OpenCL installation in the system:

$ ls /etc/OpenCL/vendors

Make the OpenCL installation visible to pyopencl:

$ conda install ocl-icd-system

For the PyOpenCL context we will need the gpyfft and the clfft libraries. For this purpose we need to install cython.

$ pip install cython

Then we can install clfft.

$ conda install -c conda-forge clfft

We locate the library and headers here:

$ ls ~/miniconda3/pkgs/clfft-2.12.2-h83d4a3d_1/
# gives: include  info  lib

(Or locate the directory via find $(dirname $(dirname $(type -P conda)))/pkgs -name "clfft*" -type d .)

We obtain gpyfft from github:

$ git clone

and we install gpyfft with pip providing extra flags as follows:

$ pip install --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-I/home/giadarol/miniconda3/pkgs/clfft-2.12.2-h83d4a3d_1/include" --global-option="-L/home/giadarol/miniconda3/pkgs/clfft-2.12.2-h83d4a3d_1/lib" gpyfft/

Alternatively (if the command above does not work) we can edit the of gpyfft to provide the right paths to your clfft installation (and potentially the OpenCL directory of your platform):

if 'Linux' in system:
    CLFFT_DIR = os.path.expanduser('~/miniconda3/pkgs/clfft-2.12.2-h83d4a3d_1/')
    CLFFT_LIB_DIRS = [r'/usr/local/lib64']
    CLFFT_INCL_DIRS = [os.path.join(CLFFT_DIR, 'include'), ] # remove the 'src' part
    CL_INCL_DIRS = ['/opt/rocm-4.0.0/opencl/include']

And install gpyfft locally.

$ pip install -e gpyfft/

If you don't have a miniconda installation, you can quickly get one ready for xsuite installation with the following steps.

$ cd ~
$ wget
$ bash
$ source miniconda3/bin/activate
$ pip install numpy scipy matplotlib pandas ipython pytest
$ cd ~
$ curl >
$ bash
$ source miniconda3/bin/activate
$ conda install clang_osx-64
$ pip install numpy scipy matplotlib pandas ipython pytest