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Compares the two sequences well and outputs the difference. Improves text comparison in GUI-less environments.



pip install uxdiff



1. Beautiful is better than ugly.
2. Explicit is better than implicit.
3. Simple is better than complex.
4. Complex is better than complicated.


1. Beautiful is better than ugly.
3.   Simple is better than complex.
4. Complicated is better than complex.
5. Flat is better than nested.


uxdiff text1.txt text2.txt --color never
--- text1.txt (utf-8)
+++ text2.txt (utf-8)
     1      1|     1. Beautiful is better than ugly.
     2       | -   2. Explicit is better than implicit.
     3       | -   3. Simple is better than complex.
     4       | -   4. Complex is better than complicated.
            2| +   3.   Simple is better than complex.
            3| +   4. Complicated is better than complex.
            4| +   5. Flat is better than nested.

[     ]      |    ++                                
[ <-  ]     3|  3.   Simple is better than complex. 
[  -> ]     2|  3.   Simple is better than complex. 

[     ]      |          ++++ !                     ---- !  
[ <-  ]     4|  4. Compl    ex is better than complicated. 
[  -> ]     3|  4. Complicated is better than compl    ex.

supported multi-byte string. set the encoding with an argument if you need.

See more examples


usage: uxdiff [-h] [--version] [-y] [-f] [-c NUM] [-w WIDTH] [-r]
              [--linejunk LINEJUNK] [--charjunk CHARJUNK] [--cutoff RATIO]
              [--fuzzy RATIO] [--cutoffchar] [--enc-file1 ENCODING]
              [--enc-file2 ENCODING] [--enc-stdin ENCODING]
              [--enc-stdout ENCODING] [--enc-filepath ENCODING]
              [--ignore-crlf] [--color [WHEN]] [--no-color] [--withbg]
              [file_or_dir_1] [file_or_dir_2]

positional arguments:
  file_or_dir_1         file or dir 1
  file_or_dir_2         file or dir 2

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -y, -s, --side-by-side
                        output in two columns
  -f, --full            Fulltext diff (default False) (disable context option)
  -c NUM, --context NUM
                        Set number of context lines (default 5)
  -w WIDTH, --width WIDTH
                        Set number of width (default auto(or 130))
  -r, --recursive       Recursively compare any subdirectories found. (default
                        False) (enable only compare directories)
  --linejunk LINEJUNK   linejunk
  --charjunk CHARJUNK   charjunk
  --cutoff RATIO        Set number of cutoff ratio (default 0.75)
  --fuzzy RATIO         Set number of fuzzy matching ratio (default 0.0)
  --cutoffchar          Cutoff character in line diffs (default False)
  --enc-file1 ENCODING  Set encoding of leftside inputfile1 (default utf-8)
  --enc-file2 ENCODING  Set encoding of rightside inputfile2 (default utf-8)
  --enc-stdin ENCODING  Set encoding of standard input (default
  --enc-stdout ENCODING
                        Set encoding of standard output (default
  --enc-filepath ENCODING
                        Set encoding of filepath (default `defaultencoding`)
  --ignore-crlf         Ignore carriage return ('\r') and line feed ('\n')
                        (default False)
  --color [WHEN]        Show colored diff. --color is the same as
                        --color=always. WHEN can be one of always, never, or
                        auto. (default auto)
  --no-color            Turn off colored diff. override color option if both.
                        (default False)
  --withbg              Colored diff with background color. It will be ignored
                        if no-color option. (default False)


The MIT License (MIT)

Module interface

Compare two text files or directories (or sequences); generate the differences.

Environment Diff Representation target of the intended compare
ANSI terminal ANSI escape code (color) two text files or directories
Jupyter HTML Table two sequences of hashable objects

uxdiff.tabulate(diffs, truncate=None)

Output the detected difference as an HTML table (for Jupyter).

class uxdiff.Differ(linejunk=None, charjunk=None, cutoff=0.75, fuzzy=0.0, cutoffchar=False, context=3)

Differ is a class for comparing sequences.

Differ uses SequenceMatcher both to compare sequences.

compare(seq1, seq2)

Compare two sequences; return a generator of differences.

Requirement is

  • both sequences must be iterable (no generator).
  • items in a sequence must be (recursively) hashable.

If the items of a sequences are iterable, detect similar ones as needed.

  • Examples of hashable and iterable object (containing only hashable objects)
    • string
    • bytes
    • tuple
    • namedtuple (e.g., using pandas.DataFrame.itertuples())


>>> import pprint >>> >>> pprint.pprint(list(Differ().compare([ ... 1, 2, 3, (4, 5), 6, 7, 8 ... ], [ ... 1, 2, 33, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ... ]))) [True, ((' ', 0, 1, 0, 1), None), ((' ', 1, 2, 1, 2), None), False, True, (('', 3, (4, 5), 3, 4), None), (('>', None, None, 4, 5), None), False, True, ((' ', 4, 6, 5, 6), None), ((' ', 5, 7, 6, 7), None), ((' ', 6, 8, 7, 8), None), False] >>> >>> text1 = '''one ... two ... three ... '''.splitlines(1) >>> >>> text2 = '''ore ... tree ... emu ... '''.splitlines(1) >>> >>> pprint.pprint(list(Differ().compare(text1, text2)), width=100) [True, (('>', None, None, 0, 'oren'), None), (('<', 0, 'onen', None, None), None), (('<', 1, 'twon', None, None), None), (('', 0, 'onen', 0, 'oren'), [(' ', 'o', 'o'), ('!', 'n', 'r'), (' ', 'en', 'en')]), (('', 2, 'threen', 2, 'emun'), [('-', 'thr', None), (' ', 'e', 'e'), ('!', 'e', 'mu'), (' ', 'n', 'n')]), False] >>> >>> text1 = ''' 1. Beautiful is better than ugly. ... 2. Explicit is better than implicit. ... 3. Simple is better than complex. ... 4. Complex is better than complicated. ... '''.splitlines(1) >>> >>> text2 = ''' 1. Beautiful is better than ugly. ... 3. Simple is better than complex. ... 4. Complicated is better than complex. ... 5. Flat is better than nested. ... '''.splitlines(1) >>> >>> diff = Differ().compare(text1, text2) >>> pprint.pprint(list(diff), width=120) [True, ((' ', 0, ' 1. Beautiful is better than ugly.n', 0, ' 1. Beautiful is better than ugly.n'), None), False, True, (('<', 1, ' 2. Explicit is better than implicit.n', None, None), None), (('', 3, ' 4. Complex is better than complicated.n', 2, ' 4. Complicated is better than complex.n'), [(' ', ' 4. Compl', ' 4. Compl'), ('+', None, 'icat'), (' ', 'e', 'e'), ('!', 'x', 'd'), (' ', ' is better than compl', ' is better than compl'), ('-', 'icat', None), (' ', 'e', 'e'), ('!', 'd', 'x'), (' ', '.n', '.n')]), (('>', None, None, 3, ' 5. Flat is better than nested.n'), None), False]

Yields Meaning
True begin of a group of diff
False end of a group of diff
None omitted matches beyond the number of contexts
Tuple ((Code, Index1 | None, Item1 | None, Index2 | None, Item2 | None), InlineDiff | None)
Code Meaning
“<” unique to sequence 1
“>” unique to sequence 2
“ “ common to both sequences
“|” different to both sequences
InlineDiff Meaning
None There is no InlineDiff (Code is not “|” or items are not iterable)
List [(InlineCode, SlicedItem1 | None, SlicedItem2 | None), … ]
InlineCode Meaning
“-” unique to inline sequence 1 (item of sequence 1)
“+” unique to inline sequence 2 (item of sequence 2)
“ “ common to both inline sequences (item of sequences)
“!” different to both inline sequences (item of sequences)

class uxdiff.LikeUnifiedDiffer(*args,kwargs)**

pretty_compare(lines1, lines2, width=130, withcolor=False, withbg=False, offset1=0, offset2=0)

Compare two sequences of string; return a generator of pretty difference representations.

class uxdiff.SideBySideDiffer(*args,kwargs)**

pretty_compare(lines1, lines2, width=130, withcolor=False, withbg=False, offset1=0, offset2=0)

Compare two sequences of string; return a generator of pretty difference representations.


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