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Testing Next.js - getServerSideProps & API Routes -

The example of how to testing of getServerSidePorps and API Routes.

Ecosystem Dependencies

1.Set pageExtensions

Set pageExtensions in next.config.js to put the test file on the side of the implementation file.

module.exports = {
  pageExtensions: ["page.tsx", "api.ts"],

The Page implementation file has the extension page.tsx, and the API Route implementation file has the extension api.ts.

2.MSW Handler factory

Leverage MSW for test cases.This example provide handler factory function like below.If you specify the status as an argument, the corresponding error will be returned.

export const createHandler = (status: 200 | 400 = 200) =><Data, { id: string }, Data | Err>(path(), (req, res, ctx) => {
    if (status === 400 || !req.body.title)
      return res(
        ctx.json({ message: "Bad Request", status: 400 })
    return res(ctx.json(req.body));

By providing a handler factory function, API server details are not leaked to the test case.

test("400", async () => {
  // Intercept mock Error
  // some test case

The data fetch function and the handler function that intercepts it are siblings.To summarize this, the existence of an external API server is hidden from the Next.js code and Test code.

├── posts
│   ├── create
│   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   └── mock.ts
│   ├── delete
│   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   └── mock.ts
│   ├── list
│   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   └── mock.ts
│   ├── show
│   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   └── mock.ts
│   └── update
│       ├── index.ts
│       └── mock.ts
└── type.ts

3.Testing getServerSideProps

First, Use the function of node-mocks-http and prepare the context creation function of getServerSideProps.

export const gsspCtx = (
  ctx?: Partial<GetServerSidePropsContext>
): GetServerSidePropsContext => ({
  req: createRequest(),
  res: createResponse(),
  params: undefined,
  query: {},
  resolvedUrl: "",

In testing file, specify that the MSW will be applied to the test case.

const server = setupMockServer(...handlers);

Using the imported getServerSideProps and the Page component file, we can create a test case like this:

test("If the data acquisition is successful, the title will be displayed.", async () => {
  const res = await getServerSideProps(gsspCtx());
  render(<Page {...res.props} />);

test("If data acquisition fails, an error will be displayed", async () => {
  // Intercept mock Error
  const res = await getServerSideProps(gsspCtx());
  render(<Page {...res.props} />);
  expect(screen.getByText("Internal Server Error")).toBeInTheDocument();

Dynamic route testing can be follow with the gsspCtx function. This test prevents the regression caused by renaming path parameters.

test("If the data acquisition is successful, the title will be displayed.", async () => {
  const res = await getServerSideProps(gsspCtx({ query: { id: "123" } }));
  render(<Page {...res.props} />);
  expect(screen.getByText("Post: Lorem ipsum")).toBeInTheDocument();

4.Testing API Routes

We can easily test by use the testApiHandler function of next-test-api-route-handler.

test("201", async () => {
  await testApiHandler({
    url: "/api/posts",
    test: async ({ fetch }) => {
      const res = await fetch(requestInit);
      await expect(res.json()).resolves.toStrictEqual(body);

Like getServerSideProps, MSW handlers utilize factory functions.server.use(createPostHandler(400));

test("400", async () => {
  // Intercept mock Error
  await testApiHandler({
    url: "/api/posts",
    test: async ({ fetch }) => {
      const res = await fetch(requestInit);
      await expect(res.json()).resolves.toStrictEqual({
        message: "Bad Request",