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A DICOM File Viewer

Imbera Library Usage

In the Diagnostic app the dicom file viewer, the Imebra library will be used on the native Java side to read and process DICOM files. Here's a brief description of how the Imebra library will be used in the app:

The Flutter app will use the file_picker plugin to allow the user to select a DICOM file.

Once the user has selected one or more files, the Flutter app will call a native Java method using a MethodChannel.

In the native Java code, the selected DICOM file will be read and processed using the Imebra library.

The processed DICOM data will be passed back to the Flutter app using a MethodChannel.

The Flutter app will use the processed DICOM data to display the DICOM images to the user.

The Imebra library provides a set of Java classes that allow reading and processing of DICOM files. These classes include DataSet, StreamReader, Image,

CodecFactory, and many others. Using these classes, you can read the DICOM data from a file, extract the relevant information (such as image dimensions, pixel data, and metadata), and convert the pixel data to a format that can be displayed by the Flutter app.

The Imebra library also provides support for various DICOM transfer syntaxes and pixel data encodings, as well as a range of DICOM image processing and manipulation operations. This makes it a powerful tool for working with DICOM data in a variety of medical imaging applications, including the DICOM viewer app.

Processing Native Code Using Method Channel

A MethodChannel is a communication channel in Flutter that facilitates bi-directional communication between the Flutter code and the native platform code (such as Android or iOS). It enables the exchange of messages and method calls between Flutter and the native platform, allowing them to communicate and interact with each other.

Using a MethodChannel, you can define methods on both the Flutter and native platform sides. These methods can be invoked from one side to the other, allowing you to call platform-specific code or access native APIs that are not directly available in Flutter.

The MethodChannel acts as a bridge between Flutter and the native platform, ensuring seamless communication and data exchange. It provides a way to trigger platform-specific functionality, pass arguments between Flutter and the native code, and receive responses or results back.

By utilizing the MethodChannel, Flutter apps can leverage the capabilities of the underlying platform, access device-specific features, and integrate with existing native code or libraries. It is a crucial mechanism for bridging the gap between Flutter's cross-platform framework and the platform-specific functionality of the host platform.


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