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Folders and files

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5 Commits

Repository files navigation

7 - Jun - 2022

Employ - CURD Operation

React + CSS | Live Link

Project dependencies...

No Package Installs Use for...
1 yarn add uuid unique id generating
2 yarn add sweetalert2 displaying alert message
3 yarn add gh-pages Publish to a gh-pages branch on GitHub

Learning context by developing this app:

No Context learn by building this project...
1 Project Structure
2 Full CRUD operation
3 Conditional JSX rendering
4 User Search by its property values
5 Using sweetalert2 package for alert message
6 using of new Intl.NumberFormat for number formatting
  • Conditional UI Rendering for Show/Hide Components, base on true/false condition

"scripts": {
    "predeploy": "yarn build",
    "deploy": "gh-pages -d build"
"homepage" : "",
yarn deploy