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A simple API for using bower via grunt

Getting Started

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-simple-bower --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


Alternatively, install task-master and let it manage this for you.

The "bower" task

This plugin uses the simple-cli interface, so any of the options avaiable there will work with this plugin. A summary of the more salient points are included below.


The bower task is a multi-task, where the target is (usually) the bower command to run. Options to bower can be supplied in the options object, and there are various options supported by the library itself which must be under options.simple. In general, the target is the bower command to run and anything inside options.simple.args will be added as arguments. If you need more than one target that runs the same bower command, you can set options.simple.cmd to the bower command and name that task target whatever you want. Simple-cli actually does a wide variety of things, so rather than duplicating the documentation for that here, please refer to that (very thorough and example-filled) documentation.


  bower: {
    link: {}, // Runs "bower link"
    list: {}, // Runs "bower list"
    listJson: { // Runs "bower list --json"
      cmd: 'list',
      options: {
        json: true
    info: { // Runs "bower info angular -V --no-color"
      args: ['angular']
      options: {
        V: true,
        noColor: true
     * Perhaps a more useful command...
     * With this you can install a module by running "grunt bower:install --component lodash"
     * or by running "grunt.config.set('component', 'lodash')" in a previous task. Or simply
     * run "grunt bower:install" and you will be prompted for a component
    install: {
      args: ['{{ component }}']


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