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Tags Drive (Core)

The latest release Go Report Card

This repository contains the backend part of Tags Drive

The basic information and FAQ can be found in the tags-drive/tags-drive repository.


CL commands

  • ./tags-drive, ./tags-drive start – launch Tags Drive
  • ./tags-drive decrypt – launch the Decryptor. You can find more information about Decryptor here
  • ./tags-drive migrate – launch the Migrator. You can find more information about Migrator here

Environment variables

Variable Default Description
DEBUG false
WEB_PORT 80 Port for http server
WEB_TLS true Enable HTTPS
WEB_LOGIN user Set your login
WEB_PASSWORD qwerty Set your password
WEB_SKIP_LOGIN false Skip the log-in procedure
WEB_MAX_TOKEN_LIFE 1440h The max lifetime of a token (default lifetime is 60 days)
STORAGE_ENCRYPT false Encrypt meta files. Uploaded files are encrypted only when STORAGE_FILES_TYPE=disk
STORAGE_PASS_PHRASE "" A phrase for file encryption. Cannot be empty if ENCRYPT == true
STORAGE_TIME_BEFORE_DELETING 168h Time before deleting a file from the Trash (default delay is 7 days)
STORAGE_FILES_TYPE disk Define the kind of File Storage. The available options are disk, s3
STORAGE_S3_ENDPOINT "" URL to object storage service
STORAGE_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID "" The user ID that uniquely identifies the account
STORAGE_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY "" Password to the account
STORAGE_S3_SECURE false Enable secure (HTTPS) access
STORAGE_S3_BUCKET_LOCATION "" S3 bucket location (can be empty)

Technical details

File storage


Files are stored in var/data and var/data/resized folders. Files are encrypted according to STORAGE_ENCRYPT env var.


Files can be stored in S3 compatible storage in var-data and var-data-resized buckets. Tags Drive interacts with S3 compatible storage by package.

Note: STORAGE_ENCRYPT doesn't affect if S3 storage is used.

File structure

Var folder

  • auth_tokens.json - contains valid tokens

        "token": "first-token",
        "expire": "2018-12-13T17:13:02.7716523+03:00"
        "token": "second-token",
        "expire": "2019-01-02T15:35:18.7829909-08:00"
  • files.json - contains a json map of all files

      "1": {
        "id": 1,
        "filename": "cute-cat.jpg",
        "type": {
          "ext": ".jpg",
          "fileType": "image",
          "supported": true,
          "previewType": "image"
        "origin": "data/1",
        "preview": "data/resized/1",
        "tags": [24,26],
        "description": "very cute cat :)",
        "size": 480900,
        "addTime": "2018-12-29T16:45:07.4440863+03:00",
        "deleted": false,
        "timeToDelete": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
  • tags.json - contains a json map of all tags

        "12": {
          "id": 12,
          "name": "cute",
          "color": "#55dcd4"
        "15": {
          "id": 15,
          "name": "nature",
          "color": "#c9f898"
  • share_tokens.json - contains share tokens

        "some_token": [1, 2],
        "another_token": [1, 2, 15, 27]

SSL folder

The ssl folder contains TLS certificate files cert.cert and key.key

Use this command to generate self-signed TLS certificate:

openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -keyout key.key -out cert.cert


Run a local version

  • scripts/run/go – run a local version with go run. You can set env vars by editing the .env file. It is the fastest way to launch the local version, but you need to have Go installed.
  • scripts/run/docker – build a Docker image and run a container

Run tests


General endpoints

  • GET / – main page

  • GET /mobile – mobile version

  • GET /share?shareToken=token - Tags Drive in share mode

  • GET /login – login page

  • GET /data/{id} – returns a file

  • GET /file-icons – returns file icon

    Params (at least one param must be specified):

    • ext: extension of a file
    • filename: name of a file


  • GET /api/user – check if a user is authorized


    • if a user is authorized: { "authorized" : true }
    • else: 401 Unauthorized
  • POST /api/login – sets cookie with auth token


    • login: user's login
    • password: password (sha256 checksum repeated 11 times)

    Response: -

  • POST /api/logout – deletes auth cookie

    Params: -

    Response: -


  • GET /api/file/{id} – get file info


    • id: id of a file
    • shareToken (optional): allow to use this API method without auth (the response (files, tags) can be limited)

    Response: json object of FileInfo

  • GET /api/files – get a list of files


    • expr: logical expression. Example: !(12&15)&(12|15) means all files that have single tag with the id 12 or 15
    • search: a text/regexp search
    • regexp: enable regexp search (it is true when regexp param is not an empty string)
    • sort: name | size | time
    • order: asc | desc
    • offset: lower bound [offset:]
    • count: number of returned files ([offset:offset+count]). If count == 0, all files will be returned. Default value is 0
    • shareToken (optional): allow to use this API method without auth (the response (files, tags) can be limited)

    Response: json array of FileInfo. Status code is 204 when offset is out of bounds.

  • GET /api/files/recent – get a list of recent uploaded files


    • number: number of returned files (5 is the default value)

    Response: json array of FileInfo

  • GET /api/files/download – download files in a zip archive


    • ids: list of files ids for downloading separated by commas ids=1,2,54,9
    • shareToken (optional): allow to use this API method without auth (the response (files, tags) can be limited)

    Response: zip archive

  • POST /api/files – upload files


    • tags: list of tags separated by commas (tags=1,2,3)

    Body must be multipart/form-data

    Response: json array of multiplyResponse

Changing file info

  • PUT /api/file/{id}/name – update name of a file


    • id: file id
    • new-name: new filename

    Response: updated file (json object of FileInfo)

  • PUT /api/file/{id}/tags – update tags of a file


    • id: file id
    • tags: updated list of tags separated by commas (tags=1,2,3)

    Response: updated file (json object of FileInfo)

  • PUT /api/file/{id}/description – update description of a file


    • id: file id
    • description: updated description

    Response: updated file (json object of FileInfo)

Editing tags of multiple files

  • POST /api/files/tags – add tags to multiple files


    • files: files ids (list of ids separated by ',')
    • tags: tags for adding (list of tags ids separated by ',')

    Response: -

  • DELETE /api/files/tags – remove tags from multiple files


    • files: files ids (list of ids separated by ',')
    • tags: tags for deleting (list of tags ids separated by ',')

    Response: -

Removing and recovering

  • DELETE /api/files – remove files


    • ids: list of files ids for deleting separated by commas ids=1,2,54,9
    • force: enable instant deletion (if not empty, files will be deleted immediately)

    Response: json array of multiplyResponse

  • POST /api/files/recover – recover files from the Trash


    • ids: list of files ids for recovering (list of ids separated by comma ids=1,2,54,9)

    Response: -


  • GET /api/tags – get list of tags


    • shareToken (optional): allow to use this API method without auth (the response (files, tags) can be limited)

    Response: json object of Tags

  • POST /api/tags – add a new tag


    • name: name of a new tag
    • color: color of a new tag (#ffffff by default)
    • group: group of a new tag (empty by default)

    Response: -

  • PUT /api/tag/{id} – update a tag


    • id: tag id
    • name: new tag name (can be empty)
    • color: new tag color (can be empty)
    • group: new tag group (can be empty)

    Response: updated tag (json object of Tag)

  • DELETE /api/tags – remove a tag


    • id: tag id (one tag at a time)

    Response: -


  • GET /api/share/tokens - returns all share tokens

    Params: -

    Response: json map with tokens and ids of shared files

        "token1": [1, 2, 3],
        "token2": [4, 5, 25],
  • GET /api/share/token/{token} - returns ids of files shared by passed token


    • token: share token

    Response: json array with ids of shared files

  • POST /api/share/token - create a new share token


    • ids: list of ids of files to share separated by commas (example: ?ids=1,2,3)

    Response: returns new share token

      { "token": "created token" }
  • DELETE /api/share/token/{token} - delete a share token


    • token: share token

    Response: -


  • GET /api/version – returns the version of the backend part

  • GET /api/ping – ping Tags Drive

    Response: http.StatusOK (200)

Additional info


Uploaded files can be encrypted. Tags Drive uses sha256 sum of the PASS_PHRASE for encryption. Encryption is realized by minio/sio package.

General structures


type FileType string

type PreviewType string

// Ext is a struct which contains a type of the original file and a type for a preview
type Ext struct {
    Ext         string      `json:"ext"`
    FileType    FileType    `json:"fileType"`
    Supported   bool        `json:"supported"`
    PreviewType PreviewType `json:"previewType"`

type File struct {
    ID       int    `json:"id"`
    Filename string `json:"filename"`
    Type     Ext    `json:"type"`
    Tags        []int     `json:"tags"`
    Description string    `json:"description,omitempty"`
    Size        int64     `json:"size"`
    AddTime     time.Time `json:"addTime"`
    Deleted      bool  `json:"deleted"`
    TimeToDelete int64 `json:"timeToDelete,omitempty"`


type Tag struct {
    ID    int    `json:"id"`
    Name  string `json:"name"`
    Color string `json:"color"`
    Group string `json:"group"`

type Tags map[int]Tag


type multiplyResponse struct {
    Filename string `json:"filename"`
    IsError  bool   `json:"isError"`
    Error    string `json:"error"`
    Status   string `json:"status"` // Status isn't empty when IsError == false