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Releases: t-lo/mailserver

Mailserver v1.2.2

01 Jun 15:04
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Security release.

If you're using Mailserver on a host that has a routable IPv6 address you should update.

If you're still using Mailserver v1.1.x and don't want to upgrade to the new separate systemd services for monitoring, please consider cherry-picking e3ae638 to your

This release works around an oddity with docker-proxy's IPv6 to IPv4 routing on ports exported with -p / --publish. Published ports accept connections from both IPv4 and IPv6 remotes on the host by default. IPv4 connections will be routed into the container with their original remote source address. However, IPv6 connections will be converted into IPv4 and will have the docker host IP as source address. The connection will look like it is originating from within the mailserver container's private network.

In other words, all external hosts connecting via IPv6 will be treated like local connections.

Since local networks have a different (often elevated) trust relationship with the mailserver, this potentially has security implications, depending on the respective local set-up.

The release works around this by explicitly publishing all ports on, thus forcing IPv4.

Release version information

  • alpine: 3.20.0
  • postfix: postfix-3.9.0-r1
  • certbot: certbot-2.10.0-r1
  • opendkim: opendkim-2.11.0-r3
  • opendmarc: opendmarc-1.4.2-r1
  • caddy: caddy-2.7.6-r5
  • dovecot: dovecot-2.3.21-r17
  • fail2ban: fail2ban-1.1.0-r0
  • supervisor: supervisor-4.2.5-r5
  • Postfix prometheus exporter: 0.3.0
  • Fail2Ban prometheus exporter: 0.10.1


31 May 15:32
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Version refresh release. Updated Alpine to 1.20 (from 1.19.1) including all implied package refreshes (see below).

Minor dashboarding improvements: we now show certificate expiration (and time to expire) in the main dashboard.

A race condition with the monitoring service when restarting the main mailserver has been fixed.

Release version information

  • alpine: 3.20.0
  • postfix: postfix-3.9.0-r1
  • certbot: certbot-2.10.0-r1
  • opendkim: opendkim-2.11.0-r3
  • opendmarc: opendmarc-1.4.2-r1
  • caddy: caddy-2.7.6-r5
  • dovecot: dovecot-2.3.21-r17
  • fail2ban: fail2ban-1.1.0-r0
  • supervisor: supervisor-4.2.5-r5
  • Postfix prometheus exporter: 0.3.0
  • Fail2Ban prometheus exporter: 0.10.1


08 Mar 17:55
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  • BREAKING CHANGE: Start-up files restructured. We now use individual systemd service files for each monitoring service.
    Migration is straightforward and only takes a few minutes.
    See for migrating existing installations (mailserver-1.1.2 or lower) to the new release.
  • Alpine upgraded to 3.19.1
  • Core packages updated to latest available versions.
  • Releases now include core package versions.
  • Release package versions:
    • alpine: 3.19.1
    • postfix: postfix-3.8.6-r0
    • certbot: certbot-2.7.4-r0
    • opendkim: opendkim-2.11.0-r3
    • opendmarc: opendmarc-1.4.2-r0
    • caddy: caddy-2.7.6-r1
    • dovecot: dovecot-2.3.21-r17
    • fail2ban: fail2ban-1.0.2-r3
    • supervisor: supervisor-4.2.5-r4
    • Postfix prometheus exporter: 0.3.0
    • Fail2Ban prometheus exporter: 0.10.1


28 Nov 16:25
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Maintenance release.

  • Alpine upgraded to 3.18.4
  • bump fail2ban_exporter to 0.10.1 (b311327)
  • bugfix: remove stale development DNS server from startup script (e80fd16)


22 Jul 14:06
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Bugfix release to address an issue with certificate renewal on restart (d30b5b3).


27 Jun 13:28
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Maintenance release which bumps fail2ban-exporter to the latest version (0.9.0).

Mailserver 1.1

16 May 11:55
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New features

  • Monitoring: basic host system metrics on "home" dashboard. CPU load, memory load, and disk space usage are shown.
  • DNS checker: improved reporting. Updates are now only pushed on change, lowering pressure on pushgateway and promentheus.
  • supervisord integration to restart in-container services on issues. Also allows cleaner shutdown.

Bug fixes

  • Release VERSION file generation fixed.
  • contrib/mailman: remove unnecessary TCP port exports, exclude monitoring/ from mailman basic-auth
  • append to logs instead of overwriting logs on restart

Mailserver 1.0

12 May 11:35
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Mailserver v1.0 release

This is the first production release of mailserver, the no-pain, minimal configuration, full-featured mail server.

The release includes:

  • SMTP/IMAP servers with DMARC and DKIM integration
  • Basic user management (add, delete, change password, manage aliases)
  • Full-featured (optional) monitoring suite
  • fail2ban protection for the above
  • a "contrib" how-to on setting up mailserver to work with containerised mailman 3