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Central Hub To Manage And Monitor all service inside Tactful AI.

Get Started

to start missing around with the app follow these steps

  1. Get Docker In your machine you can follow this link to get it in your operating system install docker

  2. clone the repo.

git clone
cd microcentral
  1. create env files

    • database.env.example => database.env
    • app.env.example => app.env
  2. run the following command

sudo docker-compose up

For Migrations we went with alembic we after you update the models you need to run theses commands

sudo docker-compose run --rm app poetry run alembic revision --autogenerate -m "$message"
sudo docker-compose run --rm app poetry run alembic upgrade head

and you are good to go

those three steps should result you an working app on your localhost

Enjoy Exploring and issue creating 😁