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As it name suggests, pandoc is the panacea for documents inter-format conversions. It support a variety of markdown formats, and can also be used to convert a markdown document to its input format, to perform cleanup operations.

You might also want to look at PP Generic Preprocessor (with Pandoc in mind), a powerful tool to enhance pandoc workflow via macros.

About Pandoc

Pandoc is a cross-platform FOSS command line tool for converting documents from one format to another. It natively supports 22 input- and 41 output-formats, and can be extended to work with custom input (reader) and outupt (writer) formats through external scripts – likes the custom BBCode writers in this project.

Pandoc is written in Haskell, and precompiled binary releases for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux are available for download.

Pandoc was originally created by John MacFarlane, a philosophy professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and is now maintained collaboratively on GitHub.

Pandoc Tech Specs

Pandoc Supported Markdown Formats

As of pandoc v1.19.1, the supported Markdow formats are:

  1. markdownpandoc’s extended Markdown.
  2. markdown_githubGitHub-Flavored Markdown.
  3. markdown_mmdMultiMarkdown.
  4. markdown_phpextraPHP Markdown Extra.
  5. markdown_strict – original unextended Markdown.

Pandoc Supported Markdown Extensions

As of pandoc v1.19.2.1, there are 59 supported Markdown extensions – here shown preceded by a + or - indicating whether it is enabled by default in pandoc’s Markdown:

Ext. Name Ext. Name
- abbreviations + intraword_underscores
+ all_symbols_escapable + latex_macros
- angle_brackets_escapable + line_blocks
- ascii_identifiers + link_attributes
+ auto_identifiers - lists_without_preceding_blankline
- autolink_bare_uris - literate_haskell
+ backtick_code_blocks - markdown_attribute
+ blank_before_blockquote + markdown_in_html_blocks
+ blank_before_header - mmd_header_identifiers
+ bracketed_spans - mmd_link_attributes
+ citations - mmd_title_block
- compact_definition_lists + multiline_tables
+ definition_lists + native_divs
- east_asian_line_breaks + native_spans
- emoji + pandoc_title_block
- epub_html_exts + pipe_tables
+ escaped_line_breaks + raw_html
+ example_lists + raw_tex
+ fancy_lists + shortcut_reference_links
+ fenced_code_attributes + simple_tables
+ fenced_code_blocks + startnum
+ footnotes + strikeout
+ grid_tables + subscript
- hard_line_breaks + superscript
+ header_attributes + table_captions
- ignore_line_breaks + tex_math_dollars
+ implicit_figures - tex_math_double_backslash
+ implicit_header_references - tex_math_single_backslash
+ inline_code_attributes + yaml_metadata_block
+ inline_notes

You can view a list of all markdown extensions supported in pandoc by typing:

pandoc --list-extensions

Pandoc Supported Formats

As of v1.19.2.1, pandoc supports 22 input- and 41 output-formats:

asciidoc AsciiDoc
beamer beamer slide shows
commonmark commonmark CommonMark Markdown.
context ConTeXt
docbook docbook DocBook 4DocBook 4 Guide.
ibid. docbook5 DocBook 5.
docx docx Word docx.
dokuwiki DokuWiki markup
dzslides DZSlides
epub epub EPUB v2 book.
ibid. epub3 EPUB v3 book.
fb2 FictionBook2 e-book
haddock haddock Haddock markup.
html html HTML 4.
ibid. html5 HTML 5
icml InDesign IDML > ICML
json json JSON version of native AST.
latex latex LaTeX.
man groff man pages
markdown markdown pandoc’s extended Markdown.
markdown_github markdown_github GitHub-Flavored Markdown.
markdown_mmd markdown_mmd MultiMarkdown.
markdown_phpextra markdown_phpextra PHP Markdown Extra.
markdown_strict markdown_strict original unextended Markdown.
mediawiki mediawiki MediaWiki markup.
native native native Haskell.
odt odt ODT (OpenOffice text document).
opendocument OpenDocument.
opml opml OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language).
org org Emacs Org mode.
plain plain text
revealjs revealjs
rst rst reStructuredText.
rtf Rich Text Format
s5 S5 HTML slide shows
slideous Slideous
slidy Slidy
t2t txt2tags.
tei TEI Simple
texinfo GNU Texinfo
textile textile (subsets of) Textile.
twiki TWiki markup.
zimwiki ZimWiki markup

You can view a list of all input formats supported in pandoc by typing:

pandoc --list-input-formats

You can view a list of all output formats supported in pandoc by typing:

pandoc --list-output-formats

There is also the list-pandoc-formats.bat script for generating text files of pandoc’s supported: input/output formats, markdown extensions, highlight languages and styles.

Pandoc Setup

Instructions on how to setup pandoc.

MS Windows

You have different choices for setting up pandoc:

  1. Use pandoc’s msi installer
  2. Install via Chocolatey
  3. Use pandoc executable in standalone mode

The advised choice is #2 – install via Chocolatey!

Pandoc MSI Installer

Pandoc for Windows ships with an msi installer.

When asked, choose “install pandoc for current user” (best choice).

Pandoc via Chocolatey

Since Pandoc doesn’t (can’t) check for updates, the best method of installation is via Chocolatey (or ChocolateyGUI):

Chocolatey handles silent installation and updates in the background (using default options), and helps you keeping pandoc always updated to the latest release.

Pandoc Standalone

If you prefer to use pandoc in standalone mode, you’ll need to extract pandoc binary executable from the installer file – for some reasons, the standalone version is no longer available for download. The installer contains two binary files (pandoc.exe and pandoc-citeproc.exe), the html User’s Guide and the license files.

  1. Dowload the pandoc msi installer (eg: pandoc-1.XX-windows.msi)
  2. Unpack it (using 7-Zip) and extract and rename the pandocEXE file to pandoc.exe
  3. Optionally (if you need to use CiteProc for working with citations and bibliography files) also extract pandoc_citeprocEXE and rename it to pandoc_citeproc.exe.

Make sure that pandoc.exe (and, eventually, pandoc_citeproc.exe) is reachable via %PATH%.

Pandoc Resources

Pandoc resources available in this repository.


  • list-pandoc-formats.bat – generates txt files listing pandoc’s supported: input/output formats, markdown extensions, highlight languages and styles.

Pandoc External Resources
