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Description of training parameters

Here, we describe the hyperparameters used for setting up training. Please see dreem/training/configs/base.yaml for an example

Note: for using defaults, simply leave the field blank or don't include the key. Using null will initialize the value to None e.g

  d_model: #defaults to 1024 
  nhead: 8


  d_model: null # sets model.d_model=None 
  nhead: 8

This section contains all the parameters for initializing a GTRRunner object

  • ckpt_path: (str) the path to model .ckpt file. Used for resuming training.
  • d_model: (int) the size of the embedding dimensions used for input into the transformer
  • nhead: (int) the number of attention heads used in the transformer's encoder/decoder layers.
  • num_encoder_layers: (int) the number of layers in the transformer encoder block
  • num_decoder_layers: (int) the number of layers in the transformer decoder block
  • dropout: a float the dropout probability used in each transformer layer
  • activation: One of {"relu", "gelu" "glu"}. Which activation function to use in the transformer
  • return_intermediate_dec: (bool) whether or not to return the output from the intermediate decoder layers.
  • norm: (bool) whether or not to normalize output of encoder and decoder.
  • num_layers_attn_head: An int The number of layers in the AttentionHead block.
  • dropout_attn_head: (float) the dropout probability for the AttentionHead block.
  • return_embedding: (bool) whether to return the spatiotemporal embeddings
  • decoder_self_attn: (bool) whether to use self attention in the decoder.

This section contains parameters for initializing the Embedding Layer.

This subsection contains the parameters for initializing a Spatial Embedding.

  • mode: (str) One of {"fixed", "learned", "None"}. Indicates whether to use a fixed sinusoidal, learned, or no embedding.
  • n_points: (int) the number of points that will be embedded.
Fixed Sinusoidal Params
  • temperature: (float) the temperature constant to be used when computing the sinusoidal position embedding
  • normalize: (bool) whether or not to normalize the positions (Only used in fixed embeddings).
  • scale: (float) factor by which to scale the positions after normalizing (Only used in fixed embeddings).
Learned Params:
  • emb_num: (int) the number of embeddings in the self.lookup table (Only used in learned embeddings).
  • over_boxes: (bool) Whether to compute the position embedding for each bbox coordinate (y1x1y2x2) or the centroid + bbox size (yxwh).

This subsection contains MLP hyperparameters for projecting embedding to correct space. Required when n_points > 1, optional otherwise.

  • hidden_dims: (int) The dimensionality of the MLP hidden layers.
  • num_layers: (int) Number of hidden layers.
  • dropout: (float) The dropout probability for each hidden layer.


            n_points: 3 #could also be 1
            mlp_cfg: #cannot be null
                hidden_dims: 256
                num_layers: 3
                dropout: 0.3
With MLP:
            mode: "fixed"
            normalize: true
            temperature: 10000
            scale: null
            n_points: 3 #could also be 1
                hidden_dims: 256
                num_layers: 3
                dropout: 0.3
With no MLP
            mode: "fixed"
            normalize: true
            temperature: 10000
            scale: null
            n_points: 1 #must be 1
            mlp_cfg: null

This subsection contains the parameters for initializing a Temporal Embedding

Fixed Sinusoidal Params
  • temperature: (float) the temperature constant to be used when computing the sinusoidal position embedding
Learned Params:
  • emb_num: (int) the number of embeddings in the lookup table. Note: See dreem.models.Embedding for additional kwargs that can be passed
            mode: "fixed"
            temperature: 10000
Turned Off:
        temp: null


            mode: "off" #null also accepted

embedding_meta Example:

Putting it all together, your embedding_meta section should look something like this

            mode: "fixed"
            normalize: true
            temperature: 10000
            scale: null
            n_points: 3 #could also be 1
                hidden_dims: 256
                num_layers: 3
                dropout: 0.3
            mode: "fixed"
            temperature: 10000

This section contains all the parameters for initializing a VisualEncoder model.

  • model_name: (str) Thhe name of the visual encoder backbone to be used. When using timm as a backend, all models in timm.list_model are available. However, when using torchvision as a backend, only resnets are available for now.
  • backend: (str) Either "timm" or "torchvision". Indicates which deep learning library to use for initializing the visual encoder
  • in_chans: (int) the number of input channels input images contain. Mostly used for multi-anchor crops
  • pretrained: (bool) Whether or not to use a pretrained backbone or initialize from random

Note: For more advanced users, see timm.create_model or torchvision.models.resnet for additional kwargs that can be passed to the visual encoder.


        model_name: "resnet18"
        backend: "timm"
        in_chans: 3
        pretrained: false
        model_name: "resnet32"
        backend: "torchvision"
        in_chans: 3
        pretrained: false

model Example:

Putting it all together your model config section will look something like this

  ckpt_path: null
    model_name: "resnet18"
    backend: "timm"
    in_chans: 3
  d_model: 1024
  nhead: 8
  num_encoder_layers: 1
  num_decoder_layers: 1
  dropout: 0.1
  activation: "relu"
  return_intermediate_dec: False
  norm: False
  num_layers_attn_head: 2
  dropout_attn_head: 0.1
        mode: "fixed"
        normalize: true
        mode: "fixed"
  return_embedding: False
  decoder_self_attn: False

This section contains parameters for the Association Loss function

  • neg_unmatched a bool whether to set unmatched objects to the background
  • epsilon: A small float used for numeric precision to prevent dividing by zero
  • asso_weight: (float) how much to weight the association loss by


    neg_unmatched: false
    epsilon: 1e-8
    asso_weight: 1.0

This section contains the parameters for initializing the training optimizer

  • name: (str) representation of the optimizer.

    See torch.optim for available optimizers.(name must match the optimizer name exactly (case-sensitive)).

Below, we list the arguments we use for Adam which is the optimizer we use and is our default. For more advanced users please see the respective pytorch documentation page for the arguments expected in your requested optimizer.

  • lr: (float) learning rate
  • betas: (tuple[float, float]) coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient and its square
  • eps: (float): term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability
  • weight_decay: (float) weight decay ($L_2$ penalty)


Here we provide a couple examples for different optimizers:

    name: "Adam"
    lr: 0.001
    betas: [0.9, 0.999]
    eps: 1e-8
    weight_decay: 0.01
    name: "SGD" #must match `torch.optim` class name
    lr: 0.001
    momentum: 0.9
    weight_decay: 0.01
    dampening: 1e-8
    nesterov: true

This section contains parameters for initializing the learning rate scheduler.

  • name: (str) Representation of the scheduler.

    See torch.optim.lr_scheduler for available schedulers. name must match the scheduler name exactly (case-sensitive).

Below, we list the arguments we use for ReduceLROnPlateau which is the scheduler we use and is our default. For more advanced users please see the respective pytorch documentation page for the arguments expected in your requested scheduler.

  • mode: (str) One of {"min", "max"}. In min mode, lr will be reduced when the quantity monitored has stopped decreasing; in max mode it will be reduced when the quantity monitored has stopped increasing.
  • factor: (float) Factor by which the learning rate will be reduced. new_lr = lr * factor
  • patience: (int) The number of allowed epochs with no improvement after which the learning rate will be reduced.
  • threshold: (float) Threshold for measuring the new optimum, to only focus on significant changes.
  • threshold_mode: (str) One of {"rel", "abs"}. In rel mode, dynamic_threshold = best * ( 1 + threshold ) in max mode or best * ( 1 - threshold ) in min mode. In abs mode, dynamic_threshold = best + threshold in max mode or best - threshold in min mode.


Here we give a couple examples of configs for different schedulers:

  name: "ReduceLROnPlateau" #must match torch.optim class name
  mode: "min"
  factor: 0.5
  patience: 10
  threshold: 1e-4
  threshold_mode: "rel"
    name: "CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts"
    T_0: 10
    T_mult: 1
    eta_min: 0
    last_epoch: 50
    verbose: True

This section contains parameters for initializing the Tracker

  • window_size: the size of the window used during sliding inference.
  • use_vis_feats: Whether or not to use visual feature extractor.
  • overlap_thresh: the trajectory overlap threshold to be used for assignment.
  • mult_thresh: Whether or not to use weight threshold.
  • decay_time: weight for decay_time postprocessing.
  • iou: Either {None, '', "mult" or "max"}. Whether to use multiplicative or max iou reweighting.
  • max_center_dist: distance threshold for filtering trajectory score matrix.
  • persistent_tracking: whether to keep a buffer across chunks or not.
  • max_gap: the max number of frames a trajectory can be missing before termination.
  • max_tracks: the maximum number of tracks that can be created while tracking. We force the tracker to assign instances to a track instead of creating a new track if max_tracks has been reached.


    window_size: 8
    overlap_thresh: 0.01
    mult_thresh: false
    decay_time: 0.9
    iou: "mult"
    max_center_dist: 0.1

This section contains parameters for how to handle training/validation/testing

This section contains config for which metrics to compute during training/validation/testing. See pymotmetrics.list_metrics for available metrics.

Should have a train, val and test key with corresponding list of metrics to compute during training.


Only computing the loss:
        train: []
        val: []
        test: []
Computing num_switches during validation:
        train: []
        val: ["num_switches"]
        test: []
Computing num_switches and mota during testing:
        train: []
        val: ["num_switches"]
        test: ["num_switches", "mota"]

This section indicates whether or not to track across chunks during training/validation/testing

Should have a train, val and test key with a corresponding bool whether to use persistent tracking. persistent_tracking should almost always be False during training. During validation and testing it may depend on whether you are testing on full videos or subsampled clips


        train: false
        val: false # assuming we validate on a subsample of clips
        test: true # assuming we test on a contiguous video.

This section contains the params for initializing the datasets for training. Requires a train_dataset and optionally val_dataset, test_dataset keys.

  • padding: An int representing the amount of padding to be added to each side of the bounding box size
  • crop_size: (int|tuple) the size of the bounding box around which a crop will form.
  • chunk: Whether or not to chunk videos into smaller clips to feed to model
  • clip_length: the number of frames in each chunk
  • mode: train or val. Determines whether this dataset is used for training or validation.
  • n_chunks: Number of chunks to subsample from. Can either a fraction of the dataset (ie (0,1.0]) or number of chunks
  • seed: set a seed for reproducibility
  • gt_list: An optional path to .txt file containing ground truth for cell tracking challenge datasets.


This section allows you to pass a directory rather than paths to labels/videos individually

  • path: The path to the dir where the data is stored (recommend absolute path)
  • labels_suffix: (str) containing the file extension to search for labels files. e.g. .slp, .csv, or .xml.
  • vid_suffix: (str) containing the file extension to search for video files e.g .mp4, .avi or .tif.
            path: "/path/to/data/dir/mode"
            labels_suffix: ".slp"
            vid_suffix: ".mp4"


This subsection contains params for albumentations. See albumentations for available visual augmentations. Other available augmentations include NodeDropout and InstanceDropout. Keys must match augmentation class name exactly and contain subsections with parameters for the augmentation

        limit: 45
        p: 0.3
        blur_limit: [3,7]
        p: 0.3
  • slp_files: (str) a list of .slp files storing tracking annotations
  • video_files: (str) a list of paths to video files
  • anchors: (str | list | int) One of:
    • a string indicating a single node to center crops around
    • a list of skeleton node names to be used as the center of crops
    • an int indicating the number of anchors to randomly select If unavailable then crop around the midpoint between all visible anchors.
  • handle_missing: how to handle missing single nodes. one of ["drop", "ignore", "centroid"].
    • if drop then we dont include instances which are missing the anchor.
    • if ignore then we use a mask instead of a crop and nan centroids/bboxes.
    • if centroid then we default to the pose centroid as the node to crop around.
  • videos: (list[str | list[str]]) paths to raw microscopy videos
  • tracks: (list[str]) paths to trackmate gt labels (either .xml or .csv)
  • source: file format of gt labels based on label generator. Either "trackmate" or "isbi".
  • raw_images: (list[list[str] | list[list[str]]]) paths to raw microscopy images
  • gt_images: (list[list[str] | list[list[str]]]) paths to gt label images
  • gt_list: (list[str]) An optional path to .txt file containing gt ids stored in cell tracking challenge format: "track_id", "start_frame", "end_frame", "parent_id"

dataset Examples

        slp_files: ["/path/to/train/labels1.slp", "/path/to/train/labels2.slp", ..., "/path/to/train/labelsN.slp"]
        video_files: ["/path/to/train/video1.mp4", "/path/to/train/video2.mp4", ..., "/path/to/train/videoN.mp4"]
        padding: 5
        crop_size: 128 
        chunk: True
        clip_length: 32
        anchors: ["node1", "node2", ..."node_n"]
        handle_missing: "drop"
                limit: 45
                p: 0.3
                blur_limit: [3,7]
                p: 0.3
        slp_files: ["/path/to/val/labels1.slp", "/path/to/val/labels2.slp", ..., "/path/to/val/labelsN.slp"]
        video_files: ["/path/to/val/video1.mp4", "/path/to/val/video2.mp4", ..., "/path/to/val/videoN.mp4"]
        padding: 5
        crop_size: 128 
        chunk: True
        clip_length: 32
        anchors: ["node1", "node2", ..."node_n"]
        handle_missing: "drop"
        ... # we don't include augmentations bc usually you shouldnt use augmentations during val/test
        slp_files: ["/path/to/test/labels1.slp", "/path/to/test/labels2.slp", ..., "/path/to/test/labelsN.slp"]
        video_files: ["/path/to/test/video1.mp4", "/path/to/test/video2.mp4", ..., "/path/to/test/videoN.mp4"]
        padding: 5
        crop_size: 128 
        chunk: True
        clip_length: 32
        anchors: ["node1", "node2", ..."node_n"]
        handle_missing: "drop"
        ... # we don't include augmentations bc usually you shouldnt use augmentations during val/test
        tracks: ["/path/to/train/labels1.csv", "/path/to/train/labels2.csv", ..., "/path/to/train/labelsN.csv"]
        videos: ["/path/to/train/video1.tiff", "/path/to/train/video2.tiff", ..., "/path/to/train/videoN.tiff"]
        source: "trackmate"
        padding: 5
        crop_size: 128 
        chunk: True
        clip_length: 32
                limit: 45
                p: 0.3
                blur_limit: [3,7]
                p: 0.3
        tracks: ["/path/to/val/labels1.csv", "/path/to/val/labels2.csv", ..., "/path/to/val/labelsN.csv"]
        video: ["/path/to/val/video1.tiff", "/path/to/val/video2.tiff", ..., "/path/to/val/videoN.tiff"]
        source: "trackmate"
        padding: 5
        crop_size: 128 
        chunk: True
        clip_length: 32
        ... # we don't include augmentations bc usually you shouldnt use augmentations during val/test
        tracks: ["/path/to/test/labels1.csv", "/path/to/test/labels2.csv", ..., "/path/to/test/labelsN.csv"]
        videos: ["/path/to/test/video1.tiff", "/path/to/test/video2.tiff", ..., "/path/to/test/videoN.tiff"]
        source: "trackmate"
        padding: 5
        crop_size: 128 
        chunk: True
        clip_length: 32
        ... # we don't include augmentations bc usually you shouldnt use augmentations during val/test

This section outlines the params needed for the dataloader. Should have a train_dataloader and optionally val_dataloader/test_dataloader keys.

Below we list the args we found useful/necessary for the dataloaders. For more advanced users see for more ways to initialize the dataloaders

  • shuffle: (bool) Set to True to have the data reshuffled at every epoch (during training, this should always be True and during val/test usually False)
  • num_workers: (int) How many subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process.


        shuffle: true
        num_workers: 4
    val_dataloader: # we leave out the `shuffle` field as default=`False` which is what we want
        num_workers: 4
    test_dataloader: # we leave out the `shuffle` field as default=`False` which is what we want
        num_workers: 4

This section sets up logging for the training job.

  • logger_type: (str) Which logger to use. Available loggers are {"CSVLogger", "TensorBoardLogger","WandbLogger"}

Below we list the arguments we found useful for the WandbLogger as this is the logger we use and recommend. Please see the documentation for the corresponding logger at lightning.loggers for respective available parameters.

  • name: (str) A short display name for this run, which is how you'll identify this run in the UI.
  • save_dir: (str) An absolute path to a directory where metadata will be stored.
  • version: (str) A unique ID for this run, used for resuming. It must be unique in the project, and if you delete a run you can't reuse the ID.
  • project: (str) The name of the project where you're sending the new run.
  • log_model: (str) Log checkpoints created by ModelCheckpoint as W&B artifacts
  • group: (str) Specify a group to organize individual runs into a larger experiment
  • entity: (str) An entity is a username or team name where you're sending runs
  • notes: (str) A longer description of the run, like a -m commit message in git.

See wandb.init() and WandbLogger for more fine-grained config args.


Here we provide a couple examples for different available loggers

  logger_type: "WandbLogger"
  name: "example_train"
  entity: "example_user"
  job_type: "train"
  notes: "Example train job"
  dir: "./logs"
  group: "example"
  save_dir: './logs'
  project: "GTR"
  log_model: "all"
    save_dir: "./logs"
    name: "example_train.csv"
    version: 1
    flush_logs_every_n_steps: 1

This section configures early stopping for training runs.

Below we provide descriptions of the arguments we found useful for EarlyStopping. For advanced users, see `lightning.callbacks.EarlyStopping for available arguments for more fine grained control

  • monitor (str): quantity to be monitored.
  • min_delta (float): minimum change in the monitored quantity to qualify as an improvement, i.e. an absolute change of less than or equal to min_delta, will count as no improvement.
  • patience (int): number of checks with no improvement after which training will be stopped.
  • mode (str): one of 'min', 'max'. In 'min' mode, training will stop when the quantity monitored has stopped decreasing and in 'max' mode it will stop when the quantity monitored has stopped increasing.
  • check_finite (bool): When set True, stops training when the monitor becomes NaN or infinite.
  • stopping_threshold (float): Stop training immediately once the monitored quantity reaches this threshold.
  • divergence_threshold (float): Stop training as soon as the monitored quantity becomes worse than this threshold.


  monitor: "val_loss"
  min_delta: 0.1
  patience: 10
  mode: "min"
  check_finite: true
  stopping_threshold: 1e-8
  divergence_threshold: 30

This section enables model checkpointing during training

  • monitor: A list of metrics to save best models for. Usually should be "val_{METRIC}" notation.

    Note: We initialize a separate ModelCheckpoint for each metric to monitor. This means that you'll save at least $|monitor|$ checkpoints at the end of training.

Below we describe the arguments we found useful for checkpointing. For more fine grained control see lightning.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint for available checkpointing params and generally more info on how lightning sets up checkpoints

  • dirpath: (str) Directory to save the models. If left empty then we first try to save to ./models/[GROUP]/[NAME] or ./models/[NAME] if logger is wandb otherwise we just save to ./models
  • save_last: (bool): When True, saves a last.ckpt copy whenever a checkpoint file gets saved. Can be set to 'link' on a local filesystem to create a symbolic link. This allows accessing the latest checkpoint in a deterministic manner.
  • save_top_k: (int): if save_top_k == k, the best k models according to the quantity monitored will be saved. if save_top_k == 0, no models are saved. if save_top_k == -1, all models are saved. (Recommend -1)
  • every_n_epochs: (int) Number of epochs between checkpoints. This value must be None or non-negative. To disable saving top-k checkpoints, set every_n_epochs = 0. This argument does not impact the saving of save_last=True checkpoints.


    monitor: ["val_loss", "val_num_switches"] #saves a model for best validation loss and a model for best validation switch count separately
    dirpath: "./models/example_run"
    save_last: true # will always save the best run
    save_top_k: -1
    every_n_epochs: 10 # saves the every 10th model regardless of if its the best.

This section configures the lightning.Trainer object for training.

Below we describe the arguments we found useful for the Trainer. If you're an advanced user, Please see lightning.Trainer( for more fine grained control and how the trainer works in general

  • accelerator: (str) Supports passing different accelerator types (“cpu”, “gpu”, “tpu”, “ipu”, “hpu”, “mps”, “auto”) as well as custom accelerator instances.
  • strategy: (str) Supports different training strategies with aliases as well custom strategies
  • devices: (list[int] | str| int)`The devices to use. Can be set to:
    • a positive number (int | str)
    • a sequence of device indices (list | str),
    • the value -1 to indicate all available devices should be used
    • "auto" for automatic selection based on the chosen accelerator
  • fast_dev_run: (int | bool) Runs n (if set to n (int)) else 1 (if set to True) batch(es) of train, val and test to find any bugs (ie: a sort of unit test).
  • check_val_every_n_epoch: (int) Perform a validation loop every after every N training epochs
  • enable_checkpointing: (bool) If True, enable checkpointing. It will configure a default ModelCheckpoint callback if there is no user-defined ModelCheckpoint in callbacks.
  • gradient_clip_val: (float) The value at which to clip gradients
  • limit_train_batches: (int | float) How much of training dataset to check (float = fraction, int = num_batches) (mostly for debugging)
  • limit_test_batches: (int | float) How much of test dataset to check (float = fraction, int = num_batches). (mostly for debugging)
  • limit_val_batches: (int | float) How much of validation dataset to check (float = fraction, int = num_batches) (mostly for debugging)
  • limit_predict_batches: (int | float) How much of prediction dataset to check (float = fraction, int = num_batches)
  • log_every_n_steps: (int) How often to log within steps
  • max_epochs: (int) Stop training once this number of epochs is reached. To enable infinite training, set max_epochs = -1.
  • min_epochs: (int) Force training for at least these many epochs


  check_val_every_n_epoch: 1
  enable_checkpointing: true
  gradient_clip_val: null
  limit_train_batches: 1.0
  limit_test_batches: 1.0
  limit_val_batches: 1.0
  log_every_n_steps: 1
  max_epochs: 100
  min_epochs: 10

This section allows you to visualize the data before training

  • enable: (bool) whether or not to view a batch
  • num_frames: (int) The number of frames in the batch to visualize
  • no_train: (bool) whether or not to train after visualization is complete



  enable: False
  num_frames: 0 #this arg can be anything
  no_train: False #This can be false

On, no training:

  enable: False
  num_frames: 32 #this arg can be anything
  no_train: True #training will not occur

On, with training:

  enable: False
  num_frames: 32 #this arg can be anything
  no_train: True #training will not occur