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HLisp Starter

HLisp is a lisp implementation built atop ClojureScript.

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Here is the example index.html file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <title>hlisp test</title>

  <style type="text/css">
    ul.control-tabs { padding: 0; list-style-type: none; }
    ul.control-tabs li { display: inline; padding-right: 5px; }
    ul.control-tabs li.checked { color: red; }

  <script type="text/hlisp">

    ;; Namespace declaration. Each page must have a unique namespace.
    ;; The ns macro is also pulling in functions defined in other name-
    ;; spaces, like the make-radio and make-tabs functions defined in
    ;; the mytest.ui namespace (src/cljs/mytest/ui.cljs).

    (ns holyshit
        [flapjax.core :only [sync-e]]
        [mytest.ui    :only [make-radio make-tabs]])
        [hlisp.macros :only [def-values]]))

    ;; Create a "tabs" set with two trigger elements and two container
    ;; elements. When the trigger element is clicked the associated
    ;; container element is shown and all other containers are hidden.

      [mytabs questiontab question answertab answer]
      (make-tabs "one" li div "one" li div "two"))

    ;; Define a var to save a little typing.

    (def a-void (a {:href "javascript:void (0)"}))

    ;; Create a "radio button" set with two elements (anchors, in this
    ;; case). The myradio event stream carries values of "one" and "two"
    ;; when the first or second element is clicked on, respectively.

      [myradio showquestion showanswer]
      (make-radio "one" a-void "one" a-void "two"))

    ;; Keep myradio and mytabs synced: when one changes state the other
    ;; does, too.

    (sync-e myradio mytabs)


    <ul class="control-tabs">

          <b>Q.</b> Why did the chicken cross the road? <showanswer>A</showanswer>
          <b>A.</b> To get to the other side! <showquestion>Q</showquestion>



Install Leiningen2

Install dependencies:

lein deps

Start a server to serve the app on port 4000:


In another tab, you can start watcher-based ClojureScript compilation:


Visit http://localhost:4000/ to see the app.

Running a ClojureScript REPL

The ClojureScript REPL compiles ClojureScript forms into JavaScript locally and sends them to the browser to be evaluated.


  • C-x d to the hlisp-starter directory
  • M-x set-variable, and set the variable inferior-lisp-program to script/cljsrepl
  • M-x run-lisp and you should see an inferior-lisp buffer running a ClojureScript REPL.
  • Visit or reload http://localhost:4000/ in the browser.


  • If you know of a good inferior lisp setup for vi I'd like to hear about it!

Example Session

  • Hlisp defines vars for all the DOM elements in the following namespaces:
    • Project HTML page namespaces.
    • The hlisp.env namespace.
  • Hlisp nodes in the REPL are printed as lists.
  • The REPL also prints hlisp nodes in the browser console as DOM elements.
ClojureScript:cljs.user> (in-ns 'hlisp.env)

ClojureScript:hlisp.env> (div {:id "main"} (h1 ($text "Hello, world!")) (p ($text "How do you do?")))
(div {:id "main"} (h1 ($text "Hello, world!")) (p ($text "How do you do?")))

ClojureScript:hlisp.env> (defn f [x] (div {:class "foo"} x))
#<function f(x){ ... }>

ClojureScript:hlisp.env> (f (p ($text "I am wrapped in a div?")))
(div {:class "foo"} (p ($text "I am wrapped in a div?")))

ClojureScript:hlisp.env> (def test1 (f (label ($text "Name:"))))
(div {:class "foo"} (label ($text "Name:")))

ClojureScript:hlisp.env> (test1 br (input {:type "text"}))
(div {:class "foo"} (label ($text "Name:")) br (input {:type "text"}))


Have a look at the project.clj file:

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Leiningen Plugins
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; 1. lein-cljsbuild    To get a ClojureScript REPL going.
;; 2. lein-ring         To get a local dev server going.
;; 3. lein-hlisp        The hlisp compiler---produces main.js.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Dependencies
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; 1. clojure           Goes without saying.
;; 2. compojure         For the dev server setup.
;; 3. hlisp-macros      Some handy Clojure macros to use in cljs.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Hlisp Configuration
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; 1. html-src          Directory containing the HTML source files.
;; 2. cljs-src          Directory containing cljs source files.
;; 3. html-out          Directory into which processed HTML and JS will go.
;; 4. base-dir          URL path of deployed HTML if HTML is not served from 
;;                      the document root.
;; 5. includes          Vector of JS files to prepend (in order) to main.js.
;; 6. cljsc-opts        ClojureScript compiler options.

  hlisp-starter "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description  "Example hlisp project."
  :url          ""
  :license      {:name "Eclipse Public License"
                 :url ""}
  :source-paths ["src/clj"]
  :plugins      [[lein-cljsbuild "0.2.7"]
                 [lein-ring "0.7.1"]
                 [lein-hlisp "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]]
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
                 [compojure "1.0.4"] 
                 [hlisp-macros "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]]
  :eval-in      :leiningen
  :ring         {:handler example.routes/app}
  :cljsbuild    {:builds []}
  :hlisp        {:html-src    "src/html"
                 :cljs-src    "src/cljs"
                 :html-out    "resources/public"
                 :base-dir    ""
                 :includes    ["src/jslib/jquery.js"
                 :cljsc-opts  {:optimizations  :whitespace
                               :externs        ["src/extern/jquery.js"


Simple hlisp project setup.






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