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Releases: talis/blueprint_rb

Add delete nodes and delete assets routes

21 Apr 09:18
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This change adds delete_nodes to the HierarchyApi and delete_assets to the AssetsApi classes.

Add new filter for nodes by asset.type

29 Mar 15:03
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This changes adds a new filter - asset.type to the node API.

Add support for assetNode filters

09 Jan 16:20
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The latest releases of Blueprint allow the option to search for assets that belong to multiple nodes, as well as the option to search nodes with assets that belong to other nodes.

This makes those changes available to the client.

Fix for Nodes include enumeration

02 Nov 19:55
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v.0.5.0 was generated with swagger-codegen 2.2.1 which introduced a bug around where the enumerated array values for HierarchyApi.search_nodes wasn't being validated correctly.

This version was generated with swagger-codegen 2.1.6 and should be functionally identical, with the difference being that it works :)

Redemption Period node properties and Asset Templates

27 Oct 20:20
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This release introduces support for asset templates and deadline and reminder_date properties for redemption_period type Nodes.

Removed AssetAttributes as it was no longer necessary

03 Jun 18:29
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The latest version of the Swagger spec defines everything Asset needed in the Resource definition, so the extra hoop of AssetAttributes was redundant, awkward and unnecessary.

Better handling for Resources in ResultSet.included

03 Jun 16:55
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The Resource objects in the ResultSet included array now should generally be compatible with Node and Asset.

Release 0.3.0

31 May 19:27
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This release includes the ability to fuzzily search for nodes, parents, children, ancestors, and descendants. It also includes node/asset relationships if include=['assets'] is sent.

Release 0.2.0

13 May 08:41
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Changes include:

  • Specify an asset body when sending PUT requests to /version/namespace/assets/type/id
  • Ability to include assets, parent nodes and child nodes in node requests.
  • Use valid_from and valid_to date ranges for nodes.

See #1

First Release

04 May 14:34
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This is the first cut of a generated API client based on the following API: