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Math Library 🧮

A math library containing properties and methods extended onto Number.prototype.

Golden Ratio

Number.goldenRatio is equal to 1.61803398875.

let num = Number.goldenRatio
num -> 1.61803398875


The .round() method rounds the Number it is called on to the nearest whole number.

let num = 9.99
num.round() -> 10


The .ceil() method rounds the Number it is called on to the higher whole number.

let num = 9.99
num.ceil() -> 10


The .floor() method rounds the Number it is called on to the lower whole number.

let num = 9.99
num.floor() -> 9


The .pad(x, y) method pads the Number it is called on with 0s in order to reach a total of digits (x, y) on each side of the decimal point. Returns a String.

let num = 9.99
34.801.pad(4,3) -> 0009.990

Degrees to Radians

The .degToRad() method returns a number's radian value. Accepts an optional argument to return a fixed amount of decimal numbers.

let num = 1
num.degToRad() -> 0.017453292519943295
num.degToRad(6) -> 0.017453

Radians to Degrees

The .radToDeg() method returns a number's degree value. Accepts an optional argument to return a fixed amount of decimal numbers.

let num = 1
num.radToDeg() ->
num.radToDeg(4) -> 57.2958

Dollar Amount

The .toDollars() method returns a numeric value formatted in USD.

let num = 1
num.toDollars() -> '$1.00'


The .tax(rate) method returns an amount with tax applied. Accepts optional argument (number) to calculate tax on amount. Without argument, tax rate defaults to .25.

let num = 1 -> 1.25


The .interest(months, rate) method calculates interest over time.

let num = 1
num.interest(2, 16) -> 1.35


The .mortgage(years, rate) method returns the monthly mortgage payment of the number it is called on. Rate is interest rate, years is the amount of months to pay.

let num = 1, .02) -> 1

Number to Hex

The .toHex() method returns a string containing the hexadecimal value of the number it is caled on. This method accepts an optional boolean argument to control the return of an octothorpe.

let num = 12
num.toHex() -> 'c'
num.toHex(true) -> '#c'


Math Library for FEW 2.1 at Make School.






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