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Express with Mongoose

This project is a backend application built with Node.js, Express, TypeScript, and Mongoose. It includes APIs for managing products and orders, and uses Zod for data validation.

Table of Contents


  • Node.js (v20.x or higher)
  • npm
  • MongoDB (local or remote instance)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd express-with-mongoose
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Create a .env file in the root directory and add your MongoDB connection string:

    MONGO_URI=provide your mongoDB Atlas URI here
  4. Running the project:

    npm run start:dev

Production Mode

    npm start
    # or
    yarn build
    yarn start

Linting and Formatting

    npm run lint

Fix linting errors:

    npm run lint:fix

API Documentation

Read Full Documentation


Get all products

GET /api/products

Get all orders

GET /api/orders