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1 Logging In

Joe edited this page Aug 26, 2022 · 4 revisions

To start using the application, an administrator will have to add the user to the appropriate DSO using the configuration dashboard. When this process is complete, the user will receive a welcome email like the one shown below:

Welcome email

Welcome email

If the user clicks in the Sign In button, he/she will be directed to the password reset screen to complete the account activation.

Password Reset

Forgot password screen

When the user fills the input with the correct email, it will receive an email with instructions on how to reset its password. The email looks like the image below:

Forgot Password Email

Forgot password email

After clicking in the reset password link inside the email, the user is redirected to the reset password screen with a secret token (managed under the hood by the application to ensure the user that the only person that can reset its password is someone with access to its email).

Reset Password Screen

Reset password screen

In the reset password screen, the user is able to selected a new password. This password is validated to be strong using an entropy based algorithm. It means that the password is acceptable when it passes a determined number in deductibility measure. The combination of lowercase, uppercase characters, numbers and symbols, plus a minimum length of 8 characters can help building a strong password.

Now the user is able to access the DESM tool using the email and the new generated password.