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Default Register Map Format

Taichi Ishitani edited this page Jan 31, 2019 · 9 revisions

Default Register Map Format

By default, RgGen specifies the default register map format. Following is an example of register map.

1 Block Name block_0
2 Byte Size 256
4 Offset Address Register Name Array Dimension Type Bit Assignment Field Name Type Iitial Value Reference
5 0x00 register_0 [8] field_0_0 rw 0
6 [0] field_0_1 rw 0
7 0x04 register_1 [31:0] field_1_0 ro
8 0x08 register_2 [31:16] field_2_0 rw 0
9 [15:0] field_2_1 rw 0
10 0x0c register_3 [8] field_3_0 w0s 0
11 [0] field_3_1 w1s 0
12 0x10 register_4 [8] field_4_0 w0c 0
13 [0] field_4_1 w1c 0
14 0x14 register_5 [8] field_5_0 rwl 0 field_0_0
15 [0] field_6_1 rwe 0 field_0_1
16 0x20 - 0x2F register_6 [4] [7:0] field_6_0 rw 0
17 0x30 register_7 [2, 4] indirect: field_0_0:1, field_2_0, field_2_1 [7:0] field_7_0 rw 0
18 0x40 - 0x5F register_8 external

Attributes of Register Block

Block Name

Specify name of a register block. You need to specify an unique name in the whole of your register map.

Byte Size

Specify how many bytes in a register block.

Attributes of Register

Offset Address

Specify offset address of a register. If a register contains a single word, you can specify its value like 0x00. If a register contains multiple words, you can specify its value like 0x00 - 0x1F.

Register Name

Specify name of a register. You need to specify an unique name in a whole register block.

Array Dimension

Specify array dimension of a register. If a register is not an array, you don't need to specify this value.

  • Single Dimension Array

If a register is a single dimension array, you can specify its value like [2].

  • Multiple Dimensions Array

If a register is a multiple dimensions array, you can specify its value like [2, 4]. In addition, you can a multiple dimensions array only when a register is a shadow register.


Specify type of a register. By default, you can specify below register types:

  • default
  • indirect
  • external


This is a normal register; located by an offset address and including bit field(s). If register type is not specified then this type is selected.


Some registers are not located only by an offset address but also by index bit field(s). The indirect register type is for this purpose. You need to specify index bit field(s) by using a combination of conditional index bit field(s) and array index bit field(s) like conditional_index_a:0, conditional_index_b:1, array_index_a, array_index_b. A conditional index bit field is used as condition for selecting. An array index bit field is used as index of array. In case of above example, you can access the register_6[1][3] register only when the field_0_0 is 1, the field_2_0 is 1 and the field_2_1 is 3.


The external register type is to assign an address range to an another external module, e.g. SRAM, FIFO, etc. If you select this type then the generated RTL will have an interface to connect an external module.

Attributes of Bit Field

Bit Assignment

Specify bit assignment of a bit field in a register. You can specify its value like [0] or [7:0].

Field Name

Specify name of a bit field. You need to specify an unique name in a whole register block.


Specify type of a bit field. By default, you can specify below bit field types:

Type Name Description Note
rw Read, Write
ro Read Only
w0c/w1c Write 0/1 to Clear
w0s/w1s Write 0/1 to Set
rwl Read, Write with Lock Can be written only when its reference (lock) bit field is 0.
rwe Read, Write with Enable Can be wretten only when its reference (eanble) bit field is 1.

Initial Value

Specify the value after reset. You can specify an integral value.


Specify a bit field referred by this bit field. Currently, you can use this value only when type of bit field is rwl or rwe.