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BLiP plugin template

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BLiP plugin it's a technology-agnostic way to plug unnoficial features to enhance the portal capabilities.

This project aims to give the initial skill needed to develop and build your own plugins.

Other templates

We have other templates available that you may want to to check:

File Structure

Assuming your folder is called blip-plugin-project. Whatever name you choose will replace all occurrences of that string in the project

│   └───📁blip-plugin-project
│       ├───📁templates
│       │   ├───_helpers.tpl
│       │   ├───autoscale.yaml
│       │   ├───deployment.yaml
│       │   ├───ingress.yaml
│       │   ├───NOTES.txt
│       │   ├───secrets.yaml
│       │   └───service.yaml
│       ├───.helmignore
│       ├───Chart.yaml
│       └───values.yaml
│   └───...
│   ├───📁assets
│   │   ├───📁images
│   │   │   └───...
│   │   └───📁styles
│   │        └───app.scss
│   ├───📁components
│   │   └───📁SomeComponent
│   │        ├───SomeComponent.js
│   │        └───index.js
│   ├───📁config
│   │   ├───📁jest
│   │   │   └───fileTransform.js
│   │   ├───📁scripts
│   │   │   └───plugin-config.js
│   │   ├───⚙️appsettings.json
│   │   └───index.js
│   ├───📁constants
│   │   ├───blip-portal-destinations.js
│   │   └───...
│   ├───📁factory
│   │   └───api.js
│   ├───📁hooks
│   │   └───useFetch.js
│   ├───📁pages
│   │   └───📁Home
│   │       ├───📁components
│   │       │   └───📁Header
│   │       │        ├───Header.jsx
│   │       │        └───index.js
│   │       ├───Home.js
│   │       └───index.js
│   ├───📁routes
│   │   ├───Analyticts.js
│   │   ├───index.js
│   │   └───Routes.js
│   ├───📁services
│   │   ├───application-service.js
│   │   └───...
│   ├───📁utils
│   │   └───...
│   ├───App.js
│   └───index.js


npx create-react-app PROJECT_NAME --template blip-plugin


yarn create react-app PROJECT_NAME --template blip-plugin

Note: npx command installs most recent stable version of CRA from npm. --template parameter points to this template, note that cra-template- prefix is omitted.

Access the project folder.


Configure ./charts according your project. Replace PLUGIN_NAME with the correct plugin name.

npm run config:plugin


yarn config:plugin

Then, run the project.

npm start


yarn start

Now just add the plugin to your chatbot and enjoy!

More information

Blip plugin template