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Documenting changes between releases
📚 documentation
:books: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
💡 considerations
:bulb: considerations
General thoughts and considerations on a topic
💡 enhancement
:bulb: enhancement
A new feature or enhancement request
💡 idea
:bulb: idea
New ideas and proposals to be evaluated and developed
💡 new contents
:bulb: new contents
Additional book contents proposal (text and/or code)
📋 check list
:clipboard: check list
Things to check before merging new release.
📋 Roody Notes
:clipboard: Roody Notes
From @roodyyogurt annotated PDF of Hugo Book
🕐 add to changes
:clock1: add to changes
Contents changes that need to be documented
🕑 on 1st release
:clock2: on 1st release
To be done right before 1st release on master branch
🕑 pending approval
:clock2: pending approval
Issue requires approval by Ken Tessman
🕑 pending decision
:clock2: pending decision
Issue requires decisions by maintainers
🕑 pending merge
:clock2: pending merge
Task completed in dev branch, waiting to be merged into master.
🕑 pending task
:clock2: pending task
Approved changes waiting to be implemented
:clock2: WIP
Work in progress (possibly with tasks list).
🕑 2nd next release
:clock2: 2nd next release
TBD in the next release *after* the upcoming one
👮 contribution guidelines
:cop: contribution guidelines
Policies: How to contribute to project and docs.
👮 formatting conventions
:cop: formatting conventions
Policies: AsciiDoc formatting conventions.
👮 styling conventions
:cop: styling conventions
Policies: How Book elements should be styled
:crown: HTML
Issues with conversion to HTML format
:crown: PDF
Issues with conversion to PDF format
:crown: WWW
Issues with online book via GitHub Pages
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
🔨 Asciidoctor
:hammer: Asciidoctor
Tool: Asciidoctor
🔨 Dia
:hammer: Dia
Tool: Dia Diagram Editor
🔨 GitHub Pages
:hammer: GitHub Pages
Tool: GitHub Pages project website
🔨 Highlight
:hammer: Highlight
Tool: Highlight (syntax highlighter)
🔨 Travis CI
:hammer: Travis CI
Tool: Travis CI
🔬 research
:microscope: research
Issue requires further researching
Further information is requested