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DVC Recorder

Making DVC a little more DRY

I love DVC and when using it I found that I had to repeat myself more often than I'd like. Parameter names and file names often appeared in two or three different places, in code and in config files. Let's DRY up DVC and give it a single source of truth.


Make sure you have virtualenv and then

git clone
cd dvcrecord
make env


We'll pick up where the tutorial on data pipelines left off. Since the point of this exercise is not to show off DVC's nifty large dataset handling abilities, we'll use a very truncated data.xml that's part of this repository. Below is a snippet of

#<A bunch of imports> 

# =============================
#load your params, input, and output files
params = yaml.safe_load(open('params.yaml'))['prepare']

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    sys.stderr.write("Arguments error. Usage:\n")
    sys.stderr.write("\tpython data-file\n")

# Test data set split ratio
split = params['split']

input = sys.argv[1]
output_train = os.path.join('data', 'prepared', 'train.tsv')
output_test = os.path.join('data', 'prepared', 'test.tsv')

def process_posts(fd_in, fd_out_train, fd_out_test, target_tag):
    # << function logic goes here.  I skipped it >>

## read and write files
os.makedirs(os.path.join('data', 'prepared'), exist_ok=True)

with, encoding='utf8') as fd_in:
    with, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fd_out_train:
        with, 'w', encoding='utf8') as fd_out_test:
            process_posts(fd_in, fd_out_train, fd_out_test, '<python>')

Which if you run with the command

dvc run -n prepare \
          -p prepare.seed,prepare.split \
          -d src/ -d data/data.xml \
          -o data/prepared \
          python src/ data/data.xml

will yield the dvc.yaml file

    cmd: python src/ data/data.xml
    - data/data.xml
    - src/
    - prepare.seed
    - prepare.split
    - data/prepared

There's a lot of repetition there. The single source of truth for which parameters you need is your python source code file. You have to repeat that information in the dvc run command, which then gets logged in the dvc.yaml file. Similarly with the output folder, the path appears both in code and again in the command line argument. Let's try to clean that up a bit.

Copy to a new file we'll call and let's edit the new file. We'll introduce a tiny bit of machinery to manage this stage of the pipeline.

from dvcrecord import PipelineStage
stage = PipelineStage('prepare')

That object will help us load our parameters

split = stage.params.load('prepare.split')

We can load the input_file straight from the command line argument.

input_file = stage.deps.from_cli()[0]

And we register our output folder.

output_folder = stage.outputs.register('data', 'prepared')
output_test = os.path.join(output_folder, 'test.tsv')
output_train = os.path.join(output_folder, 'train.tsv')

That's it. Now we don't have to repeat outselves in the dvc run command. Instead you can just run it like a normal python program, with a few special command line arguments. Specify the dependent file directly with the flag --dvc_dep. Specify that you'd like the output sent to a dvc.yaml file with --dvc_record.

>> python --dvc_dep data/data.xml --dvc_record

It automatically knows that your code is dependent on the original source file (the one being run in the command line) as well as any paramater files you've used.