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Sounds of Taipei

An interactive map of Taipei that let's you explore the city through its unique sounds.

NTUT · National Taipei University of Technology
International Program for Interaction Design and Innovation
Special Topics on Interactive Media Design (II)

Project by:
Johanna Komesker
Mona Ruppert
Patrick Schneider
Donatus Wolf

1st week assignment
February 19th – 26th 2019

preview screenshot
Go to website

Libraries used

Database structure places.json

id: exact name of the sound and photo file – name in camelCase
sound file needs to be at ./assets/sounds
photo file needs to be at ./assets/photos in *jpg (600 x 400px)

label: the description of the audio which will be displayed on the photo

googlemaps: the shortlink to the location on google maps, which opens when doubleclicking a dot

vol: how lound the song should be played on a scale from 0 (no sound) to 1 (maximum)

db: how loud the song is on a scale from 0 to 1
that creates the size of the circle when hovered

x: Latitude coordinate

y: Longitude coordinate

type: there are three types right now:
       location: a location specific sound like the bird street
       city: a sound, that is specific for taipei, but not for a specific location, like the peep at the MRT entrance
       event: a sound that is only there at an specific event, like the lantern festival

time: was the sound recorded by dayor by night?

author: Who recorded the sound
first letter from the frist name, first and second from the last name
Ex: Donatus Wolf = DWo


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