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Tools for working with Next.js-based projects in local dev, and build environments using Vercel, Netlify and GitHub. Supports the Penny e-commerce framework.

If you're looking for the full-featured TakeShape CLI you should use @takeshape/cli instead:

$ npm install @takeshape/cli


You should use this package installed in a project and then aliased via npm scripts, or in CI, but it's not intended for global use. You may run into issues if you do.

$ npm install @takeshape/shape-tools --save-dev


This package expects the following variables to be defined in the environment:

  • SHAPE_API_KEY OR TAKESHAPE_API_KEY - A TakeShape API key that can read and write branches. Note, this should be private and not exposed to your users or saved in your repo.

Optional environment variables

  • SHAPE_LOG_LEVEL - info, debug, error
  • SHAPE_DEFAULT_BRANCH - Set an alternate default branch name. Otherwise master and main will both be checked.
  • SHAPE_GITHUB_TOKEN OR GITHUB_TOKEN - Provide a GitHub personal access token for accessing PR information from the GitHub API. Requires access to the repo you're working with and permissions sufficient to list PR issues.
  • SHAPE_ADMIN_URL - Provide an alternate admin url
  • NO_PROMPT_CREATE_BRANCH - Create an API branch, without prompting when the git post-checkout hook fires. By default this is 'false'.
  • NO_PROMPT_PROMOTE_BRANCH - Promote an API branch, without prompting when the git post-merge hook fires. By default this is 'false'.
  • NO_TTY_SHOULD_CREATE_BRANCH - A flag setting the create branch behavior in non-TTY environments, like the VSCode git tools. By default this is 'true'.
  • NO_TTY_SHOULD_PROMOTE_BRANCH - A flag setting the merge branch behavior in non-TTY environments. By default this is 'true'.


You can use the shape binary with the following commands:

  • shape get-branch-url - Get an API branch URL
  • shape post-checkout-hook - Run the git post-checkout hook branch creation prompt
  • shape post-merge-hook - Run the git post-merge hook branch promote prompt
  • shape create-branch - Create a branch using --name or repo lookup
  • shape delete-branch - Delete a branch using --name or repo lookup
  • shape promote-branch - Promote a branch using --name, repo lookup, or the --lookup-pr flag which will search GitHub for a PR that matches the sha. Also supports --lookup-pr which will attempt to find a branch from a merged PR on GitHub, and --nofail which will ensure a clean exit code.
  • shape prepare-env - Prepare various .env files using -example source files in the repo.

Some functions are also exported:

  • setProcessBranchUrl - Set a var on process.env with the branch URL. Defaults to NEXT_PUBLIC_BRANCH_TAKESHAPE_API_URL.


Run npm run release to tag the release. The release will be published when you publish the draft release on GitHub.