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Email Configuration.

TS Tamarai Selvan edited this page Mar 20, 2023 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Base Django project Setup wiki!

In this wiki, we are going to see about the configuration needed to send out email in the project. I am using SMTP as Gmail.

Note: TO do this configuration that Gmail account should be having Two-factor authentication Enabled

Step 1: Go to your Manage Google account Manage Google account
Step 2: Go to the above search bar and type app passwords (If you have enabled Two-factor Enabled, this option will be available)
Step 3: Choose Select app and Select device as Web application and click generate.
Step 4: It will give you a password, copy that to your clipboard.
Step 5: navigate to in the project, scroll down to Email Configuration section.
Step 6: Enter the following:

EMAIL_HOST_USER : < your Gmail ID >
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD : < Paste the copied app password >

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