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Tadeusz Sośnierz committed Mar 6, 2011
1 parent 53769b3 commit 11b3bdc
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Showing 7 changed files with 396 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
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PERL6LIB=$PWD/ext:$PWD/lib perl6 bin/panda Pies
125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions ext/File/
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use v6;

module File::Find;

class File::Find::Result is Cool {
has $.dir;
has $.name;

method Str {
$.dir ~ '/' ~ $.name

sub checkrules ($elem, %opts) {
if %opts<name>.defined {
given %opts<name> {
when Regex {
return False unless $elem ~~ %opts<name>
when Str {
return False unless $ ~~ %opts<name>
default {
die "name attribute has to be either Regex or Str"
if %opts<type>.defined {
given %opts<type> {
when 'dir' {
return False unless $elem.IO ~~ :d
when 'file' {
return False unless $elem.IO ~~ :f
when 'symlink' {
return False unless $elem.IO ~~ :l
default {
die "type attribute has to be dir, file or symlink";
return True

sub find (:$dir!, :$name, :$type) is export {
my @targets = dir($dir).map: { => $dir, name => $_);
my $list = gather while @targets {
my $elem = @targets.shift;
take $elem if checkrules($elem, { :$name, :$type });
if $elem.IO ~~ :d {
for dir($elem) -> $file {
@targets.push( => $elem, name => $file)
return $list;

=begin pod
=head1 NAME
File::Find - Get a lazy list of a directory tree
use File::Find;
my @list := find(dir => 'foo');
say @list[0..3];
my $list = find(dir => 'foo');
say $list[0..3];
C<File::Find> allows you to get the contents of the given directory,
recursively. The only exported function, C<find()>, generates a lazy
list of files in given directory. Every element of the list is a
C<File::Find::Result> object, described below.
C<find()> takes one (or more) named arguments. The C<dir> argument
is mandatory, and sets the directory C<find()> will traverse.
There are also few optional arguments. If more than one is passed,
all of them must match for a file to be returned.
=head2 name
Specify a name of the file C<File::Find> is ought to look for. If you
pass a string here, C<find()> will return only the files with the given
name. When passing a regex, only the files with path matching the
pattern will be returned.
=head2 type
Given a type, C<find()> will only return files being the given type.
The available types are C<file>, C<dir> or C<symlink>.
=head1 File::Find::Result
C<File::Find::Result> object acts like a normal string, having two
additional accessors, C<dir> and C<name>, holding the directory
the file is in and the filename respectively.
=head1 Perl 5's File::Find
Please note, that this module is not trying to be the verbatim port of
Perl 5's File::Find module. Its interface is closer to Perl 5's
File::Find::Rule, and its features are planned to be similar one day.
=head1 CAVEATS
List assignment is eager in Perl 6, so if You assign C<find()> result
to an array, the elements will be copied and the laziness will be
spoiled. For a proper lazy list, use either binding (C<:=>) or assign
a result to a scalar value (see SYNOPSIS).
=end pod

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use v6;

module File::Mkdir;

multi sub mkdir(Str $name, $mode = 0o777, :$p!) is export {
for [\~] $name.split('/').map({"$_/"}) {
mkdir($_) unless .IO.d

=begin pod
=head1 NAME
File::Mkdir -- provides recursive mkdir
use File::Mkdir;
# special mkdir exported in File::Mkdir
mkdir '/some/directory/tree', :p;
# just a casual, built-in mkdir
mkdir 'directory';
C<File::Mkdir> provides an mkdir variant, which, when provided the :p
parameter, will create the directory tree recursively. For example,
calling C<mkdir 'foo/bar', :p> will create the foo directory (unless
it alredy exists), then the foo/bar directory (unless it exists).
The standard Perl 6 C<mkdir> is still available, and will be called
when the :p parameter is not passed.
=end pod

# vim: ft=perl6
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# =begin Pod
# =head1 JSON::Tiny
# C<JSON::Tiny> is a minimalistic module that reads and writes JSON.
# It supports strings, numbers, arrays and hashes (no custom objects).
# =head1 Synopsis
# use JSON::Tiny;
# my $json = to-json([1, 2, "a third item"]);
# my $copy-of-original-data-structure = from-json($json);
# =end Pod

module JSON::Tiny;

use JSON::Tiny::Actions;
use JSON::Tiny::Grammar;

proto to-json($d) is export { _tj($d) }

multi _tj(Real $d) { ~$d }
multi _tj(Bool $d) { $d ?? 'true' !! 'false'; }
multi _tj(Str $d) {
~ (~$d).trans(['"', '\\', "\b", "\f", "\n", "\r", "\t"]
=> ['\"', '\\\\', '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t'])\
# RAKUDO: This would be nicer to write as <-[\c32..\c126]>,
# but Rakudo doesn't do \c yet. [perl #73698]
.subst(/<-[\ ..~]>/, { ord(~$_).fmt('\u%04x') }, :g)
~ '"'
multi _tj(Array $d) {
return '[ '
~ (map { _tj($_) }, $d.values).join(', ')
~ ' ]';
multi _tj(Hash $d) {
return '{ '
~ (map { _tj(.key) ~ ' : ' ~ _tj(.value) }, $d.pairs).join(', ')
~ ' }';

multi _tj($d where { $d.notdef }) { 'null' }
multi _tj($s) {
die "Can't serialize an object of type " ~ $s.WHAT.perl

sub from-json($text) is export {
my $a =;
my $o = JSON::Tiny::Grammar.parse($text, :actions($a));
return $o.ast;
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class JSON::Tiny::Actions;

method TOP($/) {
make $/.values.[0].ast;
method object($/) {
# the .item works around RT #78510
make $<pairlist>.ast.hash.item ;

method pairlist($/) {
# the .item works around RT #78510
make $<pair>>>.ast.flat.item;

method pair($/) {
make $<string>.ast => $<value>.ast;

method array($/) {
make [$<value>>>.ast];

method string($/) {
make join '', $/.caps>>.value>>.ast
method value:sym<number>($/) { make eval $/.Str }
method value:sym<string>($/) { make $<string>.ast }
method value:sym<true>($/) { make Bool::True }
method value:sym<false>($/) { make Bool::False }
method value:sym<null>($/) { make Any }
method value:sym<object>($/) { make $<object>.ast }
method value:sym<array>($/) { make $<array>.ast }

method str($/) { make ~$/ }

method str_escape($/) {
if $<xdigit> {
make chr(:16($<xdigit>.join));
} else {
my %h = '\\' => "\\",
'/' => "/",
'b' => "\b",
'n' => "\n",
't' => "\t",
'f' => "\f",
'r' => "\r",
'"' => "\"";
make %h{~$/};

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use v6;
grammar JSON::Tiny::Grammar;

rule TOP { ^[ <object> | <array> ]$ }
rule object { '{' ~ '}' <pairlist> }
rule pairlist { [ <pair> ** [ \, ] ]? }
rule pair { <string> ':' <value> }
rule array { '[' ~ ']' [ <value> ** [ \, ] ]? }

proto token value { <...> };
token value:sym<number> {
[ 0 | <[1..9]> <[0..9]>* ]
[ \. <[0..9]>+ ]?
[ <[eE]> [\+|\-]? <[0..9]>+ ]?
token value:sym<true> { <sym> };
token value:sym<false> { <sym> };
token value:sym<null> { <sym> };
token value:sym<object> { <object> };
token value:sym<array> { <array> };
token value:sym<string> { <string> }

token string {
\" ~ \" [ <str> | \\ <str_escape> ]*

token str {
<!before \t>
<!before \n>
<!before \\>
<!before \">
# <-["\\\t\n]>+

token str_escape {
<["\\/bfnrt]> | u <xdigit>**4

# vim: ft=perl6

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