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Beta version release: v1.0.1

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@chungquantin chungquantin released this 29 Jun 05:12

Introducing TabHub, your browser productivity tool that helps you manage browsing sessions, tabs and ultimately track your time while giving insights into your browsing effectiveness.

No more constant context switch and productive procrastination: spending hours online just to forget what you set out to do in the first place! Let’s browse intentionally!

No sign-in and up-front credit card are required.

Core Features:

📍 Tab & Session Manager

Effortlessly manage your tabs and sessions for a clutter-free browsing experience.

✅ Track all tabs in different windows

✅ Save/Open multiple tabs at once

✅ Remove duplicate tabs

✅ Sort tabs

✅ Pin tabs

✅ Smart Group your Chrome tabs with AI

✅ Groups saved as hierarchical/multi-level folders in repository, resembling your bookmark

✅ Search on web to collect all links within your URL

✅ Available in Column Mode & Table Mode

✅ Support both local and cloud storage

📍 Browsing Activity Tracker (Tab Lens)

Monitor website visits, track time spent, and motivate yourself with valuable insights.

✅ Visualization

👉 Casual Mode:

✅ Track time spent on each tabs

✅ Track session activity

✅ Identify least used tabs

👉 Focus Mode:

✅ Set session-browsing time and goal

✅ Track progress

✅ Tabs visited categorization

✅ Insights: whether tabs visited satisfy the goal

📍 Collaborate with workspaces and explore

✅ Cloud synchronization

✅ Add members to your workspace with multiple roles (moderator, member, contributor, owner)

✅ Private/Public Mode

✅ Instantly share your tabs with one link

✅ Explore public workspaces/repositories.