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This is a practical example to launch a service on AWS Fargate.


$ aws --version
aws-cli/1.16.193 Python/3.7.3 Darwin/18.6.0 botocore/1.12.183
$ ecs-cli --version
ecs-cli version 1.14.1 (f73f9e3)
$ terraform version
Terraform v0.12.3

Launch services on Fargate

First, create your S3 bucket by AWS CLI to store your tfstate file. You can specify <BUCKET_NAME> as you like.

$ aws --profile dev s3api create-bucket --bucket <BUCKET_NAME> --acl private --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=ap-northeast-1

Then, apply Terraform to create a Fargate cluster. It takes a while to create RDS instance and ElastiCache cluster.

$ cd terraform
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply
  CIDR allowed connecting to resources, like your office's IP

  Enter a value: x.x.x.x/32

  Owner name of resources

  Enter a value:

  Your S3 bucket name

  Enter a value: your-s3-bucket-name

And apply Terraform again to create a PostgreSQL database. It's needed to separate directories to avoid the postgresql provider issue. hashicorp/terraform-provider-postgresql#2

$ cd terraform/postgresql
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply
  RDS root password

  Enter a value: db_root_pasword

  Owner name of resources

  Enter a value:

After that, you need to prepare the file ecs-params.yml. You can use a script to generate the file as bellow. Please note that the script depends on envsubst.

$ ./
ecs-params.yml was generated.

Finally, deploy Redash service to the Fargate cluster. Please set <TARGET_GROUP_ARN> and <OWNER> correctly, the owner tag is just a metadata though.

$ ecs-cli compose --aws-profile dev --cluster dev-fargate --project-name redash service up --launch-type FARGATE --target-group-arn <TARGET_GROUP_ARN> --container-name server --container-port 5000 --tags Owner=<OWNER>

Verify services and monitoring


Destroy resources

If you want to destroy all resources of this example, please follow the steps below.

Delete the Redash service on Fargate cluster by ECS CLI.

$ ecs-cli compose --aws-profile dev --cluster dev-fargate --project-name redash service down

Delete the PostgreSQL database by Terraform. Some error may occur but you can ignore it and remove the state if you also destroy the RDS instance. hashicorp/terraform-provider-postgresql#36

$ cd terraform/postgresql
$ terraform destroy
Error: Error deleting role: pq: permission denied to reassign objects

$ terraform state rm postgresql_role.redash
$ terraform destroy

Destroy the remaining resources by Terraform. It takes a while to delete RDS instance and ElastiCache cluster.

$ cd terraform
$ terraform destroy

Furthermore, if you want to delete the S3 bucket you created, please execute the following command. <BUCKET_URL> is like s3://bucket-name.

$ aws --profile dev s3 rb <BUCKET_URL> --force


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