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XBOX compatible gamepad remapper using vJoy and XInput.


  • Set axis deadzones
  • Remap axes to allow better fine grained control (see "Pow")
  • Triggers as rudder and break (toggle using user defined button)
  • Roll-to-yaw mode (toggle using left thumb)
  • Custom auto centering right stick headlook mode (toggle using right thumb)
  • Shift state support
  • Double tapped buttons
  • Website to display internal states (eg. on your phone while playing)

All features are optional, they may be turned on and off individually.


vJoy: XInput: should be available on any modern Windows system

Tested only with vJoy 2.0.4 on Windows 7 64-bit.


The operation principle of joyster is based on logic blocks connected to each other. Blocks can have any number of inputs and outputs. Some block types have parameters to fine tune their behavior. The config file defines what block types are created, and how are they connected to each other. This set of blocks is called the profile, which is run Update times per second.

The inputs and outputs are called ports. Each port has a type, which can be:

  • Numeric ports are for axes. Uses floating point numbers in the range -1..1. Specific ports, such as the triggers on the gamepad may provide only non-negative values.
  • Boolean ports represend buttons and logical flags. They can be either on or off.
  • Hat ports represent directional pads or hats. Internally they are 4-bit numbers, so all possible combinations of the four components (north, east, south, west) are supported.


The config file is a set of block, port and connection specifications.

Lines starting with a '#' are comments.

block creates a named block to be referred from other block and connection specifications.

port creates a new name for an existing input or output port.

conn connects an input port to an output port.

set sets global configuration parameters, and defines defaults for blocks.

Blocks and single-port inputs can be defined using:

[blocktype input1 input2 .... : parameters]
block blockname [blocktype input1 input2 .... : parameters]

Furthermore, a chained group of blocks can be defined using curly braces. A block created this way will have input and output ports matching portnames. The input of the group is the first, the output is the last block.

block groupname { portnames
	[block1 ...]
	[block2 ...]

Ports of blocks are referred to using a period between the block and port names. Ports of blocks having a single input or output have no name, so they are referred to simply using the block name with no period and port name following.

Ports and connection are defined using the following syntax:

port portname blockname.portname
conn portname sourceblockname.portname
conn blockname.port sourceblockname.portname


port shift gamepad.lthumb
conn vjoy.x gamepad.rx
conn vjoy.1 [and gamepad.1 gamepad.lbumper]

Parameters are always floating point values. Values support some SI prefixes. Block parameters are specified after a colon, and can be either a named (Param1=0.5 Param2=1) or positional argument list (0.5 1).

The config file is parsed according to the following syntax pseudo-specification.

stmt =
	'block' name blockspec
	'port' name block ['.' spec]
	'conn' portspec portspec
	'set' namedarglist
arglist = posarglist | namedarglist
posarglist =
	value [' ' value]*
value =
	digit* [
namedarglist =
	name '=' value [' ' value]*
portspecs = portspec [' ' portspec]*
portspec =
blockspec =
	{ newblockspec [newblockspec]* }
newblockspec =
	'[' blocktype [portspecs] [':' arglist] ']'
	'$' '[' blocktype [':' arglist] ']'
	'{' inputnames [blockspec]* '}'
plugvalue =
	on | off | true | false
	digits* ['.' digits*] ['k' | 'm' | 'u' | 'μ' | 'n']
	centre | north | south | east | west

Block types

A list of supported block types follows.

Some blocks have parameters. Currently only floating point values are supported. The actual unit of parameter values typically fall into one of the following categories:

  • relative axis value
  • time in seconds (fractions are supported)
  • axis value per second
  • boolean flag (nonzero meaning true)

Device blocks

Device blocks typically have only either inputs or outputs.


vjoy creates a vJoy output block. The single optional Device parameter specifies which one will be used. The default is 1 (first vJoy device).

  • Axes: x y z rx ry rz u v
  • Buttons: 1 .. 32
  • Hats: hat1 .. hat4

The vjoy block supports 4-way discrete hats only, so only one of the input components will be used. Inputs representing diagonals will yield their vertical (north or south) component.


gamepad creates an XBOX gamepad input block. The single optional Device parameter specifies which one will be used. The default is 0 (first controller).

  • Axes: lx ly rx ry lt rt
  • Buttons: a b x y ltrigger rtrigger lbumper rbumper lthumb rthumb start back
  • Hats: dpad

Triggers are provided both as buttons (ltrigger and rtrigger) and also as axes (lt and rt).

logic blocks

Logic blocks process input. They may or may not have an internal state. Pure functional blocks like and process their input directly to yield the output, while a block with state like toggle output value based on the internal state which may be adjusted with input.

Simple blocks

Simple blocks have only input and output, but no parameters.

Name Input Output Category
not bool bool logical not
and or xor 2x bool bool logical operators
lt gt le ge 2x axis bool comparison
eq ne 2x axis bool equality (see also xeq and xne)
add sub mul div mod pow 2x axis axis math
min max 2x axis axis select smaller/larger input
absmin absmax 2x axis axis select input with smaller/larger abs. value
if bool, 2x axis axis select input based on bool condition
hatadd hatsub hatxor 2x hat hat combine/subtract/flip hat values

Blocks with parameters

xeq and xne are similar to eq and ne, but uses the Range parameter to decide it the values are close enough, rather than using exact comparison that may be inaccurate because of floating point rounding errors.

Blocks with state


toggle outputs a fixed bool value that is toggled when the input signal is changed from off to on.


headlook is for incremental head look behavior with optional snap to centre.

block headlook [headlook: MovePerSec=2.0 AutoCenterDist=0.2 AutoCenterAccel=0.001 JumpToCenterAccel=0.1]
conn headlook.x [if headlooktoggle rs.x 0]
conn headlook.y [if headlooktoggle rs.y 0]
conn headlook.enable headlooktoggle


doublebutton defines a block that can be "double clicked". It provides two outputs, one unnamed representing the input itself, and double which is set if two successive inputs came within TapDelay seconds. double will be set to on for KeepPushed seconds. Only one of the outputs will ever be set to on, that is, a "double click" forces the unnamed output to be off for the time being itself is pushed.


multibutton is a push counter. It counts how many times a button was pressed with at most TapDelay seconds between button pushes, and sets the corresponding numbered output to on for KeepPushed seconds. Only one of the outputs will be set, meaning two quick pushes will yield an output on 2 only, but not on 1.

This means multibutton has to wait TapDelay seconds after the last button press to know which output must be set, therefore a multibutton with two outputs is differen than doublebutton in this regard.

Special blocks


pedals takes two axis values and turn them into a single combined axis. In addition to that a boolean flag will be set if both inputs are in use. The axis output is always zero if break is on. Parameters:

Parameter Description
AxisThreshold only use input above this treshold for axis output
BreakThreshold only use input above this treshold for break output
Exp exponent to use on axis output (default is 1 - linear)

Example assuming z to be the rudder, and button 1 to be the break:

block triggerYaw [pedal gamepad.rt: AxisThreshold=0.15 BreakThreshold=0.05 Exp=1.5]
conn output.z triggerYaw
conn output.1 triggerYaw.break

hatelem and makehat

makehat combines four bool inputs into a hat.

hatelem decomposes a hat into four distinct bool outputs.

The four boolean inputs are named n, s, e and w after the cardinal directions.


block dpaddir [hatelem gamepad.dpad]
port dpadup    dpaddir.n
port dpaddown  dpaddir.s
port dpadleft  dpaddir.w
port dpadright dpaddir.e

block buttonshat [makehat]
conn buttonshat.n gamepad.y
conn buttonshat.s gamepad.a
conn buttonshat.w gamepad.x
conn buttonshat.e gamepad.b


combo multiplexes a single hat input to create four hat outputs. An output is triggered if any of the hats are pressed twice within TapDelay seconds. The first input selects one of the outputs n, s, e and w, the second tells what value it should be set for KeepPushed seconds. The unnamed output will be set for KeepPushed seconds if only one press happens within TapDelay seconds. combo will output cardinal directions only, and requires that the hat is released before moving on.

Stick filters

Stick filters have exactly two inputs and two outputs. Both inputs and outputs are named x and y. A stick filter operates on their values as if they were vectors.


circlesquare converts the x and y axis positions in a circle into vectors on a square. This lets gamepad stick vectors constrained to be within the range less than or equal to one around the center to reach the extreme corner coordinates. That is, an input of x,y=√2,√2 yields x,y=1,1. The optional parameter Factor can be used to reduce the effect of this block: 0 yields output is same as input, 1 (default) yields full effect.

Using this block is not recommended, multiply on the two axes tipically porduce more intuitive behaviour.


circulardeadzone are used for inputs representing movement. Vectors around the centre closer than Threshold will report zero. Output for vectors outside the circle defined by Threshold will have the same direction as the input, with magnitude reduced by Threshold.

Axis filters


deadzone reduces the absolute input value with a constant Threshold, and outputs either zero if the reduced value is negative, or the reduced value with the sign of the input. The output is multiplied by 1/(1-Threshold) so that input of 1 or -1 yields the same output.


offset adds the constant parameter Value to its input.


multiply multiplies the input with constant parameter Factor.


curvature applies the power function with exponent 2 ** Factor to the input, making the input near the center less responsible, thus more precise (Factor: 0 - linear, positive: exponential). The output will have the same sign as the input.


truncate inputs with magniture above Value to be equal to Value. The sign of the input is preserved.


dampen constraints the input to have a maximum change Value per second. In other words its output chases it inputs with a maximum speed of Value.


smooth accumulates input over the specified amount of Time, and yields the average value.


incremental implements a logic where the input is used to adjust an otherwise fixed internal value. The output is adjusted by input multiplied by Speed per second. If Rebound is nonzero, then the output will converge to zero by Rebound per second, if input is zero. If Quickcenter is nonzero, then an input with opposite sign compared to that of the internal value will set the internal value back to zero immediately.

Example config

block input [gamepad]
block output [vjoy]

set Update=1000 TapDelay=200m KeepPushed=250m

# set up bumper as shift
port shift input.lbumper
block plane0 [and [not shift]]
block plane1 [and shift]

block abtn [doublebutton [if plane0 input.buttona off]]

# 11-14: unshifted buttons
conn output.11 abtn
conn output.12 [if plane0 input.buttonb off]
conn output.13 [if plane0 input.buttonx off]
conn output.14 [if plane0 input.buttony off]

# 15-18: shifted buttons
conn output.15 [if plane1 input.buttona off]
conn output.16 [if plane1 input.buttonb off]
conn output.17 [if plane1 input.buttonx off]
conn output.18 [if plane1 input.buttony off]

# 20: fired when A is pressed twice
conn output.20 abtn.double


XBOX compatible gamepad remapper using vJoy and XInput.







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