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Known Issues

tkb-github edited this page Jun 26, 2024 · 25 revisions

Good bots

Googlebot and bingbot are known to send requests to a server’s IP address once in a while. In such cases, httpd either returns a 403 or (if on HTTP) redirects the request to HTTPS. The bots won’t take offence.

Conflicts with Wordpress plugins

Autoptimize/Asset CleanUp

CSS/JS files produced by these plugins are named using hash digest. See Conflicts with hash digest.

WebP Express

Prevents webp-express/htaccess-capability-tests/pass-info-from-rewrite-to-script-through-env/test.php from running.

This wouldn’t matter if bulk conversion and Alter HTML are used to generate static pages.

The redirect rules, if used, can also be set up manually in httpd.conf with mod_alias.

Conflicts with hash digest

Filenames containing hash digest may cause false positives. Test with mod_rewrite and adjust any affected rules.

Foreign-language URLs

Rules under [HTTP REFERRER] are known to block navigation when a site’s URLs do contain one of the outlawed expressions, particularly in a multilingual context. Libido, for example, is a common Latin word. Check all the URLs before deploying.

Relationship with mod_alias

When virtual hosts are used to redirect to HTTPS, HTTP requests with a Host: header containing the server’s IP address or no Host: header will get redirected before they can be blocked. In such cases, one could set up an additional vhost:

# This can be placed before other vhosts    
# to double as a ‘catch-all’ and block  
# requests without Host: header.
<VirtualHost *:80>  
    ServerName your IP address  
    <Location />  
        Require all denied  


Services that scan for vulnerabilities are known to get blocked when trying to access this file, which is a sign the firewall works as intended.