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NOTE: This plugin is outdated for Fluentd v0.14 (Fluentd v0.14 has 'parser' filter plugin)



This is a Fluentd plugin to parse strings in log messages and re-emit them.


Filter version of ParserOutput. In fluentd v0.12 or later, ParserFilter is recommended for simple configuartion and better performance.


Generate string log value from log message, with specified format and fields, and re-emit.


Filter version of DeparserOutput. In fluentd v0.12 or later, DeparserFilter is recommended for simple configuartion and better performance.



ParserOutput has just same with 'in_tail' about 'format' and 'time_format':

<match raw.apache.common.*>
  @type parser
  remove_prefix raw
  format /^(?<host>[^ ]*) [^ ]* (?<user>[^ ]*) \[(?<time>[^\]]*)\] "(?<method>\S+)(?: +(?<path>[^ ]*) +\S*)?" (?<code>[^ ]*) (?<size>[^ ]*)$/
  time_format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
  key_name message

Of course, you can use predefined format 'apache' and 'syslog':

<match raw.apache.combined.*>
  @type parser
  remove_prefix raw
  format apache
  key_name message

fluent-plugin-parser uses parser plugins of Fluentd (and your own customized parser plugin). See document page for more details:

If you want original attribute-data pair in re-emitted message, specify 'reserve_data':

<match raw.apache.*>
  @type parser
  tag apache
  format apache
  key_name message
  reserve_data yes

If you want to suppress 'pattern not match' log, specify 'suppress_parse_error_log true' to configuration. default value is false.

<match in.hogelog>
  @type parser
  tag hogelog
  format /^col1=(?<col1>.+) col2=(?<col2>.+)$/
  key_name message
  suppress_parse_error_log true

To store parsed values with specified key name prefix, use inject_key_prefix option:

<match raw.sales.*>
  @type parser
  tag sales
  format json
  key_name sales
  reserve_data      yes
  inject_key_prefix sales.
# input string of 'sales': {"user":1,"num":2}
# output data: {"sales":"{\"user\":1,\"num\":2}","sales.user":1, "sales.num":2}

To store parsed values as a hash value in a field, use hash_value_field option:

<match raw.sales.*>
  @type parser
  tag sales
  format json
  key_name sales
  hash_value_field parsed
# input string of 'sales': {"user":1,"num":2}
# output data: {"parsed":{"user":1, "num":2}}

Other options (ex: reserve_data, inject_key_prefix) are available with hash_value_field.

# output data: {"sales":"{\"user\":1,\"num\":2}", "parsed":{"sales.user":1, "sales.num":2}}

Not to parse times (reserve that field like 'time' in record), specify time_parse no:

<match raw.sales.*>
  type parser
  tag sales
  format json
  key_name sales
  hash_value_field parsed
  time_parse no
# input string of 'sales': {"user":1,"num":2,"time":"2013-10-31 12:48:33"}
# output data: {"parsed":{"user":1, "num":2,"time":"2013-10-31 12:48:33"}}


To build CSV from field 'store','item','num', as field 'csv', without raw data:

<match in.marketlog.**>
  @type deparser
  remove_prefix in
  format %s,%s,%s
  format_key_names store,item,num
  key_name csv

To build same CSV, as additional field 'csv', with reserved raw fields:

<match in.marketlog>
  @type deparser
  tag marketlog
  format %s,%s,%s
  format_key_names store,item,num
  key_name csv
  reserve_data yes


This is the filter version of ParserOutput.

Note that this filter version of parser plugin does not have modifing tag functionality.

ParserFilter has just same with 'in_tail' about 'format' and 'time_format':

<filter raw.apache.common.*>
  @type parser
  format /^(?<host>[^ ]*) [^ ]* (?<user>[^ ]*) \[(?<time>[^\]]*)\] "(?<method>\S+)(?: +(?<path>[^ ]*) +\S*)?" (?<code>[^ ]*) (?<size>[^ ]*)$/
  time_format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
  key_name message

Of course, you can use predefined format 'apache' and 'syslog':

<filter raw.apache.combined.*>
  @type parser
  format apache
  key_name message

fluent-plugin-parser uses parser plugins of Fluentd (and your own customized parser plugin). See document page for more details:

If you want original attribute-data pair in re-emitted message, specify 'reserve_data':

<filter raw.apache.*>
  @type parser
  format apache
  key_name message
  reserve_data yes

If you want to suppress 'pattern not match' log, specify 'suppress_parse_error_log true' to configuration. default value is false.

<filter in.hogelog>
  @type parser
  format /^col1=(?<col1>.+) col2=(?<col2>.+)$/
  key_name message
  suppress_parse_error_log true

To store parsed values with specified key name prefix, use inject_key_prefix option:

<filter raw.sales.*>
  @type parser
  format json
  key_name sales
  reserve_data      yes
  inject_key_prefix sales.
# input string of 'sales': {"user":1,"num":2}
# output data: {"sales":"{\"user\":1,\"num\":2}","sales.user":1, "sales.num":2}

To store parsed values as a hash value in a field, use hash_value_field option:

<filter raw.sales.*>
  @type parser
  tag sales
  format json
  key_name sales
  hash_value_field parsed
# input string of 'sales': {"user":1,"num":2}
# output data: {"parsed":{"user":1, "num":2}}

Other options (ex: reserve_data, inject_key_prefix) are available with hash_value_field.

# output data: {"sales":"{\"user\":1,\"num\":2}", "parsed":{"sales.user":1, "sales.num":2}}

Not to parse times (reserve that field like 'time' in record), specify time_parse no:

<filter raw.sales.*>
  @type parser
  format json
  key_name sales
  hash_value_field parsed
  time_parse no
# input string of 'sales': {"user":1,"num":2,"time":"2013-10-31 12:48:33"}
# output data: {"parsed":{"user":1, "num":2,"time":"2013-10-31 12:48:33"}}


Note that this filter version of deparser plugin does not have modifing tag functionality.

To build CSV from field 'store','item','num', as field 'csv', without raw data:

<filter in.marketlog.**>
  @type deparser
  format %s,%s,%s
  format_key_names store,item,num
  key_name csv

To build same CSV, as additional field 'csv', with reserved raw fields:

<filter in.marketlog>
  @type deparser
  format %s,%s,%s
  format_key_names store,item,num
  key_name csv
  reserve_data yes


  • consider what to do next
  • patches welcome!


  • Copyright
    • Copyright (c) 2012- TAGOMORI Satoshi (tagomoris)
  • License
    • Apache License, Version 2.0


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