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GAM 5.00.01

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@taers232c taers232c released this 13 Mar 12:35

Latest updates

Updated code to account for Google API change that prevented clearing a user's recovery phone.

Replaced the deprecated oauth2client library with the google-auth library.
This change requires a one-time update of the client access file oauth2.txt; GAM will continue
to use the old version of oauth2.txt until you perform the update. There is a small performace
impact until the update is performed. However, you can't use the updated version of oauth2.txt
in prior versions of GAM; if you want to run GAM 5.00.00 and prior versions of GAM,
do not perform the update until you no longer need to run the prior versions of GAM.

If you are running any GAM version 4.85.00 or later, perform the following command
to perform the update.

gam oauth refresh

If you are running any GAM version before 4.85.00, perform the following command
to perform the update.

gam oauth update

The following command has been deleted as it is no longer required:

gam oauth|oauth2 import <FileName>

Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print users where the issuspended option was ignored.

Added option limittoou <OrgUnitItem> to gam print users to limit the display to those users
directly in the OU <OrgUnitItem>.


If you are a first time Gam user:

If you are upgrading from standard Gam

If you are upgrading from GAMADV-X or GAMADV-XTD