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What Makes Vagga Different?

There are four prominent features of vagga:

  • Command-centric workflow instead of container-centric
  • Lazy creation of containers
  • Containers are versioned and automatically rebuilt
  • Running multiple processes without headache

Let's discuss them in details

Command-Centric Workflow

When you start working on project, you don't need to know anything about virtual machines, dependencies, paths whatever. You just need to know what you can do with it.

Consider we have an imaginary web application. Let's see what we can do:

$ git clone git@git.git:somewebapp.git somewebapp
$ cd somewebapp
$ vagga
Available commands:
    build-js    build javascript files needed to run application
    serve       serve a program on a localhost

Ok, now we know that we probably expected to build javascipt files and that we can run a server. We now just do:

$ vagga build-js
# container created, dependencies populated, javascripts are built
$ vagga serve
Now you can go to http://localhost:8000 to see site in action

Compare that to vagrant:

$ vagrant up
# some machine(s) created
$ vagrant ssh
# now you are in new shell. What to do?
$ make
# ok probably something is built (if project uses make), what now?
$ less README
# long reading follows

Or compare that to docker:

$ docker pull someuser/somewebapp
$ docker run --rm --it someuser/somewebapp
# if you are lucky something is run, but how to build it?
# let's see the README

Lazy Container Creation

There are few interesting cases where lazy containers help.

Application Requires Multiple Environments

In our imaginary web application described above we might have very different environments to build javascript files, and to run the application. For example javascripts are usually built and compressed using Node.js. But if our server is written in python we don't need Node.js to run application. So it's often desirable to run application in a container without build dependencies, at least to be sure that you don't miss some dependency.

Let's declare that with vagga. Just define two containers:


    - !Ubuntu xenial
    - !Install [make, nodejs, node-uglify]

    - !Ubuntu xenial
    - !UbuntuUniverse
    - !Install [python-django]

One for each command:


  build-js: !Command
    container: build
    run: "make build-js"

  serve: !Command
    container: serve
    run: "python runserver"

Similarly might be defined test container and command:


    - !Ubuntu xenial
    - !UbuntuUniverse
    - !Install [make, nodejs, node-uglify, python-django, python-nose]


    container: testing
    run: [nosetests]

And your user never care how many containers are there. User only runs whatever commands he needs.

How is it done in vagrant?

$ vagrant up
# two containers are up at this point
$ vagrant ssh build -- make
# built, now we don't want to waste memory for build virtual machine
$ vagrant halt build
$ vagrant ssh serve -- python runserver

Project With Examples

Many open-source projects and many proprietary libraries have some examples. Often samples have additional dependencies. If you developing a markdown parser library, you might have a tiny example web application using flask that converts markdown to html on the fly:

$ vagga
Available commands:
    md2html         convert markdown to html without installation
    tests           run tests
    example-web     run live demo (flask app)
    example-plugin  example of plugin for markdown parser
$ vagga example-web
Now go to http://localhost:8000 to see the demo

How would you achieve the same with vagrant?

$ ls -R examples
Vagrantfile README

Vagrantfile README

$ cd examples/web
$ vagrant up && vagrant ssh -- python --help
$ vagrant ssh -- python --port 8000
# ok got it, let's stop it
$ vagrant halt && vagrant destroy

I.e. a Vagrantfile per example. Then user must keep track of what containers he have done vagrant up in, and do not forget to shutdown and destroy them.


example with Vagrant is very imaginary, because unless you insert files in container on provision stage, your project root is inaccessible in container of examples/web. So you need some hacks to make it work.

Docker case is very similar to Vagrant one.

Container Versioning and Rebuilding

What if the project dependencies are changed by upstream? No problem:

$ git pull
$ vagga serve
# vagga notes that dependencies changed, and rebuilds container
$ git checkout stable
# moving to stable branch, to fix some critical bug
$ vagga serve
# vagga uses old container that is probably still around

Vagga hashes dependencies, and if the hash changed creates new container. Old ones are kept around for a while, just in case you revert to some older commit or switch to another branch.


For all backends except nix, version hash is derived from parameters of a builder. For nix we use hash of nix derivations that is used to build container, so change in .nix file or its dependencies trigger rebuild too (unless it's non-significant change, like whitespace change or swapping lines).

How you do this with Vagrant:

$ git pull
$ vagrant ssh -- python runserver
$ vagrant reload
$ vagrant ssh -- python runserver
$ vagrant reload --provision
#  If you are lucky and your provision script is good, dependency installed
$ vagrant ssh -- python runserver
# Ok it works
$ git checkout stable
$ vagrant ssh -- python runserver
# Wow, we still running dependencies from "master", since we added
# a dependency it works for now, but may crash when deploying
$ vagrant restart --provision
# We used ``pip install requirements.txt`` in provision
# and it doesn't delete dependencies
$ vagrant halt
$ vagrant destroy
$ vagrant up
# let's wait ... it sooo long.
$ vagrant ssh -- python runserver
# now we are safe
$ git checkout master
# Oh no, need to rebuild container again?!?!

Using Docker? Let's see:

$ git pull
$ docker run --rm -it me/somewebapp python runserver
$ docker tag me/somewebapp:latest me/somewebapp:old
$ docker build -t me/somewebapp .
$ docker run --rm -it me/somewebapp python runserver
# Oh, that was simple
$ git checkout stable
$ docker run --rm -it me/somewebapp python runserver
# Oh, crap, I forgot to downgrade container
# We were smart to tag old one, so don't need to rebuild:
$ docker run --rm -it me/somewebapp:old python runserver
# Let's also rebuild dependencies
$ ./
Running: docker run --rm me/somewebapp_build python runserver
# Oh crap, we have hard-coded container name in build script?!?!

Well, docker is kinda easier because we can have multiple containers around, but still hard to get right.

Running Multiple Processes

Many projects require multiple processes around. E.g. when running web application on development machine there are at least two components: database and app itself. Usually developers run database as a system process and a process in a shell.

When running in production one usually need also a cache and a webserver. And developers are very lazy to run those components on development system, just because it's complex to manage. E.g. if you have a startup script like this:

redis-server ./config/redis.conf &
python runserver

You are going to loose redis-server running in background when python process dead or interrupted. Running them in different tabs of your terminal works while there are two or three services. But today more and more projects adopt service-oriented architecture. Which means there are many services in your project (e.g. in our real-life example we had 11 services written by ourselves and we also run two mysql and two redis nodes to emulate clustering).

This means either production setup and development are too diverse, or we need better tools to manage processes.

How vagrant helps? Almost in no way. You can run some services as a system services inside a vagrant. And you can also have multiple virtual machines with services, but this doesn't solve core problem.

How docker helps? It only makes situation worse, because now you need to follow logs of many containers, and remember to docker stop and docker rm the processes on every occasion.

Vagga's way:

  run_full_app: !Supervise
      web: !Command
        container: python
        run: "python runserver"
      redis: !Command
        container: redis
        run: "redis-server ./config/redis.conf"
      celery: !Command
        container: python
        run: "python celery worker"

Now just run:

$ vagga run_full_app
# two python processes and a redis started here

It not only allows you to start processes in multiple containers, it also does meaningful monitoring of them. The stop-on-failure mode means if any process failed to start or terminated, terminate all processes. It's opposite to the usual meaning of supervising, but it's super-useful development tool.

Let's see how it's helpful. In example above celery may crash (for example because of misconfiguration, or OOM, or whatever). Usually when running many services you have many-many messages on startup, so you may miss it. Or it may crash later. So you click on some task in web app, and wait when the task is done. After some time, you think that it may be too long, and start looking in logs here and there. And after some tinkering around you see that celery is just down. Now, you lost so much time just waiting. Wouldn't it be nice if everything is just crashed and you notice it immediately? Yes it's what stop-on-failure does.

Then if you want to stop it, you just press Ctrl+C and wait for it to shut down. If it hangs for some reason (may be you created a bug), you repeat or press Ctrl+/ (which is SIGQUIT), or just do kill -9 from another shell. In any case vagga will not exit until all processes are shut down and no hanging processes are left ever (Yes, even with kill -9).