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I've currently got minimal experience with PyTorch however given it's wide applications, I wanted to become familiar with implementations and thought I'd document my journey.

PyTorch Notes - Markdown:

  • Comments on key parts of PyTorch including: Dynamic computation graphs, Optimising, Datasets, Dataloaders, Softmax & CrossEntropy, Transforms, Activation Functions.

PyTorch-Basics - Notebook:

  • Covers creating tensors and basic operations.
  • Implements basic Linear Regression Model on the California Housing Project.
  • Explains what a DCG is and how backpropogation works.

Logistic Regression - Notebook:

  • Fits a Logisitc regression model on the Breast Cancer Dataset.
  • Demonstrates the basics of inheritance from nn.Module.

Feed_Forward - Notebook:

  • Fits a Neural Network on the MNIST Dataset.
  • Creating a multi-layered Neural Network using the nn.Module, can view and how to use the Activation Functions and linear models to feed a datapoint through a Neural Net.
  • Shows training data in Batches using: Dataloaders, Cross Entropy Loss, Adam optimiser.
  • How to visualise tensors using Matplotlib.

Convolutional Neural Networks - Notebook:

  • First implementation of a CNN on the Cifar-10 Dataset.
  • Gives a step by step overview of how the model is being trained.
  • Building familiarity with Pooling and Convolutional Filter layers to reduce feature size.

Transfer Learning - Python Script:

  • This script covers how we can use an already trained model such as Resnet18 to extract the features from an image.
  • Shows how to adapt the fully connected layers on the pretrained model for our use case.
  • Built intuition on common transformations on image data.
  • Explains how to save/load model params so we ultimately choose the params that had the highest epoch accuracy (or any other metric we'd like to use)


I feel I've built a good foundation with PyTorch and think it's time to move onto bigger projects. My first PyTorch project will be: Facebook Marketplace's Recommendation Ranking System. The aim of which will be to recommend products on Facebook based upon a users search history.

Facebook Project can be found on my Github. :)


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