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aim: opensource library which offers help to compare datasets (csv, database tables,classes) in a memory-limited environment

license BSD 2-Clause

This project is a pure c# port of the super useful python package recordlinkage. Besides it tries to use the effective parts of the c# language (e.g. linq, dataflow).


  • string comparision with multiple string metrics
  • uses scoring method to calculate overall similarity
  • uses own datatable struture to reduce memory footprint (in comparsison to
  • uses dataflow to reduce memory footprint
  • uses parallelism to reduce runtime
  • limits: right now every datacell is string


all plattform which supports .NET 6.0 so:

  • Linux
  • MacOs
  • Windows

minimal examples

This project should look and feel like using the pyhton equivalent:

//we create some testdata //see UnitTest.TestDataPerson
List<TestDataPerson> testDataPeopleA = new List<TestDataPerson>
    new TestDataPerson("Thomas", "Mueller", "Lindetrasse", "Testhausen", "12345"),
    new TestDataPerson("Thomas", "Mueller", "Lindenstrasse", "Testcity", "012345"),
    new TestDataPerson("Thomas", "Müller", "Lindenstrasse", "Testcity", "012345"),
    new TestDataPerson("Tomas", "Müller", "Lindenstroad", "Testhausen", "012342"),
    new TestDataPerson("Tomas", "Müller", "Lindenstroad", "Dorf", "012342")
DataTableFeather tabA = TableConverter.CreateTableFeatherFromDataObjectList(testDataPeopleA);

//we load some data from sqlite file
DataTableFeather tabB = RecordLinkageNet.Util.SqliteReader.ReadTableFromSqliteFile("filenameof.sqlite","testtablename");

ConditionList conList = new ConditionList();
Condition.StringMethod testMethod = Condition.StringMethod.JaroWinklerSimilarity;
conList.String("NameFirst", "NameFirst", testMethod);
conList.String("Street", "Street", testMethod);
conList.String("PostalCode", "PostalCode", Condition.StringMethod.Exact);
conList.String("NameLast", "NameLast", testMethod);

//configure comparison
Configuration config = Configuration.Instance;
config.AddIndex(new IndexFeather().Create(tabB, tabA));
config.SetNumberTransposeModus(NumberTransposeHelper.TransposeModus.LOG10); ;

//we init a worker
WorkScheduler workScheduler = new WorkScheduler();
var pipeLineCancellation = new CancellationTokenSource();//for optional cancellation
var resultTask = workScheduler.Compare(pipeLineCancellation.Token);

await resultTask;

int amount = resultTask.Result.Count();

More Details could be found at Examples Repository

The project implements mutliple metrics for string comparision as extensions:

  • HammingDistance
  • DamerauLevenshteinDistance
  • JaroDistance
  • JaroWinklerSimilarity
  • ShannonEntropyDistance
using RecordLinkageNet.Core.Distance;
var result1 = "foo".HammingDistance("bar");//3
var result2 = "foo".DamerauLevenshteinDistance("bar");//3
var result3 = "foo".JaroWinklerSimilarity("bar");//0

The distances metrics are well tested with results from python lib jellyfish.


folder description
RecordLinkageNet c# library code
UnitTest test for the lib

thanks to