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Bayesian Analysis in Python (2nd ed.) with Numpyro

After discovering the fantastic rethinking-numpyro project by @fehiepsi, I was inspired to try and do something like that myself. Primarily as a learning activity, this is my attempt at porting @aloctavodia's "Bayesian Analysis in Python" example PyMC3 code to NumPyro

🚧 WIP 🚧

NOTE : This is still a work-in-progress project.

I am still very new to numpyro myself, and therefore welcome comments and suggestions about how best to write idiomatic code and translate things etc. My plan is to translate as much as possible using only jax, arviz, numpyro and seaborn. There are aspects where I could not figure out how to do it, maybe you can help?!


  • Fix Chapters 5, 6, 7
  • Complete port of exercises 3 and 4
  • Complete exercises for chapters 5, 6, 7 & 8
  • Remove unused imports from each notebook


Many many thanks to Du Phan for the foundations of which I have built this from and Osvaldo Martin for the amazing book: Bayesian Data Analysis in Python