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Tiny utility to mount Vue 3 apps into existing markup. Supports passing props via HTML attributes, without using the template compiler.

This is useful when using Vue to augment a traditional server-side application, like WordPress.

Getting Started

Simply install via NPM, or your favourite package manager:

npm i vue-hump

Then import the ES module:

import { mountAll } from 'vue-hump';


Simple Example

We can mount a fictional component LikeCounter to all .like-counter elements:

<div class="like-counter"></div>
import { mountAll } from 'vue-hump';
import LikeCounter from 'LikeCounter.vue';

mountAll(LikeCounter, '.like-counter');

Passing Props via data-*

We could pass an ID or any number of other properties to our fictional LikeCounter. All we need to do is set a data-* attribute on the element, and the prop will be available to Vue:

<div class='like-counter' data-content-id='500'></div>

contentId is now available as a prop in the component.

Passing JSON objects as props via data-*:json

We can also pass a JSON object as a data-* prop, by using the special syntax :json:

<div class='like-counter' data-my-object:json='{"foo": "bar"}'></div>

myObject is now available as a prop in the component, and is an object.

Accessing inner HTML content

Inner html content is automatically exposed as the inner property.

<div class="like-counter">This text will be available as a string on the `inner` prop!</div>

Loading Vue plugins

You can pass an array of plugins as an optional last parameter to any of the mount functions:

import { mountAll } from 'vue-hump';
import MyPlugin from 'my-plugin';
import LikeCounter from 'LikeCounter.vue';

mountAll(LikeCounter, '.like-counter', MyPlugin);

... Or pass plugin options via a nested array:

import { mountAll } from 'vue-hump';
import MyPlugin from 'my-plugin';
import LikeCounter from 'LikeCounter.vue';

mountAll(LikeCounter, '.like-counter', [[MyPlugin, {myOption: true, otherOption: false}]);

... Or multiple plugins (with or without options!)

import { mountAll } from 'vue-hump';
import MyPlugin from 'my-plugin';
import MyOtherPlugin from 'my-other-plugin';
import LikeCounter from 'LikeCounter.vue';

mountAll(LikeCounter, '.like-counter', [MyOtherPlugin, [MyPlugin, {myOption: true, otherOption: false}]);



Mounts a Vue component to all elements matching a selector.

function mountAll(component: Component, selector: string, uses: Plugin[] | Plugin = []): Component[]

component: Component

Your Vue component object.

selector: string

A DOM selector string to target elements. If more than one match is found, a new instance will be created for each.

uses: Plugin[] | Plugin = []

A single Vue plugin, or array of Vue plugin objects. If you need to pass options to the plugins, you can use a nested array. For example: [[MyPlugin, {myOption: true, otherOption: false}], MyOtherPlugin, ...]


Mounts a Vue component to a single HTML element.

function mountElement(component: Component, el: HTMLElement, uses: Plugin[] | Plugin = []): Component

component: Component

Your Vue component object.

el: HTMLElement

Your HTMLElement to mount the component to.

uses: Plugin[] | Plugin = []

A single Vue plugin, or array of Vue plugin objects. If you need to pass options to the plugins, you can use a nested array. For example: [[MyPlugin, {myOption: true, otherOption: false}], MyOtherPlugin, ...]


Mount Vue 3 apps into existing markup easily. Pass props with data attributes, and use inner HTML content without using the template compiler.








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