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A toy time series DB



  • Nanoseconds accuracy timestamps
  • Multiple values in a datapoint
  • Sync with Cloud storage(only Google Cloud Storge yet)


cargo install

cargo install --git --tag 0.0.1 zikeiretsu


zikeiretsu 0.0.1

    zikeiretsu [OPTIONS] [QUERY]


    -c, --config <CONFIG>
            config file path for server and client. Read ~/.config/zikeiretsu/config.toml by default
            if it exists.

    -d, --data_dir <DATA_DIR>
            [env: ZDB_DIR=]

        --databases <DATABASES>
            config for server. pass pair of database name and the bucket name join by '=' or just
            database name.the value be separated by comma if pass multiple setting. e.g.
            databases=test_db_name=gs://test_bucket,test_db2,test_db3=gs://aaaa/bbb/cccc [env:

    -h, --help
            Print help information

        --host <HOST>
            config for server and client.

            config for server and client.

    -m, --mode <MODE>
            running mode {adhoc,server,client}. default: adhoc

        --port <PORT>
            config for server and client.

        --service_account <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE_PATH>
            config for server. path to google service account file [env: ZDB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT=]

    -V, --version
            Print version information

How to pass the parameters

You can pass the parameters zikeiretsu DB via following methods

  • Config file
  • Arguments
  • Environment variable

Config file example

Zikeiretsu will read config file at ~/.config/zikeiretsu/config.toml by default.

data_dir = "/tmp/db_dir"
service_account_file_path= "/path/to/service_account"
https = false
host = "localhost"
port = 1234

cloud_storage_url ="gs://some/where"


you can run your query in REPL console, if you run zikeiretsu command withot 'QUERY' parameter. The query should end with semicolon.


query> select * from youse_metrics where ts = today();

| 0                             | 1     | 2       | 3      |
| 2022-04-26T00:00:00.321241268 | true  | 4991166 | 0.5    |
| 2022-04-26T00:00:00.321241268 | true  | 4999024 | 0      |
| 2022-04-26T00:00:01.978377215 | true  | 4998506 | 0.34   |

Running Modes

Zikeiretsu run on 3 modes, adhoc/client/server.

# Run adhoc mode (default)

# Run server mode
zikeiretsu --mode server

# Run client mode
zikeiretsu --mode client

Adhoc mode

adhoc mode

Client/Server mode

The server will standup as Apache Arrow Flight server. We can call DoGet method with the query as the Ticket to get the result, from other Arrow Flight client such as python, julia.

client server mode

Query Example

full setting

  // specify metadatas in with clause, unlike conventinal SQL.
  // all definitions belows are optional

  cols       = [is_buy, volume, price],  // column alias

  force_sync_cloud = false,              // be sure to download block_list from the cloud storage
                                         // before execute the query, even if `use_cache` flag is true. default:false

  use_cache  = true,                     //  if it turns off the query not use on memory cache when the fetching and the result won't
                                         // be stored in cache. default:true.

  format = table,                        // output format: {json, table, parquet, paruqet_snappy}. default: table,

  output_file = '/path/to/file',         // specify if write out to file instead of stdout

  format_datetime = true,                // Format timestamps to readable string. default :true

  tz = Asia/Tokyo                        // timezone of the timestamps. abbrev or '+nn:nn' format

  is_buy, volume, price // specified column alias or '*'
  from your_merics      //  metrics name.

// you need a filter by timestamp.
// buildin function:{ yesterday(),today()} or following datetime formats are available.
// 'yyyy-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ZZZZZZ'
// 'yyyy-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'
// 'yyyy-MM-DD hh:mm'
// 'yyyy-MM-DD'
//  you can specify the offset with it.
   ts = yesterday();

filter by date formated string and offset

  tz = Asia/Tokyo

  from bitflyer_spot_BTC_JPY_order_book_update

// since 2022-04-26 00:00:00+9:00 until 2022-04-26 00:02:00+9:00
// the untile datetime is exclusive.
where ts in ('2022-04-26', +2 minutes);

| 0                                   | 1     | 2       | 3      |
| 2022-04-26T00:00:00.321241268+09:00 | true  | 4991166 | 0.5    |
| 2022-04-26T00:00:00.321241268+09:00 | true  | 4999024 | 0      |
| 2022-04-26T00:00:00.749932623+09:00 | false | 5008243 | 0.24   |
| 2022-04-26T00:00:00.749932623+09:00 | false | 5005789 | 0      |
| 2022-04-26T00:00:00.749932623+09:00 | false | 5021784 | 0      |

show metadatas

select  * from .metrics;
| metrics         |
| your_metrics_1  |
| your_metrics_2  |
| your_metrics_3  |

select  * from .block_list;
| metrics        | updated_at                    | block_num | seq  | block_list_start    | block_list_end      |
| your_metrics_1 | 2022-04-26 12:31:24.566431424 | 3345      | 1    | 2021-12-08 12:05:07 | 2021-12-08 13:05:06 |
| your_metrics_1 | 2022-04-26 12:31:24.566431424 | 3345      | 2    | 2021-12-08 13:05:05 | 2021-12-08 13:35:16 |
| your_metrics_1 | 2022-04-26 12:31:24.566431424 | 3345      | 3    | 2021-12-08 13:35:56 | 2021-12-08 13:36:26 |

select  * from .describe;

| metrics        | updated_at                    | block_num | from                | end                 |
| your_metrics_1 | 2022-04-26 12:31:24.566431424 | 3345      | 2021-12-08 12:05:07 | 2022-04-26 12:31:24 |
| your_metrics_2 | 2022-04-26 12:32:58.449633055 | 3345      | 2021-12-08 12:05:06 | 2022-04-26 12:32:58 |

Write the datas

you can't write the data with query. some coding will be needed.see here

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Trade {
    pub side: String,
    pub price: f64,
    pub size: f64,
    pub exec_date: String,

impl Trade {
    fn into_datapoint(self) -> DataPoint {
        let ts = DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(&self.exec_date).unwrap();
        DataPoint {
            timestamp_nano: ts.into(),
            field_values: self.field_values(),

    fn field_values(&self) -> Vec<FieldValue> {
        let v = vec![
            FieldValue::Bool(self.side == "BUY"),

async fn write_datas(temp_db_dir: &PathBuf) {
    let prices: Vec<Trade> = serde_json::from_slice(PRICES_DATA).unwrap();
    let prices: Vec<DataPoint> = prices.into_iter().map(|e| e.into_datapoint()).collect();

    // field type , [buy_side == bool, price == float64, size == float64]
    let fields = vec![FieldType::Bool, FieldType::Float64, FieldType::Float64];
    let persistence = Persistence::Storage(temp_db_dir.as_path().to_path_buf(), None);

    let wr = Engine::writable_store_builder("trades".try_into().unwrap(), fields.clone())
    // persist all datapoints
    let condition = PersistCondition::new(DatapointSearchCondition::all(), true);

About compression algorithms

see here

Upcoming feature (maybe some day)

  • Validations
    • Metrics
    • Number of field (mismatched number of field)
  • WAL
  • move data types support
  • Record deduplication
  • More efficient caching
  • Webassembly