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A light-weight code generation library that helps reducing boilerplate code when working with relations in Room


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A light-weight code generation library that helps reducing boilerplate code when working with relations in Room


A Compound is a simple data class holding two or more entities, or even other compounds, and defining a relationship between them.

For example, we have a User model in our domain, that contains some other models such as Avatar, Banner... etc

The equivalent of User in our data layer will be UserCompound, containing an embedded UserEntity, and defining a relationship with AvatarEntity and BannerEntity.

Compound is not a very common name for objects, but still better than the traditional naming used amoung android developers when working with relations in room, such as UserWithAvatarAndBanner. Extending our user will be so painful the more we add more relations.


build.gradle (project level)

This library is available on mavenCentral, so make sure to add this repository:

buildscript {
    repositories {

Also, we need to add ksp plugin, since it is used for annotation processing:

plugins {
    id("") version "$ksp_version"

Check build.gradle of this library for the compatible version of ksp here

build.gradle (module level)

In our gradle script of our library or application, we need to apply ksp plugin:

plugins {

Then we add the required dependencies:

dependencies {

Check release notes for the latest version at here


The usage is very simple, just create a Compound data class with the required entities and other compounds, then annotate it with @Compound annotation:

data class MainCompound(
    val mainEntity: MainEntity,

        parentColumn = "name",
        entityColumn = "name",
        associateBy = Junction(
            value = MainSecondJunction::class,
            parentColumn = "mainId",
            entityColumn = "secondId"
    val secondaryCompounds: List<SecondCompound>?,

        parentColumn = "name",
        entityColumn = "name",
        associateBy = Junction(
            value = MainSecondJunction::class,
            parentColumn = "mainId",
            entityColumn = "secondId"
    val secondaryEntities: List<SecondEntity>?,

        parentColumn = "name",
        entityColumn = "name"
    val secondaryCompound: SecondCompound?

After a successful build, a dao will be generated, we need to add it to our ApplicationDatabase:

    entities = [
    version = 1,
    exportSchema = false
abstract class MainDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
    abstract val mainCompoundDao: IMainCompoundDao
    abstract val secondCompoundDao: ISecondCompoundDao
    abstract val thirdCompoundDao: IThirdCompoundDao
    abstract val mainCompound: MainCompound

Note that since room allows us to implement other daos, we can actually have IMainDao implement IMainCompoundDao so we can add more methods, and still have our generated ones.

Using this dao would look like this:

        val secondEntity = SecondEntity("mainEntity", "1/2/3")
        val forthEntity = ForthEntity("forthEntity", "1/2/3/4")
        val thirdEntity = ThirdEntity("thirdEntity", "1/2/3")
        val thirdCompound = ThirdCompound(thirdEntity, listOf(secondEntity), listOf(forthEntity))

        val secondCompound = SecondCompound(

        val mainEntity = MainEntity("mainEntity", "1/2/3")
        val mainCompound = MainCompound(mainEntity, listOf(secondCompound), listOf(secondEntity), secondCompound)

Please check the sample app for more information here


You can customize the generated code by defining these rules in your build.gradle (module level)

ksp {
    // Dao's methods will be suspended
    arg("suspendDao", "true")
    // Add "I" as a prefix to dao's interface
    arg("useDaoPrefix", "true")
    // Add "Dao" postfix to dao's interface
    arg("useDaoPostfix", "true")

More settings will be supported in the future


Apache License 2.0 A permissive license whose main conditions require preservation of copyright and license notices. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code.

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