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The portal web app is an Angular2-based single page web application for managing accounts, devices, and content for the iN2L Focus product.

Library Known Working Version
Node 8.9.1
Angular 2.4.0
Angular CLI 1.0.0-beta.32.3
Angle Bootstrap Theme 3.5.5
Yarn 1.10.0

Angle Theme

To expedite development, a pre-packaged theme was used to build the project. That theme is the Angle theme found on WrapBootstrap.

To see what components are provided by the theme, visit the demo site.

Theme Resource Link
Theme Changelog Visit WrapBootstrap link above and click the "Changelog" button below main screenshot image and above theme description

Environment Setup

You will need node on your development machine for this project and for running scripts on the OlympusVagrant project. If not already installed, its recommended to install Node Version Manager (NVM) first. This allows you to use use multiple versions of node and keeps system directories clean.

We use yarn for package management so npm commands should not be run directly. Please use yarn commands when working with this project.


  1. Install NVM, Node (ex: nvm install 8.9.1)
  2. Globally install the latest version of Angular-Cli (ex: npm install -g @angular/cli)
  3. Install Yarn
  4. Clone this project
  5. Copy the QA config file from the focusconfig repo located at focusconfig/olympusportal/ to olympusportal/src/environments/
  6. Run yarn install to pull down dependencies

Running The Web App From The OlympusPortal Directory

  1. yarn start:qa
  2. Go to http://localhost:4200 to view the site.

Yarn Commands

Command Description
yarn install setup project
- -
yarn start starts up web app in development mode and watches for file changes. Access in browser at http://localhost:4200
yarn start:qa start server using qa environment config
yarn start:stg start server using stg environment config
yarn start:prod start server using prod environment config
yarn start:aot:qa compile app using Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compiler with qa environment settings and start up server
yarn start:aot:stg compile app using Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compiler with stg environment settings and start up server
yarn start:aot:prod compile app using Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compiler with prod environment settings and start up server
yarn build:aot:dev compile app using Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compiler with dev environment settings
yarn build:aot:qa compile app using Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compiler with qa environment settings
yarn build:aot:prod compile app using Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compiler with prod environment settings
- -
yarn s3-policy S3_BUCKET AWS_ACCESS_KEY AWS_SECRET_KEY generate an s3 policy for amazon s3 uploads. After run, create a bucketPolicy property within one of the environment.ts files, set the value of the output above as the value of bucketPolicy
- -
yarn ng run ng (angular-cli) command line tasks
- -
yarn test to execute the unit tests via Karma
yarn e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor. Before running the tests make sure you are serving the app via yarn start. (This has not been setup past what the theme provides)

| | - | - | | yarn lint | run lint |

The End


No description, website, or topics provided.






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